Verschiedene Sprachen gehören zum Alltag der Frauenhäuser, Schutzwohnungen und Fachberatungsstellen . In manchen Situationen muss ohne gemeinsame Sprache kommuniziert werden, in anderen ist eine Dolmetscher_in dabei und übernimmt die Übertragung des Gesagten in die jeweils andere Sprache. Diese ...Broschüre soll Ihnen mehr Selbstbewusstsein und Vertrauen bei mehrsprachiger Kommunikation geben, insbesondere in der Zusammenarbeit mit Dolmetscher_innen.
Frauenhauskoordinierung hat deshalb auf Wunsch der Fachpraxis die Ausarbeitung von Leitfäden zum Dolmetschen in Frauenhäusern und Fachberatungsstellen initiiert. Ein Leitfaden für Mitarbeiter_innen in Frauenhäusern und von Fachberatungsstellen, einer für Dolmetscher_innen und kurze, Leitfäden für Klient_innen sollen darüber aufklären, was beim Dolmetschen zu beachten ist – sowohl in der Zusammenarbeit mit professionellen Dolmetscher_innen als auch mit Laiendolmetscher_innen. Die Leitfäden sollen Beratung und Behördengänge erleichtern und ein gutes Zusammenwirken zwischen allen Beteiligten ermöglichen.
Ein Leitfaden für die Zusammenarbeit mit Dolmetscher_innen in Frauenhäusern und mit Fachberatungsstellen
Предложенный вашему вниманию проект документа для дискуссии, озаглавленный "Отпринуждения к единству действий: преодоление наркозависимости путем лечения, а не н...аказания" был подготовлен с целью пропаганды похода, в основе которого лежит лечение людей, страдающих наркотической зависимостью. В настоящем докладе в общих чертах представлена модель, в рамках которой то или иное лицо из системы уголовного правосудия направлено на лечение в медицинское учреждение, которое более эффективно по сравнению с принудительным лечением и связано с менее жесткими ограничениями свободы, меньшей степенью стигматизации и более благоприятными перспективами как для индивида, так и для общества.
Willkommen in Deutschland! Diese Orientierungshilfe enthält nützliche Tipps und Informationen für das Leben in Deutschland. Laden Sie den Refugee Guide als handliche Informationsbroschüre (pdf-Format) herunter, in 17 verschiedenen Sprachen. Anschließend können Sie den Refugee Guide ausdrucken ...und verteilen.
The role of community health workers in the vaccination against COVID-19: guide to support the implementation of the vaccination programme
While “sustainability” has become a central aspect of social action and responsibility around the world, its complex and multi-di-
mensional nature requires further explanation.
AWMF Leitlinie, 12.7.2021
Untersuchung und Dokumentation von Folter und Menschrechtsverletzungen. 2. Auflage
Many features of the environment have been found to exert an important influence on cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, progression, and severity. Changes in the environment due to migration to different geographic locations, modifications in lifestyle choices, and shifts in social policies and cultu...ral practices alter CVD risk, even in the absence of genetic changes. Nevertheless, the cumulative impact of the environment on CVD risk has been difficult to assess
and the mechanisms by which some environment factors influence CVD remain obscure. Human environments are complex; and their natural, social and personal domains are highly variable due to diversity in human ecosystems, evolutionary histories, social structures, and individual choices. Accumulating evidence supports the notion that ecological features such as the diurnal cycles of
light and day, sunlight exposure, seasons, and geographic characteristics of the natural environment such altitude, latitude and greenspaces are important determinants of cardiovascular health and CVD risk. In highly developed societies, the influence of the natural environment is moderated by the physical characteristics of the social environments such as the built environment
and pollution, as well as by socioeconomic status and social networks. These attributes of the
social environment shape lifestyle choices that significantly modify CVD risk. An understanding
of how different domains of the environment, individually and collectively, affect CVD risk could
lead to a better appraisal of CVD, and aid in the development of new preventive and therapeutic
strategies to limit the increasingly high global burden of heart disease and stroke.
The document "Pocketbook for Management of Diabetes in Childhood and Adolescence in Under-Resourced Countries" (2nd Edition) provides practical guidelines for managing diabetes in children and adolescents, particularly in resource-limited settings. It covers key topics like diagnosing and treating d...iabetes, managing diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), insulin therapy, blood glucose monitoring, nutritional management, and dealing with complications. The pocketbook aims to support healthcare professionals in delivering effective diabetes care and improving outcomes for young patients in under-resourced areas.
Observations from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) WHO collaborative cross-national study
Capítulo J.10
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle
Healthy people, healthy animals and a healthy environment worldwide with the One Health approach.
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically demonstrated just how close the link is between humans, animals, and the environment, and has highlighted and aggravated existing challenges. The destruction of na...tural habitats and displacement of species, trade in wild animals, resource-intensive lifestyles and conditions, non-sustainable food systems and, in particular, industrial agriculture and intensive livestock farming are the causes of the emergence of zoonoses as well as numerous other communicable and non-communicable, chronic diseases.
The One Health approach focuses precisely on such interaction between humans, animals, and the environment.
Abbreviated Report of a WHO Consultation
Reporting on Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific: A Handbook for Journalists.
UNESCO Series on Journalism education.
It explores the essential aspects of climate change, including its injustices to vulnerable communities, especially women and girls and least develope...d countries, and provides examples of best practices and stories of hope unique to the region. It can be used as a resource for journalists to understand the science of climate change, as well as helping journalists to improve their reporting of the environmental, social, economic, political, technological and other angles of the story
Doing What Matters in Times of Stress: An Illustrated Guide is a stress management guide for coping with adversity. The guide aims to equip people with practical skills to help cope with stress. A few minutes each day are enough to practice the self-help techniques. The guide can be used alone or the accompanying audio exercises.
Informed by evidence and extensive field testing, the guide is for anyone who experiences stress, wherever they live and whatever their circumstances.
Different languages available:
New criteria for classifying and diagnosing hyperglycaemia first detected during pregnancy have been accepted by a group of experts convened by WHO. These new criteria are an update of recommendations published by WHO in 1999