TheoreticalMedicine 6 (1985), 281-294. 0167-9902/85.10
In the USA, Catholic Social Teaching is commonly called “the church’s best keptsecret”. And, indeed, did the church’s Social Teaching on the other side of the Atlantic never enjoy the political and societal importance attributed to it in many European countries for such a long time including..., and above all, Germany. Entire generations of Catholic politicians, social scientists, trade unionists andentrepreneurs were shaped by the Social Teachings of their Church in thesecountries, and this moulding has influenced their way of acting to a great extent. This influence can be clearly traced in the socio-economic realm where Catholic SocialTeaching has contributed fundamentally to the rise of what we today – in a cleardividing line to the boundless capitalism of the Anglo-American brand – call theSocial Market Economy.
accessed July 2020
The Journal of Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics
Volume 1, Issue 1, Article 4 Res
Nurses have four fundamental responsibilities: to promote health, to prevent illness, to restore health and to alleviate suffering. The need for nursing is universal. Inherent in nursing is a respect for human rights, including cultural rights, the right to life and choice, to dignity and to be trea...ted with respect. Nursing care is respectful of and unrestricted by considerations of age, colour, creed, culture,disability or illness, gender, sexual orientation, nationality,politics, race or social status.Nurses render health services to the individual, the family and the community and coordinate their services with those of related groups.
The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses has four principal elements that outline the standards of ethical conduct.
International Workshop on Ideologies, Values and Political Behaviors
in Central and Eastern Europe
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 183 ( 2015 ) 135 – 140
Carta Enciclica Fratelli Tutti
sobre a fraternidade a amizade social
Claritas Journal of Dialogue and Culture, Vol. 5, No. 2 (October 2016)
53–54 © 2016
Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014. Pp. 166. $28.64
Integritas 4.3 (Fall 2014), pp. 1-30.
doi: 10.6017/integritas.v4i3p1