Situation of Disabilities in Indonesia : Blindness and Sight Disorder
Number of Community Health Centers as June 2014 by Province and City in Indonesia
Situation and Analysis of Glaucoma in Indonesia
The Health Situation of Toddlers in Indonesia
Program Campaign for the World Breastfeeding Week in Indonesia "Let's Support! Breastfeeding and Working"
Maternal Health Situation in Indonesia
Situation and Analysis of Exclusive Breast Milk and Breastfeeding in Indonesia
Conditions for Achieving the Indonesian Child Health Program
Situation and analysis of HIV AIDS disease in Indonesia in statistical data
Screenshot of statistic data websites.
Follow the link and find Country Profiles in indonesian language on TB, Reproductive Health, Malaria, Lymphoma, Pneumonia, Hypertension and much more.
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Profile of Children Dissabilities in Indonesia
Immunization Situation in Indonesia
Vaccine Management in Indonesia
Situation of Children with Short Stature in Indonesia
Country Profile about occupational health, work-related diseases and accidents at work
Indonesia's Health Data 2016
Indonesia's Health Profile 2012
Situation of Disabilities in Indonesia with Data and Statistics