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Text search: Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), Myanmar
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Strategic & Response Plan
Countries / Regions
Myanmar / Burma
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European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Government of Myanmar
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
DRR [Disaster Risk Reduction] Working Group Myanmar
Hugh Earp
Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), Myanmar
International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies
Josephine Ippe, Diane Holland, Leah Richardson, et al.
Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Myanmar
Protection Cluster
The Emergency Capacity Building Project, Oxfam
The Global Nutrition Cluster, UNICEF
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Ministry of Health
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, National Disaster Management Committee
UN Women
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP)
Publication Years
Key Resources
Public Health
Women & Child Health
Natural Hazards
The ERP approach seeks to improve effectiveness by reducing both time and effort, enhancing predictability through establishing predefined roles, responsibilities and coordination mechanisms. The Emergency Response Preparedness Plan (ERPP) has four main components: i) Risk Assessment, ii) Minimum Pr... more

National Earthquake Preparedness and Response Plan

Government of Myanmar European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2019) CC
It aims to minimize damage to property, reduce injury and lives lost, and normalize the lives of those affected in a timely manner in the case of a damaging earthquake in the country. It also seeks to contribute to the achievements of Myanmar Sustainable Development Goals as well as respond to Gl... more

National Earthquake Preparedness and Response Plan. Myanmar Version

Government of Myanmar European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) and developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) (2019) CC
Myanmar is prone to various natural hazards that include earthquakes, floods, cyclones, droughts, fires, tsunamis, some of whichhave the potential to impact large numbers of people. In the event that large numbers of people are affected (such as was the case in 2008 following cyclone Nargis), the go... more
Myanmar is prone to various natural hazards that include earthquakes, floods, cyclones, droughts, fires, tsunamis, some of whichhave the potential to impact large numbers of people. In the event that large numbers of people are affected(such as was the case in 2008 following cyclone Nargis), the gov... more
Reporting period: January 2014 – December 2014
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic in Myanmar is concentrated among men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID) and female sex workers (FSW). HIV prevalence in the adult population aged 15 years and older was esti... more
Fostering resilient development through integrated action plan
The Myanmar Action Plan on Disaster Risk Reduction, 2017 is a comprehensive and unified action plan for disaster risk reduction with prioritized interventions across Myanmar till 2020. With a long term vision and considering deep-root... more
The plan aims to practice the preparedness measures and response functions which need to be coordinated among relevant departments and organizations to reduce the risk of earthquakes. The plan has two main parts: preparedness and response. The first part includes the preparedness measures which can ... more
This publication provides an overview of UN Women’s commitments to the humanitarian community guided by the “UN Women strategic plan 2022–2025”. It highlights areas where UN Women has a unique advantage in advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls across the humanitari... more
Emergency Capacitiy Building Project agencies, led by CARE, have developed the Shelter Accountability Resources for project managers and decision-makers in humanitarian shelter programs. As a guide it is also intended to be useful for Shelter Cluster coordinators, and other staff who would like t... more
The guide is designed to help disaster managers in national Governments gain basic knowledge of how to use international tools and services. It aims to support the growing disaster response and disaster response preparedness capabilities that exist at national level across Asia and the Pacific.
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The changes occurring in Myanmar highlight the need to have a robust DRR network that can support the Government as well as the communities in their efforts to build a resilient Myanmar. To this end, the DRR WG devised and facilitated a multi-stakeholder process aiming to develop its Strategic Frame... more
This handbook is a quick-reference tool that provides practical, field-level guidance to establish and maintain a GBV sub-cluster in a humanitarian emergency. It provides the foundations for coordination. More in-depth information can be pursued through resources referenced in this handbook. The GBV... more

Nutrition Cluster Handbook

Josephine Ippe, Diane Holland, Leah Richardson, et al. The Global Nutrition Cluster, UNICEF (2013) C1
The purpose of the handbook is to provide those involved in nutrition coordination with relevant tools, guidance, information and resources to support their roles in facilitating predictable, coordinated and effective preparation for, and responses to, nutrition needs in humanitarian emergencies. Ra... more