Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies 13
Vol. 2(1): 13-25 , June 2020
Introdução: A pandemia pela COVID-19 é menos incidente na população pediátrica quando comparada à adulta, sendo apenas 2% dos casos abaixo dos 20 anos. Recentemente, a infecção pelo SARS-CoV-2 em crianças e adolescentes está sendo associada a Síndrome Inflamatória Multissistêmica Pedi...trica (SIM-P), doença de Kawasaki-like. Objetivo: Relatar a ocorrência de uma das apresentações clínicas da COVID-19 na infância, a SIM-P, ressaltando suas manifestações clínicas, laboratoriais e manejo clínico.
Journal of Cancer Education
Research Article
Journal of Addiction
Volume 2016, Article ID 2476164, 8 pages
Sudan Medical and Scientific Research Institute, Khartoum, Sudan
Received 26 November 2015; Accepted 27 January 2016
Nat Med (2021).
Incorporating Malawi Essential Medicines List (MEML)
Guide for COVID-19 Response in Kenya
Consolidating Earthquake Safety Assessment Efforts in India. This document provides succinct instructions on how to perform rapid visual screening (RVS), a quick method of earthquake assessment of buildings. It covers a brief description of RVS and its role as a simplified qualitative assessment in ...the wider methodology of earthquake assessment of buildings, and the recommended forms for pre-earthquake and post-earthquake Level 1 Assessments for seven building typologies. The method recommended by the primer is the BMTPC method which provides both Seismic Safety Index and Performance Rating to a particular building.
Die Broschüre erklärt Themen wie Grüßen, Allah / Gott / JHWH, Bildung, Arbeit, Geschichte, Grundgesetz, Gleichberechtigung und Diskriminierung, Umwelt u.a. und unterscheidet sich von bisherigen Veröffentlichungen und Angeboten dadurch, dass die Inhalte islamisch begründet werden. Damit ist die... Handreichung für muslimische Adressaten von essentiell anderer Qualität und kann entscheidend höhere Akzeptanz erreichen!
Die Broschüre liegt vor in Arabisch, Englisch, Deutsch (weitere Sprachen in Vorbereitung)
Accessed November 2, 2017
Infection Prevention and Control Programmes
January 2020
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