OpenWHO is WHO’s new interactive, web-based, knowledge-transfer platform offering online courses to improve the response to health emergencies. OpenWHO enables the Organization and its key partners to transfer life-saving knowledge to large numbers of frontline responders.
On this platform you fi...nd online courses on: Pandemic and epidemic-prone diseases; Incident Management System; MERS; Ebola; Public Health Interventions; Risk communication; Predeployment training GO; ZIKA; Influenza
OpenWHO is WHO’s new, interactive, web-based platform that offers online courses to people preparing to work in epidemics, pandemics and health emergencies or already doing so.
The OpenWHO platform delivers WHO’s and partners’ expertise closer to where it is needed and provides information user-friendly formats for frontline responders and decision-makers. The platform is managed by WHO’s Department for Infectious Hazards Management, in Geneva, Switzerland.
Users take part in a worldwide, social learning network that is based on interactive, online courses and materials covering a variety of subjects. OpenWHO also serves as a forum for the fast sharing of public health expertise and in-depth discussion and feedback on key issues.
Accessed 6 March 2019.
This course consists of a video which provides an introduction to COVID-19 in Indian Sign Language.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Res...piratory Syndrome (SARS).
A novel coronavirus (COVID-19) was identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China. This is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans.
This course consists of a video which provides an introduction to COVID-19 in Indian Sign Language.
Decision-makers and frontline responders will find a set of resources on Ebola virus disease here. These resources can be used as refreshers for experienced personnel or as an introduction to the topic for everyone else. Most of the materials are available in English and French, and can be downloade...d for offline use. A version in Lingala is also available.
The objective of this course is to provide high-level information and contextual understanding of WHO Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Emergencies.
We will explore a range of topics, ranging from the Emergency Response Framework (ERF), to planning, grants and finance, procurement, risk mana...gement, rosters and deployment, and ethics.
Each module within this course is standalone. Therefore, you can take the modules in any order – with the exception of the Course Review. The Course Review is a question-based revision module that recaps the content covered in modules 1 to 10.
The target audience for this course is personnel who will be assigned by WHO to go on deployment in response to health emergencies.
The course is available in English and French
These easy to use e-learning modules will teach you different strategies to use at home with your child. This course focuses on supporting you on how to use everyday play and home activities as opportunities for learning and development. Specifically, how to support your child to improve their commu...nication, how to engage and interact with them, and how to encourage positive behaviour and teach them new skills for everyday life.
Including Autism
The toolkit provides guidance on where to get started, including the structures and resources that should be put in place at the national and health-care facility level, through a stepwise approach in low-resource settings. As the ultimate goal of an AMS programme is sustainable behaviour change in ...physicians’ antibiotic prescribing practices, the toolkit also provides detailed guidance on how to plan, perform and assess AMS interventions – including feedback on antibiotic use over time. Finally, the toolkit provides an overview of the competencies an AMS team needs to guide health-care professionals in changing their antibiotic prescribing behaviours.
Please note that this course is part of a training package, so please register for the complementary course WHO Policy Guidance on Integrated Antimicrobial Stewardship Activities so that you can complete your learning journey.
These papers are posted in the context of the Public Health Emergency of International Concern declared by the Director-General of the World Health Organization 1 February 2016.
The data in these papers are freely available for unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provid...ed that the original work is properly cited as indicated by the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Intergovernmental Organizations license (CC BY IGO 3.0).
go to the website:
The pre-clinical pipeline shows more innovation and diversity, with 252 agents being developed to treat WHO priority pathogens.
However, these products are in the very early stages of development and still need to be proven effective and safe. The optimistic scenario, the report indicates, is for... the first two to five products to become available in about 10 years.
Open Access: The Lancet Global Health, volume 2 issue 6 pages e323-333. Please click on the website link to download the pdf-file
The Lancet Global Health: DOI:
Open Access
If you are fully vaccinated can you still get COVID-19? How frequent are breakthrough infections and what does COVID-19 look like if you are fully vaccinated. WHO’s Dr Kate O’Brien explains in Science in 5.
No matter whether you are vaccinated against #COVID19 or are still waiting, keep these precautions to protect yourself and others:
- Avoid crowds
- Keep physical distance
- Open windows
Original Research
African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine
ISSN: (Online) 2071-2936, (Print) 2071-2928
Open Access
The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the significant health risks associated with household air pollution, primarily resulting from the use of inefficient and polluting fuels and technologies for cooking, heating, and lighting. In 2020, approximately 2.1 billion people—about one-third of... the global population—relied on open fires or inefficient stoves fueled by kerosene, biomass (such as wood, animal dung, and crop waste), and coal. This exposure led to an estimated 3.2 million deaths, including over 237,000 deaths of children under the age of five. The pollutants emitted from these sources contribute to a range of health issues, including respiratory infections, heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lung cancer. The WHO emphasizes the urgent need for transitioning to cleaner fuels and technologies to mitigate these health risks.
• In Syria, nine years into the crisis, access to sucient quantities of safe water remains limited, with increased water quality assurances and support to water systems rehabilitation, operation and maintenance unconditionally needed.
• There is a need to maintain the provis...ion of adequate WASH services and supplies for IDPs especially in the northeast and northwest, and to promote transition to more sustainable solutions while acknowledging that more emphasis on IDPs in collective centers and open areas is also needed.
In this course, you will learn about the different categories of waste and the process for waste management. Health care waste includes all waste generated by health, research and laboratory facilities in the course of providing health care services. Health care waste in a facility should be managed... from point of generation to final disposal and removal.
The decontamination of instruments and medical devices plays a very important role in the prevention of health care-associated infections (HAIs). Indeed, improper decontamination of surgical instruments, endoscopic devices, respiratory care devices and reusable haemodialysis devices still occurs in ...many settings, leading to HAIs. This course is based on the WHO manual on decontamination and reprocessing of medical devices for health care facilities, as well as in collaboration with the US CDC.
Overview: In this course, you will learn about the causes of unsafe injection practices, how to safely give injections, and how to safely dispose of needles and other sharps. You will also learn what to do when needle-stick injuries occur, how to manage potential exposures, and ways to protect yours...elf, the staff and patients in your facility, and your community.
Course duration: Approximately 2 hours.
Большинство инфекций, угрожающих здоровью, можно предотвратить благодаря хорошей гигиене рук - мытью рук в нужное время и правильным способом. Руководящие принцип...ы ВОЗ по гигиене рук в здравоохранении поддерживают пропаганду и улучшение гигиены рук в медицинских учреждениях во всем мире и дополняются мультимодальной стратегией ВОЗ по улучшению гигиены рук, руководством по внедрению и практическим пособием, содержащим множество практических инструментов готовых к использованию. Этот модуль был подготовлен для того, чтобы помочь обобщить руководство ВОЗ по гигиене рук, применяя соответствующие инструменты и идеи для его эффективной реализации.