The primary role of Benin’s Department of Pharmacy and Medicines (DPMED) is to develop and apply the national pharmaceutical policy. The main objective of this policy is to ensure the availability and accessibility of quality medicines for the population. To fulfill its mandate, DPMED aims to stre...ngthen its regulatory capacity, including the issuance of licenses to pharmaceutical establishments and the registration of pharmaceutical products. Benin’s current registration system shares core concerns that are common to most developing countries, notably the capacity to evaluate and monitor the security, efficacy, and quality of medicines and other health products. It is currently characterized by 1) poor or inadequate traceability of records or regulations (example: a product’s marketing authorization [MA] is often hard to find); 2) lack of evidence used in the regulatory decision-making process (reasons behind special import authorization, i.e., products without valid MAs); 3) inconsistent and unsecured archiving system; 4) limited human resources; and 5) an inefficient information management system
Une mission d’appui regroupant des experts diligentés par l’OMS Genève s’est rendue au Bénin du 17 au 24 novembre 2014 pour aider le pays dans la mise en place de son plan de prévention et de riposte à une éventuelle épidémie de maladie à virus Ebola.
Dans ce rapport la mission que la situation actuelle du pays, caractérisée par une épidémie confirmée de fièvre de Lassa et la préparation de la riposte à la maladie à virus Ebola (MVE) demande, d’une part, l’organisation d’une riposte adéquate et d’autre part, un changement de paradigme. Concrètement, en mettant en place un dispositif comme si le pays se trouvait face à son premier cas de MVE plutôt qu’une préparation en l’absence de cas.
Plan du travail pour la planification famillale 2018 à 2019
Le projet a pour objectif sectoriel de contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs de développement du millénaire dans le domaine de la santé au Bénin : réduction de la mortalité infantile, amélioration de la santé maternelle, lutte contre les IST/VIH/SIDA, le paludisme et aut...res maladies. Les objectifs spécifiques sont les suivants: i) améliorer l’offre et la qualité des services de santé ; et ii) augmenter l’utilisation des services de santé. Le projet comprend trois composantes : i) amélioration de l’accessibilité à des services de santé de qualité; ii) promotion de la santé materno-infantile et lutte contre la maladie et iii) Gestion du projet.
Relevance and effectiveness of World Bank support for public sector capacity building in Sub-Saharan Africa from 1995 to 2004. Benin is part of a six country case study.
Formation du Personnel Paramedical au Benin: cas des Infirmiers et Sages-Femmes
This summary highlights the experiences, results and actions from
the implementation of the Rapid Assessment Tool for Sexual and
The tool – developed by IPPF, UNFPA, WHO, UNAIDS, GNP+, ICW and Young Positives in
2009 – supports national assessments of the bi-directional linkages
between and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV at the policy,
systems and services levels. Each country that has rolled out the
tool has gathered and generated information that will help to
determine priorities and shape national plans and frameworks for
scaling up and intensifying linkages. Country experiences and best
practices will also inform regional and global agendas.
Analyse des forces et faiblesses des zones sanitaires au Bénin
Les preuves de recherche mondiale sur l’accès à base
communautaire des contraceptifs injectables (CBA2I) montrent que
les agents de santé communautaire formés (ASC) peuvent en toute
sécurité, fournir des services de contraception injectable
acceptables et efficaces dans leurs communauté...s. De plus, la
récente orientation technique internationale favorise
l’introduction, la poursuite, et l’intensification de ce modèle de
prestation de service.
Ce profil pays est le résultat d'une évaluation du paysage menée par le personnel et les collègues d'Advancing Partners & Communuties (APC). Cette évaluation du paysage portait sur les pays prioritaires de l'Agence des États-Unis pour le Développement International (USAID) en termes de Popula...tion et de Santé de la Reproduction, et s'intéressait plus particulièrement à la planification familiale car c'est le point central du projet APC. Le but de l'évaluation du paysage fut de recueillir les informations les plus récentes disponibles sur le système de santé communautaire, les agents de santé communautaires et les services de santé communautaires dans chaque pays. Ce profil est destiné à refléter les informations recueillies. Lorsque cela est possible, les informations présentées sont justifiées par les politiques nationales et d'autres documents pertinents ; cependant, une grande partie des informations sont le résultat de l'expertise institutionnelle et d'entrevues personnelles en raison de l'absence relative d'informations publiquement disponibles sur les systèmes nationaux de santé communautaires. En conséquence, des lacunes et des incohérences peuvent exister dans ce profil.
In March 2013, a delegation of Benin health officials along with eight other country
delegations attended the Francophone West Africa CBFP Partners’ Meeting held in
Senegal. This landmark partners’ meeting was held to advocate and build capacity
for the introduction of CBFP, including communi...ty-based access to injectable
contraception (CBA2I), as a global standard of practice in the Ouagadougou Partner
Plan Benin used the Integrated Management for Child Illnesses (IMCI) framework in creating the project "Collaborative Approach to Community based Malaria Prevention.” The project targeted 20 pilot villages in the communes of Aplahoué and Djakotomey, with the goal of reducing maternal and infant m...ortality related to malaria in the Couffo district. In order to assess the effects of the project on the beneficiary communities, the evaluation was initiated to measure the progress and the perfomance outcomes achieved at the end of the pilot stage. The evaluation was conducted from March to April 2009.
This Community Health Systems (CHS) Catalog country profile is the 2016 update of a landscape
assessment that was originally conducted by the Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) project
in 2014. The CHS Catalog focuses on 25 countries deemed priority by the United States Agency for Development’s (USAID) Office of Population and Reproductive Health, and includes
specific attention to family planning (FP), a core focus of the APC project.
The update comes as many countries are investing in efforts to support the Sustainable Development
Goals and to achieve universal health coverage while modifying policies and strategies to better align
and scale up their community health systems.
The purpose of the CHS Catalog is to provide the most up-to-date information available on community
health systems based on existing policies and related documentation in the 25 countries. Hence, it does
not necessarily capture the realities of policy implementation or service delivery on the ground. APC
has made efforts to standardize the information across country profiles, however, content between
countries may vary due to the availability and quality of the data obtained from policy documents.
In 1989, the Republic of Benin was facing a great social and
economical crisis. Civil servants of all the sectors in public
administration were on strike. People did not know where to
go for their health care. Salaries were not paid for more than
six months and life for the general population wa...s very dificult.
The country was about to degenerate into civil war as a
result of the civil unrest in the country.
Thanks to the assistance from the French, and Canadian
and American Mennonite missionaries, the Bethesda Health
Centre was started in 1990 with US$ 1,000 granted by theses
partners. Today, the Health Centre of Bethesda has expanded
and has become a large Hospital in Cotonou. It hosts each
year about 100,000 patients and has developed the department
of paediatrics, ophthalmology, stomatology, cardiology,
obstetrical gynaecology, X-rays, etc. The Hospital has also
put in place an AIDS service which has been promoted by the
government to the status of an AIDS Treatment Centre.
In an integrated vision, Bethesda has established other departments.
In 1993, the Sanitation department was established
to implement sanitation and environmentally-friendly
projects aimed at reducing the high incidence of some diseases
frequently treated at the hospital. In 1996, the decision
was made to establish a micro-inance department called
PEBCo. This initiative, which currently has 10,000 clients,
uses community savings to promote income-generating activities.
Since many women were obliged to use the loans for
family needs (health care, children schooling, etc.), they were
unable to reimburse them as planned. Hence the Bethesda
non-government organization (NGO) recently began an initiative
to provide a community-based health insurance option
for the population in 2006. There are now 12,000 members.
This paper focuses on the presentation of Benin and the program,
but also describes how the project could be better improved
and what were its beneits and impacts.
Field Actions Science Reports
The journal of field actions
Vol. 4 | 2010
Vol. 4
Profil Nutritionnel de pays République du Bénin 2011
Des efforts considérables ont été menés pour apporter aux
populations rurales du continent africain des soins de base. Mais
la qualité de ces soins reste aujourd’hui peu satisfaisante car le
médecin généraliste est le plus souvent absent en première
ligne. Cette situation est paradoxa...le en regard du nombre de
médecins formés dans les facultés en Afrique francophone et à
Madagascar. Le déficit en médecin généraliste, exerçant dans les
zones rurales, reste particulièrement préoccupant alors que
les jeunes médecins sans emploi se multiplient dans les villes.
L’ONG Santé Sud, depuis plus de vingt ans, propose un concept
– la médecine générale communautaire – qui, associé à un dispositif
d’accompagnement, a permis l’installation de plus de deux
cents médecins généralistes communautaires au Mali et à
Madagascar. Ce concept a pour intérêt d’associer, dans une même
pratique, la médecine de famille et les Soins de Santé Primaires.
S.F.S.P. | « Santé Publique »
2014/HS S1 | pages 59 à 65
Considerable effort has been made to provide rural African
populations with basic health care, but the quality of this care
remains unsatisfactory due to the absence of first-line GPs. This is
a paradoxical situation in view of the large number of physicians
trained in medical schools in French-speaking Africa and
Madagascar. of the lack of GPs working in rural areas is a real
concern, as many young doctors remain unemployed in cities.
For more than 20 years, the NGO Santé Sud has proposed a
Community General Medicine concept, which, combined with
a support system, has allowed the installation of more than
200 community GPs in Mali and Madagascar. The advantage of
this concept is that it provides family medicine and primary health
care in the same practice.
S.F.S.P. | « Santé Publique »
2014/HS S1 | pages 59 à 65
Introduction : de nos jours, face à la pénurie grandissante de
personnel de santé qualifié et face au défi de l’atteinte des
Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement, la participation
communautaire est devenue une réalité incontournable. Dans
la zone sanitaire Avrankou Adjarraérété (3A) du
département de l’Ouémé, les relais sont appuyés par l’UNICEF
et l’ONG Africare. L’objectif de notre travail a été d’étudier
la qualité de l’apport des relais dans la mise en oeuvre de la
2014/2 Vol. 26 | pages 241 à 24 SFSP Santé Publique
Introduction: With the growing shortage of qualified healthcare
professionals and the challenge of achieving the Millennium
Development Goals, community participation has become an
essential reality. In the Avrankou Adjarra Akpro-Missérété (3A)
health zone of the Ouémé department, community volunteers are
supported by UNICEF and the NGO Africare. The objective of this
study was to assess the quality of the contribution of community
volunteers to implementation of community-based integrated
management of childhood illness (IMCI).
SFSP Santé Publique » 2014/2 Vol. 26 | pages 241 à 248