Au Burkina Faso, les personnes vivant avec le VIH (PvVIH) ont régulièrement recours à des substances naturelles pour traiter certaines infections opportunistes. C’est ainsi que le suc des feuilles fraîches de Mitracarpus scaber Zucc. ex Schult. & Schult. f. (Rubiaceae) et de Senna alata (L.) R...oxb. (Fabaceae) sont utilisés comme antimycosiques. En ce qui concerne le zona et les poussées herpétiques, les feuilles fraîches de Phyllanthus amarus Schumach. & Thonn. (Euphorbiaceae), la sève de Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaceae), le gel de Aloe buettneri Berger (Liliaceae) et la galle de Guiera senegalensis J.F. Gmel. (Combretaceae), sont les drogues végétales les plus utilisées. Des substances naturelles sont également recommandées par les tradipraticiens de santé pour la récupération immunologique et nutritionnelle, le traitement précoce de l’infection à VIH et la réduction des effets secondaires des traitements ARV (antirétroviral). Il s’agit respectivement pour les plus importantes d’entre elles, des feuilles de Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae), de la pulpe du fruit de Detarium microcarpum Guill. & Perr. (Fabaceae), de la spiruline et du pollen issu de la ruche.
Les substances naturelles pouvant avoir une interaction avec les traitements conventionnels et plus particulièrement avec les médicaments ARV, les plantes contenant des tanins catéchiques, des dérivés 1,8 hydroxyanthracéniques laxatifs et des molécules hépatotropes ou inductrices enzymatiques, sont classées à risque, et leur utilisation par les PvVIH est étroitement surveillée.
Human schistosomiasis, a parasitic and often chronic illness, is one of the major neglected tropical diseases worldwide. It is estimated that 240 million people suffer from schistosomiasis, with more than 200000 fatalities recorded each year. Schistosomiasis is caused by an infection of the blood fl...uke Schistosoma and is transmitted to humans through direct contact with infected water.
Climate change presents the single biggest threat to human development, and its widespread impacts disproportionately burden the poorest and most vulnerable households in fragile and rural developing contexts – particularly women and children.
According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate C...hange’s (IPCC) latest report, ‘between 2010 and 2020, droughts, floods and storms killed 15 times as many people in highly vulnerable countries, particularly in Africa — which is responsible for less than 3 percent of global emissions – than in the wealthiest countries’.
Recognising environmental degradation and climate change are key accelerators of extreme child vulnerability, World Vision (WV) approved the Environmental Stewardship Management Policy (‘the Policy’) and Guidelines (‘the Guidelines’) in 2021.
To support the implementation of the Policy and Guidelines, WV has developed this Environmental Stewardship and Climate Action Handbook (‘the Handbook’) to help offices across the WV Partnership implement best practice environmental management strategies both in the field and in our operations and facilities.
Integrating environmental stewardship and climate action into all our work – whether that be in our Area Programmes, grant projects, responses to disasters or advocacy – is critical to achieving WV’s strategy.
As a Christian organisation we are compelled to follow the ways of Jesus Christ, calling us to care for the ‘least of these’ (Matthew 25:40) – the vulnerable children who are disproportionately impacted by climate change. Our response to the degradation of the environment is not motivated by political expediency or funding – but because we are called to steward God’s creation (Genesis 1:28).
Rabies is a devastating and societally important zoonotic disease, which is transmitted principally to humans through the bite of infected dogs. This acute, progressive viral encephalitis has the highest case fatality of any infectious disease and kills tens of thousands of people annually, with chi...ldren and impoverished communities being affected disproportionately.
To evaluate the epidemiological evolution of patients with HIV (PtHIV), between 2002 and 2012, in a day-hospital that became an HIV reference centre for south-west Burkina Faso.
This was a retrospective study of PtHIV followed in the Bobo Dioulasso university hospital since 2002. The study was ba...sed on clinical data recorded using ESOPE software and analysed using Excel and SAS.
Le Plan de réponse humanitaire (PRH) 2020 a été révisé et publié en mai 2020 afin d’intégrer l’impact de l’épidémie de COVID-19 sur les besoins humanitaires existants et sur les activités des partenaires humanitaires.
Dans le contexte de l’épidémie de COVID-19, la portée de l...analyse du PRH 2020 a été mise à jour afin d’intégrer les nouveaux besoins et activités liées à la réponse humanitaire au COVID-19 et d’ajuster les priorités humanitaires en prenant en compte l’évolution du contexte opérationnel.
The main aim of this assessment was to evaluate the PSS response of URCS to these VHF, against the needs of beneficiaries and communities focused on the areas of most ‘added value’ of the URCS; community engagement mobilisation and support, documenting any unintended outcomes and best practice r...elated to the operation.
Population-Based Survey on Perceptions and Attitudes about Peace, Security and Justice in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo
This report complements the previous poverty analysis studies by presenting a series of poverty maps of Rwanda at cell and sector levels, based on data from EICV4 and the 2012 Population and Housing Census. A poverty map is simply a map that shows the incidence of poverty in different areas of the c...ountry. It allows the viewer to appreciate, at a glance, the geographic dimensions of poverty. Apart from their intrinsic interest, poverty maps may be used to help guide the allocation of resources across local agencies or governmental units, in an effort to better target efforts to reach the poor by pinpointing the small areas of most need.
In 2015, the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) published the Rwanda Poverty Profile Report which provided a detailed portrait of the extent and nature of poverty in the country, while in 2016 a Poverty Trends Analysis Report which complements the Profile study by looking at the trends in poverty between 2010/11 and 2013/14 was also published. Both reports were based on information collected by an integrated household living conditions survey (EICV4) undertaken between October 2013 and September 2014.
Prioritise education in conflict-affected areas:
Across the world 28 million1 primary school-age children living in conflict-affected countries are
out-of-school, and they form half of the world’s total out-of-school population. During conflict,
infrastructure assets such as schools are damaged... or completely destroyed during fighting. Children
may choose to stay away from school due to their and their family’s safety fears in the midst of
conflict, or the need to supplement their family’s income amidst conflict-related financial loss.
Children who are internally displaced by conflict face a particularly challenging task accessing
education due to the specific conditions created by their displacement, such as loss of livelihoods
making school fees hard to find, and discrimination from host communities. Children caught in
conflict are being deprived of their right to education2 and denied the opportunity to benefit from the
protective and life-sustaining mechanisms of education.
Confronted with the important issue of patient safety, in 2002 the Fifty-fifth World Health Assembly adopted a resolution urging countries to pay the closest possible attention to the problem and to strengthen safety and monitoring systems. In May 2004, the Fifty-seventh World Health Assembly approv...ed the creation of an international alliance as a global initiative to improve patient safety. The World Alliance for Patient Safety was launched in October 2004 and currently has its place in the WHO Patient Safety programme included in the Information, Evidence and Research Cluster.
Because of the limited access to more powerful diagnostic tools, there is a paucity of data regarding the burden of fungal infections in Burkina Faso. The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence and prevalence of serious fungal infections in this sub-Saharan country. We primarily used the na...tional demographic data and performed a PubMed search to retrieve all published papers on fungal infections from Burkina Faso and its surrounding West African countries. Considering the prevalence of HIV infection (0.8% of the population) and a 3.4% incidence of cryptococcosis in hospitals, it is estimated that 459 patients per year develop cryptococcosis. For pneumocystosis, it is suggested that 1013 new cases occur every year. Taking into account the local TB frequency (population prevalence at 0.052%), we estimate the prevalence of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis at 1120 cases. Severe forms of asthma with fungal sensitization and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis are estimated to affect 7429 and 5628 cases, respectively. Vulvovaginal candidiasis may affect 179,000 women, and almost 1,000,000 children may suffer from tinea capitis. Globally, we estimate that roughly 1.4 million people in Burkina Faso (7.51% of the population) suffer from a serious fungal infection. These data should be used to drive future epidemiological studies, diagnostic approaches, and therapeutic strategies.
The epidemiology of the disease is mediated by the interaction of the parasite (trypanosome) with the vectors (tsetse flies), as well as with the human and animal hosts within a particular environment. Related to these interactions, the disease is confined in spatially limited areas called “foci..., which are located
in Sub-Saharan Africa, mainly in remote rural areas. The risk of contracting HAT is, therefore, determined by the possibility of contact of a human being with an infected tsetse fly. Epidemics of HAT were described at the beginning of the 20th century; intensive activities have been set up to confront the disease, and it was under control in the 1960s, with fewer than 5,000 cases reported in the whole continent.