The Practical Approach to Care Kit is a health systems strategy comprising 4 pillars that support the delivery of primary care:
a guide,
a training strategy,
a health systems strengthening intervention and
a monitoring and evaluation component.
The Practical Approach to Care Kit (PACK) is a health systems improvement programme designed to support the work of primary care health workers in underserved communities (like doctors, nurses, midwives, health officers, community health practitioners), strengthen the health services in which they w...ork and thereby achieve the best possible patient outcomes
You can register for free and get the PACK Global Adult Guide for free
For the primary health worker in a low/middle-income country (LMIC) setting, delivering quality primary care is challenging. This is often complicated by clinical guidance that is out of date, inconsistent and informed by evidence from high-income countries that ignores LMIC resource constraints and... burden of disease. The Knowledge Translation Unit (KTU) of the University of Cape Town Lung Institute has developed, implemented and evaluated a health systems intervention in South Africa, and localised it to Botswana, Nigeria, Ethiopia and Brazil, that simplifies and standardises the care delivered by primary health workers while strengthening the system in which they work. At the core of this intervention, called Practical Approach to Care Kit (PACK), is a clinical decision support tool, the PACK guide. This paper describes the development of the guide over an 18-year period and explains the design features that have addressed what the patient, the clinician and the health system need from clinical guidance, and have made it, in the words of a South African primary care nurse, ‘A tool for every day for every patient’. It describes the lessons learnt during the development process that the KTU now applies to further development, maintenance and in-country localisation of the guide: develop clinical decision support in context first, involve local stakeholders in all stages, leverage others’ evidence databases to remain up to date and ensure content development, updating and localisation articulate with implementation.
PACK Nigeria (Adult and Child) provides a single, integrated, comprehensive, evidence-informed clinical guide to support all cadres working in primary healthcare in Nigeria: i.e. junior community health extension workers (JCHEWs), community health extension workers (CHEWs), community health officers... (CHOs), nurses, midwives and medical officers. Colour-coding is used to clearly delineate the scope of practice of these different cadres and clarify referral pathways. This integration promotes a team-based approach to a patient’s care and enables patients to receive consistent and standardized care from whichever cadre treats them.
You can register for free and get the PACK Global Adult Guide for free
Practical Approach to Care Kit
Kit de Cuidados em Atenção Primária
Guia de manejo clínico da COVID 19 para Atenção Primária
O PACK Brasil é uma parceria entre a Unidade de Tradução do Conhecimento (KTU), Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Florianópolis/SC, BMJ e Fundação ProAR. A Fund...ação ProAR é a líder oficial das atividades do PACK no Brasil. Mais informações sobre a ProAR podem ser encontradas em:
O PACK foi adaptado, traduzido, implementado e avaliado em serviços de atenção primária brasileiros entre 2015 e 2017. Um ensaio clínico randomizado concluiu que o PACK qualificou o atendimento clínico de pacientes adultos com doenças respiratórias crônicas na atenção primária e apoiou o compartilhamento do cuidado entre médicos e enfermeiros. Desde então, foi revisado anualmente, estando alinhado com as políticas públicas locais. Em 2021, foi desenvolvido conteúdos adicionais sobre o manejo da COVID-19.
Practical Approach to Care Kit
Kit de Cuidados em Atenção Primária
Guia de manejo clínico da COVID 19 para Atenção Primária
O PACK Brasil é uma parceria entre a Unidade de Tradução do Conhecimento (KTU), Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Florianópolis/SC, BMJ e Fundação ProAR. A Fund...ação ProAR é a líder oficial das atividades do PACK no Brasil. Mais informações sobre a ProAR podem ser encontradas em:
O PACK foi adaptado, traduzido, implementado e avaliado em serviços de atenção primária brasileiros entre 2015 e 2017. Um ensaio clínico randomizado concluiu que o PACK qualificou o atendimento clínico de pacientes adultos com doenças respiratórias crônicas na atenção primária e apoiou o compartilhamento do cuidado entre médicos e enfermeiros. Desde então, foi revisado anualmente, estando alinhado com as políticas públicas locais. Em 2021, foi desenvolvido conteúdos adicionais sobre o manejo da COVID-19.
The Global Prevalence of Male Circumcision
Accessed: 02.03.2020
October 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e1000162
November 3, 2009
PLoS Med 6(11): e1000176.
PLoS Med. 2009 Oct;6(10):e1000159. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000159. Epub 2009 Oct 6.
PLoS Medicine Vol. 6 no. 10 (2009) e1000165
This purpose of this guide is to inform robust evaluations of the WHO training package – a package aimed at personnel whose primary role in health-care facilities is environmental cleaning, hereafter referred to as cleaners.
The WHO training package – Environmental cleaning and infection prev...ention and control in health-care facilities in low- and middle-income countries – was designed to improve the competencies of cleaners through a practical, educational approach for adult learners in low- and middle-income countries and comprises two volumes: trainer’s guide and modules and resources (1,2). An associated OpenWHO online course describes the essential preparations for trainers to deliver the WHO training package.
This Cardiac Rehabilitation Change Package was completed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in collaboration with the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) with the purpose of helping cardiac rehabilitation programs, hospital quality improv...ement teams, and public health professionals who partner with these groups to implement systems and strategies that improve care for patients who are eligible for cardiac rehabilitation. AACVPR is a multidisciplinary professional association comprised of health professionals who serve in the field of cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation.
second edition
Included more self-measured blood pressure (SMBP)-focused content with tools and resources.
Showcased more tools to find patients with potentially undiagnosed HTN.
Added new strategies that focus on chronic kidney disease testing and identification.
MAMI refers to the management of small and nutritionally at risk infants under six months of age (infants u6m) and their mothers.
The END TB Strategy
Интеграция совместного оказания услуг в связи с ТБ и ВИЧ во всеобъемлющий пакет помощи для потребителей инъекционных наркотиков
Naicker et al. BMC Palliative Care (2016) 15:41 DOI 10.1186/s12904-016-0114-7
The case for evidence- based communication of science
COVID-19 has altered health sector capacity in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Cost data to inform evidence-based priority setting are urgently needed. Consequently, in this paper, we calculate the full economic health sector costs of COVID-19 clinical management in 79 LMICs under di...fferent epidemiological scenarios.
Since the Alma Ata Declaration in 1978, community health volunteers (CHVs) have been at the forefront, providing health services, especially to underserved communities, in low-income countries. However, consolidation of CHVs position within formal health systems has proved to be complex and continue...s to challenge countries, as they devise strategies to strengthen primary healthcare. Malawi’s community health strategy, launched in 2017, is a novel attempt to harmonise the multiple health
service structures at the community level and strengthen service delivery through a team-based approach. The core community health team (CHT) consists of health surveillance assistants (HSAs), clinicians, environmental health officers and CHVs. This paper reviews Malawi’s strategy, with particular focus on the interface between HSAs, volunteers in community-based programmes and
the community health team. Our analysis identified key challenges that may impede the strategy’s implementation:
(1) inadequate training, imbalance of skill sets within CHTs and unclear job descriptions for CHVs; (2) proposed community-level interventions require expansion of pre-existing roles for most CHT members; and (3) district authorities may face challenges meeting financial obligations and filling community-level positions. For effective implementation, attention and further deliberation is needed on the appropriate forms of CHV support, CHT composition with possibilities of co-opting trained CHVs
from existing volunteer programmes into CHTs, review of CHT competencies and workload, strengthening coordination and communication across all community actors, and financing mechanisms. Policy support through the development of an addendum to the strategy, outlining opportunities for task-shifting between CHT members, CHVs’ expected duties and interactions with paid CHT personnel is recommended.