International Journal of Infectious Diseases 46 (2016) 56–60
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 32 (2015) 170–178
1201-9712/ß 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:...//
The pharmacological management of asthma has changed considerably in recent decades, as it has come to be understood that it is a complex, heterogeneous disease with different phenotypes and endotypes. It is now clear that the goal of asthma treatment should be to achieve and maintain control of the... disease, as well as to minimize the risks (of exacerbations, disease instability, accelerated loss of lung function, and adverse treatment effects). That requires an approach that is personalized in terms of the pharmacological treatment, patient education, written action plan, training in correct inhaler use, and review of the inhaler technique at each office visit. A panel of 22 pulmonologists was invited to perform a critical review of recent evidence of pharmacological treatment of asthma and to prepare this set of recommendations, a treatment guide tailored to use in Brazil. The topics or questions related to the most significant changes in concepts, and consequently in the management of asthma in clinical practice, were chosen by a panel of experts. To formulate these recommendations, we asked each expert to perform a critical review of a topic or to respond to a question, on the basis of evidence in the literature. In a second phase, three experts discussed and structured all texts submitted by the others. That was followed by a third phase, in which all of the experts reviewed and discussed each recommendation. These recommendations, which are intended for physicians involved in the treatment of asthma, apply to asthma patients of all ages.
Front Chem. 2021; 9: 622286.
Published online 2021 Mar 12. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2021.622286
L’OMS a ciblé 17 maladies comme des Maladies Tropicales Négligées. Ces maladies sont très différentes les unes des autres, mais elles ont comme point commun de toucher principalement les populations les plus pauvres. Elles maintiennent dans la pauvreté les populations ayant initialement un n...iveau de développement faible. Ces maladies coexistent au sein des mêmes populations, augmentant de ce fait leur vulnérabilité.
This guide provides a systematic, practical approach to support primary care and other healthcare professionals to improve the care of peopel over the age of 18 years with difficult to manage asthma.
Procedures Manual - Medicines registration in Madagascar - 2016 version
Infection preventions
Tại nhiều quốc gia, cú sốc của làn sóng kiểm dịch thứ nhất đã lắng xuống, số ca bệnh cũng đã giảm, việc gỡ bỏ các lệnh phong tỏa đang được xem xét hoặc đã được thực hiện ở nhiều nơi. Vũ Hán đã mở cửa trở lại. Nhưng ph...ải chăng ta đang bị đánh lừa bởi vẻ ngoài? Liệu làn sóng dịch bệnh thứ hai có xảy ra không, và nếu có thì khi nào chúng sẽ đến?
European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol.3 (2016) 1, 192-206
This review shows that if all sub areas of pharmaceutical waste management can efficiently work back to back environmental pollution and dangers to human health can reduce significantly.
— com base na informação disponível a 28 de Fevereiro de 2021
Rapid Policy Brief Series Series 14: COVID-19 and hypertension
4ª edição
Nos próximos meses, a COVID Reference apresentará atualizações regulares e narrará os dados científicos o mais coerente possível.
Definition and categorization of the time of vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2
Scientific report 8 February 2021
Вариативные рекомендации 24 сентября 2021 г.
Этот документ представляет собой текущие рекомендации ВОЗ. В них будут вноситься изменения и дополнения,
касающиеся нов...ых средств для лечения COVID-19, в том числе гидроксихлорохина и комбинации лопинавира и
ритонавира . Размещение, распространение и обновление данных рекомендаций происходит в приложении
MAGICapp, а их формат и структура обеспечивают для пользователей удобство работы и поиска. Реализована
функция постоянного обновления информации, относящейся к действующим положениям, которая позволяет
знакомиться с новыми данными наряду с актуальными рекомендациями. В разделе 4 описаны основные
методологические аспекты процедуры составления вариативных рекомендаций.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19. This guidance is intended for health care professionals, public health professionals and health authorities that are developing and implementing policies and sta...ndard operating procedures (SOP) on the cleaning and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the context of COVID-19.
This Handbook, an updated edition of the Management of Severe Malaria, provides new and revised practical guidance on the diagnosis and management of severe malaria.
Training Activities for Community Health Workers
Le présent guide a été conçu comme un outil simple et pratique pour aider les administrateurs sanitaires des districts à élaborer un plan réaliste à leur niveau, afin de mieux gérer l'élimination des déchets produits par les injectio