This paper provides information to assist World Bank and GFDRR staff in affecting disability-inclusive DRM. It is based upon desk reviews of existing practice, as well as consultations with experts in the field of disability-inclusive DRM. The paper:
- Illustrates promising practices related to... disability-inclusive DRM;
- Identifies key gaps in knowledge and practices;
- Identifies value-added areas for GFDRR and the World Bank, including specific actions they can take to advance the disability and social inclusion agenda in DRM;
It includess:
- Relevant guiding international policy frameworks;
- Disability inclusion in the priorities of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction;
- Illustrations of promising practices in disability-inclusive DRM;
- An annex of resources related to disability and DRM.
A recent survey of the literature and experience identified five broad actions that development institutions and governments, as well as their partners and stakeholders, can take to improve disability-inclusive disaster risk management. Those five actions are:
- Include persons with disabilitie...s as valued stakeholders in disaster risk management activities
- Help remove barriers to the full participation of persons with disabilities
- Increase awareness among governments and their partners of the safety and security needs of persons with disabilities
- Collect data that is disaggregated by disability
- Ensure that new construction, rehabilitation and reconstruction are accessible to persons with disabilities
As an online disaster risk visualization tool, ThinkHazard! aims to provide users with information to make risk-informed choices. This is the first platform of its kind, allowing anyone to quickly find information on 8 different types of hazards in their search area. All information is open source a...nd users are able to download all information freely.
Learning from the Pakistan Experience. A Manual for Post-Disaster Housing Program Managers
This series of 94 climate risk and adaptation profiles offers a common platform to guide access, synthesis, and analysis of relevant country data and information for Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation to Climate Change. The profiles are geared towards providing a quick reference source for devel...opment practitioners to better integrate climate resilience in development planning and operations. Users are able to evaluate climate-related vulnerability and risks by interpreting climate and climate-related data at multiple levels of detail. Sources on climate and climate related information are linked through the country profiles’ on-line platform, which is periodically updated to reflect the most recent publicly available climate analysis. The series is developed by the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), the Global Support Program of the Climate Investment Funds, and the Climate Change Team of the Environment Department of the World Bank and was made possible with the support of the Government of Luxemburg, the World Bank, and the Climate Investment Funds.
The goal of this contingency plan for El Nino related epidemics is to contribute to the reduction in mortality and morbidity associated with El Nino epidemic threats by ensuring that appropriate systems to support health emergency preparedness, timely response and post disaster recovery and mitigati...on are in place at the national, district, health facility and community levels in Rwanda.
Background Paper prepared for the 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction
The aim of this paper is to help bring voluntary standards into the toolbox of disaster risk reduction, including both by encouraging their use by business and by enhancing their role in legislation and ...regulatory practice.
- Authorities can build awareness for standards in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), by facilitating access to relevant standards, encouraging education on DRR-related standards and involving the standardization community.
- Standards need to be sustained by a powerful infrastructure that allows for reliable inspections, audits and precise measurements to be conducted by skilled professionals.
- Risk management best practice needs to embed, as emdodies in standards, more fully in regulatory frameworks in sectors that are relevant.
The scope of the Guidance is primarily the education in rural settings in Myanmar, but it covers some of the issues which have pan Myanmar implication and relevance. Considering the importance, complexity and vastness of the subject, similar type of initiatives on urban school and education system a...nd other issues needs to be taken up in future.
The Guidance has four sections namely Introduction to this Guidance, Rationale for Mainstreaming DRR in the Education Sector, How to Mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction in Reconstruction Process of Education Sector in Myanmar and Creating an Enabling Environment for Safer Education. The Guidance also includes good practices of various agencies involved in Cyclone Nargis education sector recovery as example.
No publication year indicated.
The ‘Toolkit’ is targeted at practitioners responsible for implementing recovery programmes, their objective to provide a ‘how to’ guide on development, implementing and managing complex post-disaster recovery programmes.
Disaster Recovery Toolkit
This report is not a formal evaluation, but rather a synthesis of the experiences, observations, and recommendations of a large group of experienced post-disaster shelter and recovery experts gathered from interviews, surveys, and direct discussions, and information derived from a desk review of the... wide variety of available evaluations and reports.
This consultative version of the guideline is the product of literature reviews, discussions and contributions from diverse stakeholders, as well as UNISDR-nominated experts appointed specifically for the development of the Words into Action guideline for Build back better in recovery, rehabilitatio...n and reconstruction.
Disaster impacted countries and communities are oftentimes much better equipped to Build Back Better during the extended period of recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction when they have taken actions to strengthen recovery capacity and decision-making effectiveness prior to the onset of disaster.
The guidance aspires
• To emphasize the 'need' to mainstream disaster risk reduction (DRR) in the health sector initiatives.
• To identify key approaches for mainstreaming DRR in the health sector in Myanmar, particularly in rural areas, based on the good practices, innovative and lessons learned of Government, UN agencies, NGOs and others involved in the Cyclone Nargis recovery.
• Identify key ‘vulnerabilities and opportunities’ for creating a ‘safer health system’ in Myanmar.
No publication year indicated.
The objective of this study is to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, sustainability, and impact of the tsunami response in Sri Lanka and Indonesia 10 years later. A cross cutting theme of this study is the assessment of whether communities are now better prepared to respond to and cope with disaster....
Three key lessons for the future of humanitarian response are highlighted:
Lesson 1: Participation is the cornerstone of humanitarian response and recovery;
Lesson 2: Partnership as a prerequisite for long-term change;
Lesson 3: Creating momentum for risk reduction.
The Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF) Guide for the Health Sector provides guidance on how to implement a comprehensive, integrated, and structured approach to disaster recovery. Its overarching goal is to minimize the impact of the disaster on communities and help countries to recover quickly and e...ffectively from disasters, in coordination with key stakeholders.
The DRF Guide for the Health Sector is adapted from the generic DRF Guide, and draws on the Implementation Guide For Health Systems Recovery in Emergencies, the Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management Framework as well as the Disaster Recovery Guidance Series. The guide also makes links with multi-sectoral, government-led recovery planning processes such as the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA), and it supports the implementation of the HDPN.
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This guidance note is intended primarily for health actors working in emergency and disaster risk management (hereafter 'emergency risk management') at the local, national or international level, and in governmental or nongovernmental agencies. People with disabilities, those... working in the disability sector and those working in other sectors that contribute to improved health outcomes related to emergency risk management, may also find this guidance note useful.
Conflict, climate crisis and COVID-19 pose great threats to the health of women and children.
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is a leading humanitarian agency dedicated to helping people whose lives have been shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future. Health comprises nearly half of IRC’s program portfolio globally and encompasses sectors: 1) Primary Health (including child health, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and mental health); 2) Nutrition; and 3) Environmental Health. IRC health programming across its portfolio, in terms of the size and breadth, responds to significant needs in crisis affected settings, improving health and wellbeing while reducing causes of ill-health.
This five-year Health Strategy sharpens our focus on where we can have the most impact. It guides our efforts in planning, technical assistance, business development, advocacy, and internal and external collaboration. Through this strategy, we will invest and grow in areas that will help us achieve high impact at scale for our clients. For the next five years these priorities will include: Nutrition; Immunization: Infectious Disease Prevention and Control; Last Mile Delivery of Primary Health Care: Clean Water.
Our strategy aligns with Strategy 100 (S100) and Strategy Action Plans (SAPs). It lays out how IRC, through health, nutrition, and Environmental Health (EH) programming, will advance the IRC’s S100 ambitions, respond to global trends, and capitalize on our value add. The strategy will be complemented by delivery plans that detail investments, actions, and roles and responsibilities to advance our priorities. At the end of FY24, we will take stock of the implementation of the strategy, measure progress towards achieving our goals, and review if it continues to be fit for purpose.