Speech of the President of Caritas Internationalis to the FAO regarding food loss and responses from Caritas
PPC CHAIRPERSONS AND LEADERS OF DIOCESAN ORGANIZATIONS at Diocesan Pastoral and Social Center August 19-20th and 22nd-23th 2014, Caritas Sierra Leone
Guidelines for planning and provision of pastoral and social support services
Report of Meeting: 4 November 2014, Roma
Through the unrivalled outreach of the CatholicChurch we are able to bring together localknowledge at the grassroots level with thecombined expertise and resources of a globalnetwork.
accessed July 2020
Impact of EU policies on accessing protection. The report highlights the tragedy hundreds of thousands of people face when seeking protection in Europe. Women, men and children escaping war, repression and violation of human rights often turn to Europe in the hope of finding a safe haven. But many a...re instead confronted with bureaucratic hurdles, denial of protection and inconsistent reception standards across Europe.
Das vom Caritasverband Wuppertal/Solingen herausgegebene Handbuch informiert über die rechtlichen Grundlagen zur gesundheitlichen Versorgung von Flüchtlingen. Enthalten sind auch die im Projekt „Qualität ist kein Zufall – Neue Standards in der Flüchtlingsarbeit“ entwickelten Checklisten un...d Erhebungsbögen mit entsprechender Kurzbeschreibung.
Das Buch ist auch für Ehrenamtliche hilfreich.
Vor allem für Personen, die neu in diesem Arbeitsfeld sind, ist das Buch als Übersicht hilfreich. Hervorzuheben ist, dass durchgehend auf die zugrundeliegenden Paragraphen verwiesen wird.
This report presents the findings of research conducted by Child Soldiers International to assess the effectiveness of release, psychosocial recovery and reintegration interventions (commonly referred to as ‘DDR’) for girls associated with armed groups in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DR...C). More specifically, it seeks to shed some light on the extent to which girls have been reached by DDR programmes, and on the appropriateness of this support where it was offered, mostly from the point of view of the girls themselves.
Une étude de terrain internationale réalisée par des théologiens et des experts de santé africains et allemands
Praxishilfe. Zusammengestellt von den SprachlehrerInnen SEPA in EQUAL II
Foi produzido um novo livro de histórias que visa ajudar as crianças a compreender e a chegar a um acordo com a COVID-19
Com a ajuda de uma criatura de fantasia, Ario, "My Hero is You, How kids can fight COVID-19!" explica como as crianças podem proteger-se, as suas famílias e amigos do coronav...írus e como gerir emoções difíceis quando confrontadas com uma realidade nova e em rápida mudança.
Disponível em mais línguas
O livro - dirigido principalmente a crianças dos 6-11 anos de idade - é um projecto do Grupo de Referência do Comité Permanente Inter-Agências sobre Saúde Mental e Apoio Psicossocial em Situações de Emergência, uma colaboração única das agências das Nações Unidas, organizações não-governamentais nacionais e internacionais e agências internacionais que fornecem saúde mental e apoio psicossocial em situações de emergência.
Disponível em diferentes línguas
Bei der vorliegenden Publikation handelt es sich um die auf Grundlage aktueller Daten und Fakten überarbeitete Neuauflage der 2014 veröffentlichten Positionen. Nach einer kurzen Bestimmung zentraler Begriffe werden wichtige Aspekte, die mit der Aufnahme und Unterbringung sowie mit den Rechten und ...Pflichten von umF verbunden sind, diskutiert.