This video was created to encourage co-workers to talk to one another about adhering to COVID-19 precautions. JHU CCP Pakistan is facilitating the Labor Standards Programme of GIZ Pakistan in its behavior change efforts focused on industrial workers, particularly those working in the textile sector.... The well-known characters of Billo and Dhiloo, who have been featured in other videos educating the workers on other work safety topics,are back with important information regarding COVID-19.
Okulabilira Abalwadde ba kkookolo. Akatabo K'Abajjanjabi.
Provides similar information to patient booklet, Advises on what to expect and how to cope when a loved one is facing end of life Suggests ways for caregivers to take care for themselves
A job aid for use by health workers when educating clients and their family members about cancer; Each page has a large illustration to share with patients, with talking points on the reverse side; Presents similar content to patient/caregiver booklet; Includes a page on patient rights (e.g., right to confidentiality, right to be treated with dignity and respect).
Unachohitaji kujua kuhusu saratani kwa matumizi ya wagonjwa na wauguzi.
Offers expanded content on social/emotional aspects of having cancer and how to talk with others including children; Features many direct quotes from patients, caregivers, providers; Specifies that cancer is not contagious; Corrects perception that sin or wrongdoing causes cancer; Gives... detailed information on managing side effects; Provides details on how to make appointments, register for treatment, account for wait times, and register for poverty certificate to cover treatment costs.
Introduces the GATHER approach to counseling, a patient-centered approach that improves patient satisfaction
Has a chapter offering basic biomedical information on cancer, as requested by health workers
Includes information about management of side effects
Encourages health workers to take care o...f themselves and acknowledges the stressful nature of their work.
Initialement, le programme Super Go est un programme conçu pour renforcer les attitudes et aptitudes des adolescentes et jeunes femmes vulnérables de 15 à 24 ans, en leur donnant les informations et compétences indispensables pour éviter les situations à risque VIH.
Ce programme est mis en ...œuvre en Côte d’Ivoire par le Centre des Programmes de Communication de l’Université Johns Hopkins, (CCP), sous plusieurs projets (PACT, HC3 et actuellement Breakthrough ACTION), à travers des ONG partenaires, depuis 2010.
This brochure is part of the PLHIV Kit developed under the brand Everyday for Life. It provides information on the 4 stages of HIV, as identified in the WHO Clinical Staging of HIV/AIDS for Adults and Adolescents.
This brochure is part of the PLHIV Kit developed under the brand Everyday for Life. It provides information on the 4 stages of HIV, as identified in the WHO Clinical Staging of HIV/AIDS for Adults and Adolescents.
This brochure is part of the PLHIV Kit developed under the brand Everyday for Life. It provides information on the 4 stages of HIV, as identified in the WHO Clinical Staging of HIV/AIDS for Adults and Adolescents.
This booklet is part of the PLHIV Kit developed under the brand Everyday for Life. It provides 5 reasons to stop drinking, 5 reasons to stop smoking, 5 reasons to stop chewing khat, and 5 benefits that can be obtained from avoiding these habits.
This booklet is part of the PLHIV Kit developed under the brand Everyday for Life. It provides 5 reasons to stop drinking, 5 reasons to stop smoking, 5 reasons to stop chewing khat, and 5 benefits that can be obtained from avoiding these habits.
This booklet is part of the PLHIV Kit developed under the brand Everyday for Life. It provides 5 reasons to stop drinking, 5 reasons to stop smoking, 5 reasons to stop chewing khat, and 5 benefits that can be obtained from avoiding these habits.
This brochure is developed under the 2009 VCT day targeting young men in relationship to promote couple's testing.