Circumcision – consultative review of additional information, 12 August 2016
21 September 2016
In many countries neonatal tetanus is responsible for half of all neonatal deaths due to vaccine-preventable diseases and for almost 14% of al¡ infant deaths. It is estimated that in the 1970s more than 10,000 newborns died annually from neonatal tetanus in the Americas. Neonatal tetanus is prevent...ed by immunization and/or assuring clean delivery and post-delivery practices.
Vaksen Td
Sa Ou Bezwen Konnen
Neonatal tetanus (NT), a severe newborn illness from the toxigenic strains of Clostridium tetani, persists in middle- and low-income countries due to non-sterile childbirth practices. Unlike smallpox and polio, tetanus cannot be eradicated: Clostridium tetani spores exist in the environment, and ani...mal reservoirs. However, elimination as a public health issue is achievable through widespread tetanus vaccination, clean deliveries, and proper umbilical cord care. The goal of eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) as a public health problem is considered met when all municipalities in a country have an annual incidence rate of NT of less than 1 case per 1000 live births. The Region of the Americas achieved the maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) target in 2017 when elimination was validated in the Republic of Haiti. Yet maintaining this progress requires continued efforts. High vaccination coverage, booster doses in countries lacking them, hygienic practices, and strong maternal and child health services are key. The Pan American Health Organization’s (PAHO) integrated maternal and neonatal immunization platform further strengthens this fight against early childhood diseases.
Vaksen DTaP (Difteri, Tetanòs, Koklich): Sa Ou Bezwen Konnen
To survive and thrive from early childhood through to adolescence and beyond, children need to be healthy. This enables them to access education so that every child in Ukraine, irrespective of background or circumstance, has an equal chance to fulfill their potential.
To ensure children thrive and ...remain in good health, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has delivered to Ukraine 700,000 doses of tetanus-diphtheria (Td) vaccine to protect children after six and adults.
After Workplace exposures and Sexual Assault
Six maladies évitables par la vaccination ont été incluses dès le
début dans le PEV : la diphtérie, la rougeole, la coqueluche, la
poliomyélite, le tétanos et la tuberculose.
3rd edition.
National immunization programme in Bangladesh has marched a long way to reach more than 7 million infants and pregnant mothers in each year. The goal of the immunization programme is to protect the individuals and public from vaccine preventable disease like Polio, Measles, Rubella, Di...phtheria, Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Whooping cough, Tuberculosis and Pneumonia
This module is part of the WHO series The Immunological Basis for Immunization, which was initially developed in 1993 as a set of eight modules, comprising one module on general immunology and seven modules each devoted to one of the vaccines recommended for the Expanded Programme on Immunization, i....e. vaccines against diphtheria, measles, pertussis, polio, tetanus, tuberculosis and yellow fever. Since then, this series has been updated and extended to include other vaccines of international importance. The main purpose of the modules is to provide national immunization managers and vaccination professionals with an overview of the scientific basis of vaccination against a range of important infectious diseases. The modules developed since 1993 continue to be vaccine-specific, reflecting the biological differences in immune responses to the individual pathogens and the differing strategies employed to create the best possible level of protection that can be provided by vaccination. The modules also serve as a record of the immunological basis for the WHO recommendations on vaccine use, published in the WHO vaccine position papers.*
In the last decade, Timor-Leste has made remarkable progress in strengthening its health system and improving the health status of its population. This has resulted in an increased life expectancy, and the achievement of Millennium Development Goals such as a reduction in infant and under-five morta...lity, an improvement in maternal and child health outcomes, and an increase in immunization coverage. Further, the country has successfully eliminated infectious diseases such as polio, measles, and maternal and neonatal tetanus. There is full political commitment to reducing the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) by 80% and the number of deaths due to TB by 90% by 2030. The country has made great progress in the context of the pandemic, having established numerous quarantine facilities/isolation centres; trained health-care workers; streamlined the procurement and supply of medicines, consumables, personal protective equipment and other equipment; and strengthened the capacity in critical care across secondary and tertiary health care, to better respond to future pandemics and other disaster situations.
This report is one of the first major products of the newly established Precision Public Health Metrics unit of the UCN cluster of the WHO Regional Office for Africa. The report presents national trends in communicable and non-communicable disease burden and control in the WHO African region. It tra...cks progress made with respect to disease burden reduction, elimination and eradication. It also highlights major emerging threats, opportunities and priorities in the fight against commu- nicable and non-communicable diseases in the region. It covers the period 2000-2022, but for some indicators, information is available only up to 2021.
The report shows the number of reported cases for malaria and vaccine preventable diseases (meningitis, measles, yellow fever, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, and polio); disease incidence due to HIV, tuberculosis and four major noncommunicable diseases (cardiovas- cular diseases, cancers, diabetes and chronic respira- tory diseases).
Дитячий фонд ООН (ЮНІСЕФ) доставив в Україну понад 700 тис. доз вакцини для профілактики дифтерії та правця зі зменшеним вмістом антигена (АДП-М), яку використовують д...ля дітей після 6 років та дорослих.
Вакцини будуть розподілені по Україні відповідно до потреб, визначених Міністерством охорони здоров’я.
DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 100