Mémoire pour le Diplôme inter-universitaire Santé mentale dans la communauté»
El informe anual de la vigilancia de la resistencia a los antibióticos de los países participantes de la Región de las Américas se discute y analiza con el fin de tomar medidas para el perfeccionamiento continuo de la calidad de los datos, y su utilidad en la orientación a los clínicos para el... uso racional de los antibióticos.Inicialmente la vigilancia estaba dirigida a bacterias entéricas: Salmonella, Shigella y Vibrio cholerae, desde 1997. A partir de2000, se incluyeron otras especies que se encuentran en la comunidad y en los hospitales.La información suministrada por cada país es un consolidado de la información obtenida de diversos centros asistenciales y, en ocasiones, áreas geográficas diferentes, por lo que su valor epidemiológico es limitado. Sin embargo, no puede subestimarse la importancia de esta información como indicador de tendencia ni como justificación técnica de la necesidad de implementar medidas para la prevención y control de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos
The COVID-19 pandemic is the latest crisis facing the world, but unless humans release their grip on nature, it won’t be the last, according to a new report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which includes a new experimental index on human progress that takes into acco...unt countries’ carbon dioxide emissions and material footprint.
The report lays out a stark choice for world leaders - take bold steps to reduce the immense pressure that is being exerted on the environment and the natural world, or humanity’s progress will stall.
Rev Panam Salud Publica 40(6), 2016
In the Region of the Americas, the leishmaniases are a group of diseases caused by various species of Leishmania, which cause a set of clinical syndromes in infected humans that can involve the skin, mucosa, and visceral organs. The spectrum of clinical disease is varied and depends on the interacti...on of several factors related to the parasite, the vector, and the host. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is the form most frequently reported in the Region and nearly 90% of cases present single or multiple localized lesions. Other cutaneous clinical forms, such as disseminated and diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis, are more difficult to treat and relapses are common. The mucosal form is serious because it can cause disfigurement and severe disability if not diagnosed and treated early on. Visceral leishmaniasis is the most severe form, as it can cause death in up to 90% of untreated people.
54th directing council; 67th session of the regional Committee of WHO for the Americas
CD54/11, Rev. 1, 2 October 2015, Original: Spanish
The COVID-19 HEalth caRe wOrkErs Study (HEROES): Regional Report from the Americas is a multicenter prospective cohort study to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of health care workers in 26 countries on four continents and how it is affected by several factors at diffe...rent interrelated levels: individual, family, occupational, and social. This brief report presents the evidence generated from the baseline survey of 11 participating countries in the Region of the Americas. Using validated scales, the findings show high rates of depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, and psychological distress in several countries of the Region. The spirit of the project is not only to generate quality scientific evidence on the mental health of health care workers, but also to help develop interventions (both individual and institutional) and policies to address the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health.
Chromoblastomycosis (CBM), represents one of the primary implantation mycoses caused by melanized fungi widely found in nature. It is characterized as a Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) and mainly affects populations living in poverty with significant morbidity, including stigma and discrimination.