Savoir-faire correspondant au Choléra
Un rapport de plaidoyer de la Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge
publié en partenariat avec l’Alliance mondiale pour les vaccins et l’immunisation (GAVI)
The report will describe how the Ebola Response MPTF, which has attracted contributions from 38 Member States, one business and many individuals, has offered a transparent and strategic tool to support the Ebola response. As of 31 January 2015, the Fund had total pledges amounting to US$142 million,... out of which US$132 million have been deposited
2,202,059* South Sudanese refugees in the region as of 31 October 2019 (preand post-Dec 2013 caseload).
65,669* South Sudanese refugee’s arrivals so far in 2019, with 4,389 refugee arrivals in October 2019.
297,135 Refugees in South Sudan and 1.46 million IDPs with 12% inside six UNMISS Prot...ection of Civilians sites.
Dieses Filmprojekt soll junge Flüchtlinge und Filmschaffende miteinander in Kontakt, Austausch und Beziehung bringen, um gemeinsam Ideen für die Erstellung verschiedener Kurzfilme zu entwickeln und umzusetzen.Im kreativen Austausch wird gemeinsam ein Produkt erarbeitet, das auf der Einzigartigkeit... der persönlichen Geschichten beruht. Ziel des Projekts ist, dass Menschen ihre Lebenswirklichkeit als Flüchtling über das Medium Film im öffentlichen Raum thematisieren können.
To generate and manage resources towards this goal, the UN Secretary-General in collaboration with UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes (UN AFP) has launched the UN Zika Response Multi-Partner Trust Fund (Zika Response MPTF). The aim of this inter-agency pooled funding mechanism is to rapidly resource ...the UN system responses to Zika virus, in accordance with the overview of needs and requirements and the Zika Response Framework.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Southern Africa
• The impact of the drought in Southern Africa on WASH is already observed in places where the drought has been more acute and where WASH coverage was already low.
• Only 61 per cent of the region’s population has access to safe... drinking water and 39 per cent have access to adequate sanitation facilities.
• Approximately 6.4 million people (including 3.2 million children) in the seven priority countries have reduced access to safe water as a direct result of the El Niño drought.
Nutrition Situation of Children in Southern Africa
• Almost 15 million people are food and nutrition insecure (including approximately 7.8 million children) in the 7 priority countries.
• Approximately 36% of children in the 7 priority countries in Southern Africa are stunted and there...fore not able to fully achieve their full developmental, intellectual and physical potential.
• Over 513,000 children are currently suffering from severe acute malnutrition in the 7 priority countries.
Health Situation of Children in Southern Africa
The impacts of El Niño and La Niña are expected to more than double the regular caseloads of childhood illnesses (malaria, cholera, pneumonia, measles and diarrhoea) in the most affected countries.
• Diarrhoea cases among children are expec...ted to increase up to 4 times that of the regular yearly cases.
• Projections of pneumonia cases among children show a 1.5 times increase in cases.
• An estimated 11.8 million children are likely to be affected by malaria, cholera, diarrhoea, measles and/or pneumonia, with 7.5 million of these cases directly related to the impacts of El Nino.
Progress report of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee (A/HRC/33/53) (Advance edited version)