TB treatment for children is fundamentally the same as for adults, with a combination of TB drugs needing to be taken for a number of months. TB treatment for children consists of an intensive phase followed by a continuation phase. The purpose of the intensive phase is to rapidly eliminate the majo...rity of the TB bacteria, and this phase uses a greater number of TB drugs than the continuation phase whose aim is to eradicate any remaining dormant bacteria.
Accessed Nov. 07. 2017
htb supplement: 2018 Vol 19:(1)
New drugs in development
July 2018
Three Years After Enactment of the Drug Quality and Security Act
The overall goal of the programme, to reduce the malaria morbidity and mortality by 75% (using 2012 as baseline) by the year 2020, continued to be pursued in 2014. The following areas were identified as some of the priorities for the year: Malaria Case Management under which we have Malaria in Pregn...ancy (MIP), Home Based Care and Diagnostics.
O Fórum de Monitoria do Orçamento - FMO, em colaboração com o Ministério da Economia e Finanças (MEF) e o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF), decidiu elaborar a presente Brochura sobre o Orçamento do Estado em Moçambique usando uma linguagem simples, de fácil compreensão p...ara todos.
Medicines and medical devices for 10 000 people for approximately three months