Statutory Instrument 150 of 1991 | S.I. 150 of 1991 | Amended by S.I.’ s 298/93, 61/94, 319/94, 199/98, 256/98, 36/99, 24/2001 and 257/2002, 105 and 222 /2004
STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | SUPPLEMENT No. 8 28th March, 2014 | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT | to The Uganda Gazette No. 18 Volume CVII dated 28th March, 2014 | Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government. | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | 2014 No. 37.
STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | SUPPLEMENT No. 8 28th March, 2014 | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS SUPPLEMENT | to The Uganda Gazette No. 18 Volume CVII dated 28th March, 2014 | Printed by UPPC, Entebbe, by Order of the Government. | STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS | 2014 No. 29.
Combination file of all the documents related to the national guidelines for accreditation, supervision and regulation of ART clinics in India. Documents included:
National Guidelines for Accreditation, Supervision & Regulation of ART Clinics in India | Preliminary Pages | Corrigendum | Chapter 1 ...- Introduction, Brief history of ART and Requirement of ART Clinics | Chapter 2 - Screening of Patients for ART - Selection Criteria and Possible Complications | Chapter 3 - Code of Practice, Ethical Considerations and Legal Issues | Chapter 4 - Sample Consent Forms | Chapter 5 - Training | Chapter 6 - Future Research Prospects | Chapter 7 - Providing ART Services to the Economically Weaker Sections of the Society | Chapter 8 - Establishing a National Database for Human Infertility | Chapter 9 - Composition of the National Accreditation Committee | Bibliography
| Members of the Expert Group for Formulating the National Guidelines for Accredation, Supervision and Regulation of ART Clinics
Post Graduate programme is essential to prepare nurses to improve the
quality of nursing education and practice in India. .
Post graduate programme in nursing builds upon and extends competence
acquired at the graduate levels, emphasizes application of relevant theories
into nursing practice, ed...ucation, administration and development of
research skills.
BACKGROUND: Growing political attention to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) offers a rare opportunity for achieving meaningful action. Many governments have developed national AMR action plans, but most have not yet implemented policy interventions to reduce antimicrobial overuse. A systematic evidenc...e map can support governments in making evidence-informed decisions about implementing programs to reduce AMR, by identifying, describing, and assessing the full range of evaluated government policy options to reduce antimicrobial use in humans.
METHODS AND FINDINGS: Seven databases were searched from inception to January 28, 2019, (MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE, PAIS Index, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, and PubMed). We identified studies that (1) clearly described a government policy intervention aimed at reducing human antimicrobial use, and (2) applied a quantitative design to measure the impact. We found 69 unique evaluations of government policy interventions carried out across 4 of the 6 WHO regions. These evaluations included randomized controlled trials (n = 4), non-randomized controlled trials (n = 3), controlled before-and-after designs (n = 7), interrupted time series designs (n = 25), uncontrolled before-and-after designs (n = 18), descriptive designs (n = 10), and cohort designs (n = 2). From these we identified 17 unique policy options for governments to reduce the human use of antimicrobials. Many studies evaluated public awareness campaigns (n = 17) and antimicrobial guidelines (n = 13); however, others offered different policy options such as professional regulation, restricted reimbursement, pay for performance, and prescription requirements. Identifying these policies can inform the development of future policies and evaluations in different contexts and health systems. Limitations of our study include the possible omission of unpublished initiatives, and that policies not evaluated with respect to antimicrobial use have not been captured in this review.
CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the first study to provide policy makers with synthesized evidence on specific government policy interventions addressing AMR. In the future, governments should ensure that AMR policy interventions are evaluated using rigorous study designs and that study results are published.
The increasing global trend of Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has gradually emerged as a major public health challenge for the entire world. AMR has spread to almost all countries and regions, including Pakistan owing to the “misuse and overuse” of Antimicrobials, contributing to the increasing ...burden of infections due to resistant bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi, while limiting the treatment options for managing such infections.
Medicines and Allied Substances [No. 3 of 2013 47 | An Act to continue the existence of the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority and re-name it as the Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority; provide for the functions and powers of the Authority; provide for the registration and regulation of pharmacie...s, health shops and agro-veterinary shops; provide for the registration and regulation of medicines and allied substances; provide for the regulation of the manufacture, importation, exportation, possession, storage, distribution, supply, promotion, advertising, sale and use of medicines and allied substances; provide for the regulation and control of clinical trials; repeal and replace the Pharmaceutical Act, 2004; and provide for matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing.
A.55 Medicines and Related Substances Act, 2013 | No. 8 of 2013 | An Act to provide for the registration, regulation of the sale, distribution, importation, exportation, manufacture and dispensing of medicines and related substances, and matters incidental thereto.
The guidelines are presented in the form of the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Floods status and context
Chapter 2: Institutional framework and financial arrangements
Chapter 3: Flood prevention, preparedness and mitigation
Chapter 4: Flood forecasting and warning in India
C...hapter 5: Dams, reservoirs and other water shortages
Chapter 6: Regulation and enforcement
Chapter 7: Capacity development
Chapter 8: Flood response
Chapter 9: Implementation of guidelines: preparation of flood management plans
Chapter 10: Summary of action points
The COVID-19 Pakistan Preparedness and Response Plan (PPRP) outlines the international assistance required by the Government of Pakistan (GoP) to stop the transmission of the pandemic and respond to the emerging public health needs in Pakistan. It is created in line with the Pakistan National Action... Plan. It aims to steer a coordinated international effort in consultation with Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) to support the Ministry of Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (M/O NHSRC), National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Provincial Departments of Health, PDMAs under the overall efforts of the Government of Pakistan (GoP). It is prepared with the support of the UN and is guided by the WHO Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP).
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia regarding Security of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Medical Equipments
Government Regulation on Reproductive Health in Indonesia
Government regulation No. 22/2008 about funding and management of disaster aid in Indonesia
Government regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 21 / 2008 about the implementation and application of disaster management in Indonesia
Regulation of the President of the Republic of Indonesia on the Implementation of Patents by the Government on Antiviral and Antiretroviral Drugs
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major public health challenge, which is recognized as high priority area by the Government of India. The increasing consumption of antibiotics is one of the key drivers of antimicrobial resistance seen in bugs of public health importance. Irrational prescription o...f broad-spectrum antibiotics, poor regulations around sale of antibiotics, self-medication, lack of education and awareness regarding responsible use of antibiotics have been identified as some of the key factors driving antimicrobial resistance in our country. The ‘National Health Policy’ (2017), addresses antimicrobial resistance as one of the key issues and prioritises development of guidelines regarding antibiotic use, limiting the over-the-counter use of antibiotics, restricting the use of antibiotics as growth promoters in livestock, and pharmaco-vigilance including prescription audit inclusive of antibiotic usage in the hospital and community.
On 30thJanuary 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the People’s Republic of China to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) under the international Health Regulations. The following day, the Italian Governm...ent declared a state of emergency, stopping all flights to and from Chinese airports. 1.2On 7th April the foreign, interior, transport and health ministers signed a decree under theInternational Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue stating that Italian ports could no longer be classified as places of safety for foreign naval units, including NGO-run migrantrescue ships, operating outside the Italian Search and Rescue (SAR) area. Despite the national lockdown and the closure of ports to international rescue vessels in the Mediterranean Sea, small ships departing from Libya and Tunisia have continued to sail towards the Italian coastline. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), during the period 1stJanuary –12thApril, 2020 there were an estimated 3,229 sea arrivals in Italy