Based on research by a team of Nepalese and international experts, this report carries an analysis of the five key elements in the sector - land, basic services, housing finance, building materials and construction technologies, and labour. It gives an assessment
of how these components are governe...d by policy, institutional and legal frameworks, and how they are linked with one another and other urban policies.
This publication explores how housing, land and property rights issues have been addressed in peace agreements concluded over the past three decades. It provides practical guidance for peace negotiators on all sides in Myanmar and outlines how addressing these rights in the peace process will build ...the groundwork needed for an eventual peace agreement or agreements in the country.
Urban poor communities including the homeless, residents of informal settlements, residents at risk of being evicted, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), undocumented persons, low-income renters, as well as homeowners are perhaps at greatest risk from both COVID-19 and the response interventions to... it.
The case studies in this document are set in different scales and geographies, tackling a wide realm of issues connected to urban housing recovery — locally in Nepal and globally. The case studies are categorized into three:
case studies from partner organizations
case studies from house...holds’ perspective
global case studies
Learning from the Pakistan Experience. A Manual for Post-Disaster Housing Program Managers
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
A Field-Based Assessment of Formal and Informal Procedures and Practices
This report is not a formal evaluation, but rather a synthesis of the experiences, observations, and recommendations of a large group of experienced post-disaster shelter and recovery experts gathered from interviews, surveys, and direct discussions, and information derived from a desk review of the... wide variety of available evaluations and reports.
Vector-borne diseases are responsible for 17% of the global burden of communicable diseases and more than 500 000 deaths annually. The ambitious global targets for the control of vector-borne diseases come in the context of the (re-)emergence of diseases, increasing resistances to insecticides and u...ncertainty related to the financing of global vector control efforts. The United Nations 2030 Agenda with its related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the New Urban Agenda adopted at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III)
in Quito in 2016 and WHO’s Global vector control response 2017–2030 (WHO, 2017a) emphasize the value of elevating multisectoral actions and strategies that extend beyond the health sector to the core of integrated vector control.
This policy brief underlines the important role housing conditions have in the transmission of vector-borne diseases and showcases interventions and policies the housing sector can contribute to effective, integrated and intersectoral vector-borne diseases management.
This document was prepared by a technical task force of the Shelter Working Group (SWG) in Jordan for the Syrian refugee response and is intended to guide HLP rights interventions in host communities. The objective of the document is to provide Shelter sector partners with basic info...rmation on, primarily, housing rights, as the most relevant part of Housing, Land and Property (HLP) rights.
Census Report Volume 4-C
The 2014 Myanmar Census provided the opportunity to measure maternal mortality. The questions on deaths in households during the twelve months prior to the Census were included in the questionnaire, as well as questions necessary to estimate maternal mortality indicator...s.
Census Report Volume 4-E
As no census has been undertaken in over 30 years, many aspects of the demographic situation in the country were unknown. For instance, before the Census it was thought that the country had a population of about 60 million, but the 2014 Census showed that the population... (including an estimate for under-enumeration) was 51,486,253 persons, around 8.5 million less than the previous estimate.
In the 1983 census, 35,307,913 persons were recorded. Therefore between 1983 and 2014, the population increased by 46 per cent. With an average annual population growth rate of 0.89 per cent between 2003 and 2014, Myanmar is one of the slowest growing countries in Southeast Asia.
Census Report Volume 4-B
In the 2014 Census, early-age mortality was measured from the responses to two simple retrospective questions on childbearing addressed to ever-married women aged 15 and over. These questions referred to how many live children they had ever given birth to, and how many ...had died (or survived). Adult mortality was measured by using a question on the number of household members who had died during the 12 months preceding the Census.
According to the 2014 Census, infant and child mortality, which comprises under-five mortality, was high compared to other countries in the region. Previous estimates indicated a rapid decline during the 1960s and 1970s, with a substantial deceleration starting in the early 1980s. The decline has accelerated again during recent years.
Census Report Volume 4-A
This thematic report presents findings on fertility and nuptiality in Myanmar. The analysis hows that the total fertility rate is 2.5 children per woman at the Union level, 1.9 children per woman for urban areas, and 2.8 children per woman for rural areas. Total fertili...ty for States and Regions varies from a high of 5.0 children per woman for Chin State to a low of 1.8 children per woman for Yangon Region. Total fertility appears to have declined at a rate of at least one child per woman per decade between 1970 and 2000. This relatively rapid decline apparently ceased sometime during the 1990s or 2000s. Estimates from the 2001 and 2007 surveys suggest that the level of fertility may have fluctuated between 2000 and 2014, but with no overall trend up or down. The marital status data shows an exceptionally high proportion of women remaining never married at age 50.
Census Report Volume 4-K
The results of the 2014 Census collected only relates to four of the six types of disability domains recommended by the Washington Group on Disability Statistics, namely: seeing, hearing, walking, and remembering or concentrating.
Out of a total of 50.3 million pe...rsons enumerated in the 2014 Census, there were 2.3 million persons (4.6 per cent of the total population) who reported some degree of difficulty with either one or more of the four functional domains. Of this number, over half a million (representing over 1 per cent of the population as a whole) reported having a lot of difficulty or could not do one or more of the four activities at all (referred to as severe disability). Among those with the severest degree of disability, 55 thousand were blind, 43 thousand were deaf, 99 thousand could not walk at all and 90 thousand did not have the capability to remember or concentrate.
The Census shows that disability is predominantly an old age phenomenon with its prevalence remaining low up to a certain age, after which rates increase substantially.
Census Report Volume 4-L
Myanmar’s 2014 Census enumerated 4.5 million people aged 60 and over and by 2050 Myanmar is projected to have 13 million people in this age group.
Myanmar’s population has aged between 1973 and 2014; while the total population increased at an annual rate of 1....4 per cent, the population aged 60 and over increased annually by 2.4 per cent. Within the older population, the oldest age group, those over 80 years old, has been growing much faster than those aged 60-79. In 2014, the urban population was slightly older than the rural population. This is the result of a more rapid decline in urban fertility, offset by net migration to urban areas by youth and young adults.
Census Report Volume 4-F (Thematic report on Population Projections for the Union of Myanmar, States/Regions, Rural and Urban Areas, 2014-2050)
Key findings
- The total population of Myanmar is estimated to be 65 million by 2050. The projection is based on steadily declining population rate over the projection period: from 0.9 per cent in 2015 to 0.3 per cent in 2050.
- The proportion of the urban population rises from 29.3 per cent in 2015 to 34.7 in 2050. The rural and urban crude birth rates both decline between 2015 and 2050, but the difference between them narrows to almost zero by the end of the period.
- The population of Yangon grows more rapidly than any other area, by 39 per cent between 2015 and 2031. Other rapidly growing areas include Kayah (37 per cent), Kachin (32 per cent), Nay Pyi Taw (27 per cent), and Shan (26 per cent). Ayeyawady, Magway and Mon lose population, mostly due to migration.