Updated 17 April 2020
Improving care for women during pregnancy and around the time of childbirth to prevent and treat pre-eclampsia and eclampsia is a necessary step towards the achievement of the health targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Efforts to prevent and reduce morbidity a...nd mortality due to these conditions can help address the profound inequities in maternal and perinatal health globally. To achieve this, healthcare providers, health managers, policy makers and other stakeholders need up-to-date and evidence-informed recommendations to guide clinical policies and practices.
How can fish help reduce malnutrition?
Small fish, eaten whole, with organs and bones are particulary rich in calcium and some are also rich in Vitamin A, iron and zinc. These nutrients in fish are more effectively absorbed by the body than those from plant-source food.
p. 1 English
p.... 2 Burmese
Guide pratique d’utilisation à l'usage des médecins, pharmaciens, infirmiers et auxiliaires de santé.
Information for health Workers in West Africa
Review Article:
The American Journal of the Medical Sciences 2011;341(6):493–498.]
short information/patient handout on coronary heart disease, on this homepage available in:
arabic, english, german, french, russian, spanish & turkish
ext. Homepage, accessed 2018/04/16
. MSF Essential Drugs Guidelines دليل عملي موجه للأطباء والصيادلة والممرضين والمساعدين الطبيين