The strategic Plan on Reproductive Health builds on a initiatives undertaken to serve the health needs of the population of Myanmar.
March - June 2018
Myanmar introduced Child Death Surveillance and Response (CDSR) in 2015 as an initiative to reduce child (under-5) mortality, an initiative that will contribute to the country’s efforts to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Technical Guidelines for CDSR were devel...oped in 2015 followed by the development of Training Package in 2016. An Implementation Plan was made in 2016; and this led to all townships implementing CDSR in early 2017. After one year of implementation an assessment was carried out in early 2018.
The assessment was conducted in 3 region/states – Ayeyarwaddy, Magway, Shan South, with information gathered from the state/region, district, township and basic health unit levels. In addition a caretaker interview was conducted to see health-seeking behavior. In addition to these three regions/states, information was also gathered from three other regions/states but only at the region/state level – Mandalay, Yangon, Kachin.
RBC/IHDPC/ EID Division | November2011 - The aim of the standard operating procedures is to guide health care providers and public health
experts from various levels of the health system in the implementation of enhanced surveillance of meningococcal meningitis.
Updated to Reflect the 2009 Medical Eligibility Criteria of the World Health Organization
The research document aims to address the problem of maternal mortality, seeking to understand the importance of emergency referral and institutional delivery in reducing this number.
After Workplace exposures and Sexual Assault
Final Draft narrative December 6, 2012 - This strategic plan, developed through the joint collaboration of all stakeholders in the different sectors is aimed at harnessing and bringing together all the stakeholders who have a role in the prevention, detection and management of epidemic and infectiou...s diseases in the country. The plan describes the common epidemic and infectious diseases, the measures that need to be undertaken to ensure their control, the key partners and their roles and sets out milestones to monitor progress.
Blended Learning Modulef or the Health Extension Programme
In this study session, you will learn about the general features of faeco-oraldiseases: the main types commonly found in Ethiopia, their general symptomsand signs, how to treat mild cases and when to refer patients with severeconditions for... specialised treatment, or laboratory tests to confirm thediagnosis. You will also learn about the importance of giving effective healtheducation to your community on ways to prevent and control faeco-oraldiseases.
This intervention will be limited to the initial phase of India reporting only (i) travel related cases and (ii) focal clusters arising from a travel related/unrelated case where cluster containment strategy is adopted (iii) Persons coming from COVID-19 affected areas where local and community trans...mission is evident.
For the Assesor's Guide Vol 1 and 2 see:
The objectives of the scheme is to promote cleanliness, hygiene and infection control practices in public health care facilities, to incentivize and recognize such public healthcare facilities that show exemplary performance in adhering to standard protocols of cleanliness and infection control, to... inculcate a culture of ongoing assessment and peer review of performance related to hygiene, cleanliness and sanitation, to create and share sustainable practices related to improved cleanliness in public health facilities linked to positive health outcomes.
National HIV Strategic Plan 2016-2021
Reference Manual for Programme Managers on Accreditation Process