Prepared for the Stunting Prevention and Reduction Project - The project Medical Waste Management Plan’s (MWMP) overall objective is to prevent and/or mitigate the negative effects of increased generation of medical waste on human health and the environment. The plan proposes measures to prevent t...he spread of infection and reduce the
exposure of health workers, patients and the general public to the risks from medical waste. The plan is to be used by all project implementation entities to manage medical waste associated with
project activities. These entities will have appropriate procedures and capacities in place to manage the medical waste.
Waste Management & Research 39(1) DOI: 10.1177/0734242X211029175
To help trainers to create awareness,attitude and skills in waste handlers in day to day management of medical waste in health care settings.
Health Care Facilities (HCFs) are primarily responsible for management of the healthcare waste generated within the facilities, including activities undertaken by them in the community. The health care facilities, while generating the waste are responsible for segregation, collection, in-house trans...portation, pre-treatment of waste and storage of waste, before such waste is collected by Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facility(CBWTF) Operator. Thus, for proper management of the waste in the healthcare facilities the technical requirements of waste handling are needed to be understood and practiced by each category of the staff in accordance with the BMWM.
Ghana's attempt to regulate health care waste management started in 2002 with the development of guidelines on health care waste manage-ment by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In 2006, the Ministry of Health developed the health care waste policy and guidelines. This guidance document im...proved health care waste management in the country.
With support from the UNDP-GEF medical waste management project, the Ministry of He lth has revised the existing National Health Care Waste Management (HCWM), policy and guideline, 2006 and has produced two separate documents- A National Health Care Waste Management Policy and a National Guideline for Health Care Waste Management
countrywide. This policy is replacing the 2006 policy and introduces new technical and administrative policy issues to enhance waste management in health care facilities.
Injection Safety and Safe Disposal of Medical Waste National Communication Strategy and Health Care Waste Management Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs).
The overall objective of the consultancy was to review and align the three national technical and communication guiding documents on HCWM to th...e WHO Blue Book and other global standards and recommendations. The specific objectives of the assignment were ; to establish how well aligned the Kenya Healthcare Waste Management Guidelines, 2011, are to the WHO Blue Book on healthcare waste management, global recommendations and other global conventions on environmental protection; to establish the extent to which the Kenya Injection Safety and Safe Disposal of Medical Waste National Communication Strategy is aligned to the National Health Communication Guidelines, 2013; to determine the extent to which the current Standard Operating Procedures are aligned to the best available technologies (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP) and international practices; and to assess current health care waste management practices at the health facilities supported by the GEF project.
MedPPE emphasizes the role and timing of health workers jobs and offers specific information to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The guidelines are aimed at all personnel working in health facilities, including security guards, administrative and cleaning personnel, transfer assistants, nurses, biome...dical and imaging technicians, surgeons, and physicians, among others.
MedPPE provides guidance for the use of PPE according to workers’ function, the level of care they provide, and the multiple environments of primary health care and hospitals. The tool also clarifies the type of PPE needed when performing aerosol-generating procedures and other activities related to the care of patients infected or suspected of being infected with COVID-19.
However, use of PPE alone is not enough to protect against COVID-19. Hand hygiene and proper PPE dressing and undressing procedures must also be followed, along with the proper disposal and management of waste.
MedPPE is available in Spanish, English, Portuguese and French for iOS and Android devices.
International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 5(6):2290-2294
DOI: 10.18203/2319-2003.ijbcp20164081
MOH Policy and Guidelines for Health Institutions
Are you aware of the medical waste generated during the pandemic? How does it impact your health and what can you do to reduce it? WHO’s Dr Margaret Montgomery explains in Science in 5.
Laboratory Biossafety Manual
Accessed 15th of October 2015
This report contains the results of an in-depth Training Needs Assessment (TNA) of Health Workers in the 4 project counties of the republic of Kenya – Nakuru, Kisumu, Nairobi and Bungoma. The assessment, facilitated by the UPOPs Project in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Minist...ry of Environment and Natural Resources, took place in the month of September 2017. This assessment focused on health workers at County and County referral health facilities.
How safe is our hospital sanitation? An example from a public hospital
Manual on Hospital Infection Control Guidelines prepared by the Indian Council of Medical Research Antimicrobial Stewardship Program. The document covers the basic principles of infection control, role of heath care workers, bio-waste management and elaborates on the steps to be followed for setting... up of an effective infection control in hospitals.