The Mission of ANHE: Promoting healthy people and healthy environments by educating and leading the nursing profession, advancing research, incorporating evidence-based practice, and influencing policy.
This website provides an insight into environmental health in health care settings and their wor...k. You will find information about following topics:
Education, Research, Practice, Policy-Advocacy, Climate Change, Safer Chemicals, Food Sustainability, Energy and Health and much more.
accessed 30.07.2021
The Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (ANHE) is a network of nurses from around the country (and world) who are acting on the notion that our environment and health are inextricably connected. ANHE is a group of nurses from all walks of our profession – hospital-based, public health, sch...ool-based, academics, and advanced practice, to name a few. ANHE is helping to integrate environmental health into nursing education, greening our many workplaces, incorporating environmental exposure questions into our patient histories, providing anticipatory guidance to pregnant women and parents about environmental risks to children, implementing research that addresses environmental health questions, and advocating for environmental health in our workplaces and governmental institutions.
On this internet platform you can explore ANHE resouces.
accessed 29.07.2021
The global voice for patient-centred healthcare
IAPO is a unique global alliance representing patients of all nations across all disease areas and promoting patient-centred healthcare across the world.
The number of people at risk from trachoma, the world’s leading infectious cause of blindness, remained stable in 2020 despite disruptions to community-based interventions caused by COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported in its Weekly Epidemiological Record.
Trachoma, caused by particular serovars of Chlamydia trachomatis, is the leading
infectious cause of blindness. Infection is transmitted within ocular and nasal secretions that are passed from person to person on fingers, fomites (such as clothing) and eye-seeking flies (particularly Musca sorbens)....
Ophthalmic infection is associated with an inflammatory conjunctivitis known as “active trachoma”. Repeated episodes of active trachoma can scar the eyelids. In some individuals this leads to trachomatous trichiasis (TT), in which one or more eyelashes on the upper
eyelid touch the eye. TT is extremely painful. It can be corrected surgically, but, if left untreated, may lead to corneal opacification, resulting in vision impairment and blindness.
Website last accessed on 18.03.2023
GARC provides tools and training to build in-country skills and knowledge on essential elements of rabies control programmes, enabling countries to strengthen their efforts to eliminate rabies in a systematic way. Our most comprehensive in-country capacity bui...lding has been in the Philippines (at the country level as well as in the provinces of Ilocos Norte and Sorsogon) and Indonesia.
Website last accessed on 14.04.2023
The GARC Education Platform (GEP) is a set of free online courses developed to improve the skills and knowledge of people working in rabies awareness and prevention. Through the GEP, we aim to empower people to become rabies advocates, focal persons, and exper...ts across the globe. After completing each course, you become a certified graduate and receive a unique certificate of completion!
Geneva, 22 May 2023 – Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance today published a roadmap* outlining critical actions needed to ensure supply of oral cholera vaccine (OCV) is able to meet growing demand from countries. Released against a backdrop of a recent wave of cholera outbreaks around the world, the roadma...p forecasts the short-, mid- and long-term outlook for global cholera vaccine supply. Developed in consultation with a range of key Alliance partners, including WHO, UNICEF, the Global Taskforce for Cholera Control (GTFCC), and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), it describes how these organizations, manufacturers and countries can work together towards ensuring global OCV supply can support largescale preventive vaccination by 2026.
The document is a policy brief by the NCD Alliance for the 2023 United Nations High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC). It highlights the importance of integrating non-communicable diseases (NCDs) into UHC efforts, with the goal of ensuring equitable health access worldwide.
The article discusses the success of the Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory Diseases (GARD) in Brazil. It details the initiatives launched to address chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) like asthma and COPD, emphasizing the development of national programs and collaborative efforts with the... World Health Organization (WHO). Key achievements include successful advocacy, education campaigns, and pilot projects for asthma control, which have led to improved access to treatment and better management of CRDs. Despite challenges such as limited government priority, GARD Brazil has made significant progress in awareness and care for respiratory conditions. The article highlights the need for continued support to sustain these efforts and develop a formal national action plan.
Everyone in the world is exposed to risk factors for chronic respiratory disease (CRD). Three billion people live in urban areas and are exposed to outdoor air pollution. Two billion people are exposed to solid fuel combustion which represents one of the major risk factors worldwide. One billion peo...ple are exposed to tobacco smoke and everyone is exposed to allergens. These risk factors are of particular concern in developing countries and deprived areas.
Promising Approaches to Combination HIV Prevention Programming in Concentrated Epidemics
Das Ziel der Global Health Alliance Deutschland (GHA-D) ist es, Lehre, Forschung und Umsetzung Globaler Gesundheit an deutschen Universitäten zu stärken.
Die GHA-D ist ein deutschlandweites Netzwerk von Studierenden und Lehrenden mit Interesse an und Expertise in Global Health.
The Planetary Health Alliance promote, mobilize, and lead an inclusive, transdisciplinary field of planetary health and its diverse science, stories, solutions, and communities to achieve the Great Transition, a comprehensive shift in how human beings interact with each other and Nature.
Website last accessed on 31.03.2023
This status report shows how far we have come—and how much further we must go—if we hope to meet the global commitments to end AIDS in children. It offers a snapshot of global progress and permits an early assessment of the impact of the Global Alliance’s work.
Alternative Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in response to South Africa’s Baseline Country Report of March 2013 on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, with particular reference to the provisions of Article 24