Die Geschichte "Hat Corona eine Krone auf?“ eignet sich zum Vorlesen und Bearbeiten für ca 4 – 11jährige Kinder.
تم إعداد هذه الوثيقة التوجيهية، “مجموعة أدوات مساعدة
البرمجة المتعلقة بتعزيز يعلى الازدهار”، لتحس يالمراهق
ولدعم تنفيذ المبادئ يووقاية الصحة النفسية للمراهق
ا...توجيهية لمنظمة الصحة العالمية بشأن التدخلات الوقائية
. وتصف مجموعة الأدواتيوتعزيز الصحة النفسية للمراهق
المناهج المستندة إلى البينات لتعزيز الصحة النفسية الإيجابية،
والوقاية من حالات مشاكل الصحة النفسية، والحد من
ç الانخراط في إيذاء الذات والسلوكيات المنطوية على المخاطر
At the forefront of DNDi’s efforts to develop new treatments is the need to understand the realities and treatment needs of patients and health care staff in the field. The ultimate goal for human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) is a truly simplified
treatment which can be orally administered, impl...emented at the primary health care level, and effective against both stages of the disease.
This leaflet aims at guiding health workers though the very first days of an outbreak. It addresses the following questions:
Is this the beginning of an outbreak?
Is the patient suffering from cholera or shigella?
The leaflet also has sections on how to protect the community, how to t...reat patients and what to do if an outbreak is suspected.
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
हाथ धोने के सामान्य नियमों का पालन करके ही हम #COVID19 को समाप्त कर सकते हैं। जानिए कैसे।
Helping Adolescents Thrive (Aider les adolescents à s’épanouir – HAT) est une initiative conjointe OMS-UNICEF visant à renforcer les programmes et les politiques en faveur des adolescents, afin de promouvoir une santé mentale positive, de prévenir les
troubles de santé mentale ainsi que l...’automutilation et les autres comportements à risque. La vision de la HAT est celle d’un monde dans lequel tous les adolescents, leurs soignants, la société civile et les communautés s’unissent aux gouvernements pour protéger et promouvoir la santé mentale des adolescents. Cela signifie qu’il faut prendre des mesures systématiques pour mettre en œuvre et suivre des stratégies fondées sur des données factuelles et sur les droits de l’homme pour améliorer la santé mentale, et pour prévenir et réduire les troubles de santé mentale et l’usage de psychoactives substances chez les adolescents afin
d’améliorer le bien-être tout au long de la vie
Swahili language version of Warning Signs in Pregnancy. It is a film showing warning signs for women to watch out for during pregnancy and how they can try to avoid complication and illness during pregnancy and childbirth.
Translation thanks to Yussuf Hamad & Ritva Niemi
FIND and Standard Diagnostics (SD) have developed a lateral flow rapid diagnostic test (RDT) to screen for
T.b. gambiense HAT that is cheap and easy to use. The tests are packed individually and are stable at 40°C for
up to 25 months; they are performed on fresh blood obtained from a finger prick..., and no instrument or electricity is required. The RDT detects host antibodies to infection in populations that are at risk, or in suspect individuals. Positive cases are subjected to further confirmatory methods to identify HAT patients.
Esta Coleção Especial inclui Revisões Cochrane sobre os seguintes tópicos: medicação; apoio comportamental; e desistência gradual. As intervenções que imitam o ato de fumar, especialmente os cigarros electrónicos, foram excluídas desta coleção uma vez que os riscos associados ao seu uso... em relação à atual pandemia não são claros. O grupo Cochrane Tobacco Addiction está trabalhando para se manter atualizado com todas as informações relevantes, para apoiar as pessoas que tentam parar de fumar durante este período difícil.
INTRODUCTION: Health service use among the public can decline during outbreaks and had been predicted among low and middle-income countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. In March 2020, the government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) started implementing public health measures across Kin...shasa, including strict lock-down measures in the Gombe health zone.
METHODS: Using monthly time series data from the DRC Health Management Information System (January 2018 to December 2020) and interrupted time series with mixed effects segmented Poisson regression models, we evaluated the impact of the pandemic on the use of essential health services (outpatient visits, maternal health, vaccinations, visits for common infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases) during the first wave of the pandemic in Kinshasa. Analyses were stratified by age, sex, health facility and lockdown policy (i.e, Gombe vs other health zones).
RESULTS: Health service use dropped rapidly following the start of the pandemic and ranged from 16% for visits for hypertension to 39% for visits for diabetes. However, reductions were highly concentrated in Gombe (81% decline in outpatient visits) relative to other health zones. When the lock-down was lifted, total visits and visits for infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases increased approximately twofold. Hospitals were more affected than health centres. Overall, the use of maternal health services and vaccinations was not significantly affected.
CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in important reductions in health service utilizsation in Kinshasa, particularly Gombe. Lifting of lock-down led to a rebound in the level of health service use but it remained lower than pre-pandemic levels.
30th World AIDS Day Report
STAR Initiative, Unitaid and World Health Organization December 2018
Die Filme wurden produziert mit dem Ziel, Informationen über mögliche Folgen von traumatischen Ereignissen und entsprechende Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zu verbreiten.
Die Filme können kostenlos auf der Stiftungswebsite heruntergeladen werden.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 16(10): e0009774. Although the practice of communication is often called upon when intervening asn involgvingcommunties affected by NTD's, the disciplinary framewokr of healt communication research has been largely absent from NTD strategies. To illustrate how practices conceptual...ized and developed within the communication field habe been applied in the context of NTD elimination, we conducted a scoping review focusing on two diseases currently targeted for elimination by the WHO: lymphatic filariasis and Chagas disease
Published: February 23, 2010
Volume 7 | Issue 2 | e1000235
WHO manual, 2nd edition
Olashore et al.
Child Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health (2017) 11:8 DOI 10.1186/s13034-017-0144-9
Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), or sleeping sickness, is a painful and protracted disease transmitted through the bite of infected tsetse flies and it is found in rural parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Sleeping sickness has two clinical phases but this review focuses only on treatment of the second...-stage, which is characterized by neurological changes and almost invariably fatal without treatment. There are only a few drugs currently available for second-stage sleeping sickness, all with considerable adverse events and variable efficacy.
The review includes nine trials with 2577 participants. Each trial reported different comparisons of the drugs currently available to treat second stage HAT (melarsoprol, eflornithine, nifurtimox) so no meta-analysis was possible.
DNDi’s long-term goal for sleeping sickness, also known as human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), is to develop and register two new drugs that are effective against both Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the disease and both subspecies of the parasite, T.b. gambiense and T.b. rhodesiense. T.b. rhodesiense is ...an acute form of the disease, occurring primarily in Eastern and Southern Africa. Better treatments for T.b. rhodesiense sleeping sickness are urgently needed.