Medical Aid Films uses innovative media to enable everyone to enjoy healthy lives .We bring together health experts with film makers to create engaging, accessible films – empowering health workers and communities with vital knowledge and skills about women’s and child health.
Available in diff...erent languages
Available in different languages
This film is aimed at community health workers, parents and communities to teach them the important signs and symptoms to look for in a sick child and when and why they need to make sure they seek help as early as possible from a skilled health worker.
This film focuses primarily on the signs and... symptoms of malaria.
This film explains the importance of screening, early detection and treatment of cervical cancer. This film is for use in community health education.
This film will explain how pre-cancer cells and cervical cancer develops. It will also explain what you can do to protect yourself from the disease b...y making healthy choices, attending cervical screening and seeking treatment if necessary.
Avilable in different languages: English, Bemba, Somali, haitian Creole, French, Yoruba, Hausa, Swahili
For use in the training of skilled health workers, we have an additional two films available
This film is a Somali language version of the English film \\\'Is your child sick? Identifying signs of sickness and diarrhoea.\\\' This piece is part of a longer film which also covers pneumonia and malaria.
This film is the Somali language version of the English film \\\'Is your child sick?\\\' The film shows how to identify signs of sickness and malaria, pneumonia and diarrhoea. Each of the topics are available as a separate film.
This film shows how to prevent and manage excessive bleeding after the delivery of a baby, otherwise known as primary postpartum haemorrhage (PPH).
This film is for use in health worker training
Somali version of Neonatal Resuscitation.
Filimkan wuxuu ku tusi doonaa sida hawada loogu furo ilmaha nuujada ah. Wuxuu salka ku hayaa buugga hagaha ay diyaariyeen Guddiga Hawo siinta ee UK waxaanu xoogga saarayaa tababar ku qaadashada asaasiga ah ee soo socd: Dhaxan ka ilaalinta ilmaha, Qiimeynta ...ilmaha, Furida af-sanqoodka iyo neefsiga iyo laab cadaadinta.
This film shows how to deliver and care for a newborn baby and how to resuscitate a newborn that is not breathing using a bag and mask. This film is for use in health worker training
This film explains what antenatal care is and why it is important for the mother and baby. It explains the importance of attending 4 antenatal sessions before the baby is born and what should happen at each session.
This film is for use in community health education.
Somali version of Focused Antenatal Care for Skilled Healthworkers
Filimada Medical Aid ayaa soo saaray filimkan ku saabsan Xoog saarista Daryeelka Ka hor amase loo yaqaano FANC to sharaxaad looga bixiyo sida barashada wanaagsan inta lagu jiro daryeelka dhalmadu ka hor waxay ka hortagi kartaa dhi...mashada hooyada uurka leh iyo dhawrka maalmood hore ee nolosha cunnuga.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Midwifery Association (SLNMA).
This film explains what a retained placenta is, why it is important to be removed and the essential steps that need to be taken. It shows how to perform the procedure effectively by hand.
This film is for use in health worker training
Somali version of How to use a Partograph
Jaantuska fooshu waa aalad muhiim ah marka lala kala wareegayo macluumaad labada xilli ee shaqada. Wuxuu kuu samaynayaa sawir kaas oo u muujinaya dhaqtarka in bukaankan aanu ladnayn una baahan tahay doc wareen.
Filimkan waxaynu ku sharixi doonaa goorta... iyo sida loo isticmaalo Jaantuska Foosha iyo sida uu uga jawaabo macluumaadka la galiyo.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Adbirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA).
Somali version of Administration of Parenteral antibiotics
Xanuunka inta uurka lagu jiro iyo gaar ahaan dhalmada ka danbaysa ama dhicisku waa arrinta muhuumka ah ee sababta xadiga jirada iyo dhimashada.
Filimkan wuxuu muujinayaa maareeynta isticmaalka wanaagsan ee duraha jeermis dilaha ee loog...u talogalay shaqaalaha caafimaadka iyo sida cad ee uu u xoojin lahaa lixda saxda ah ee maareeynta daawada.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and midwifery Association (SLNMA).
Video also available in English, French and Swahili at:
Somali version of What and When to Feed Your Child
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA)
Somali version of Warning Signs in Pregnancy
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA)
Available in different languages
Somali version of How Babies are made
This is a film aimed at early teens and young adults. It describes what puberty is and how babies are made using a mixture of animation and expert advice as well as from young men and women in Nairobi.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail... and Abdirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA)
This film follows Neema, a village birth attendant, while she helps to deliver a baby in a rural setting where there is no access to trained health workers.
It teaches 10 key steps that will lead to a clean delivery, including cutting the cord with a new clean razor blade.
This film is aimed a...t women in the communities where this situation is most likely to occur and traditional birth attendants.
Primary Post-partum Haemorrhage (PPH) is one of the major causes of maternal death in the developing world.
This animation is aimed at women and TBAs. It teaches how to prevent and manage PPH in settings where it would take the woman more than 4 hours to reach skilled obstetric care. It demonstra...tes the use of Misoprostol as well as internal bimanual compression.
This film is aimed at training Traditional Birth Attendants and community health workers in the management of PPH when delivery is not in a health centre and the nearest referral centre and access to skilled care is more than 3 hours away. this films should be used with caution and always taught by a health worker due to invasive procedures within the film.
This animation has no voice-over.
This film is the Amharic version of our 'Steps to a normal delivery' film - an adaptation of our original 'Safe delivery' film with added voiceover.
Accessed 26 January 2015