PLOS Medicine | March 1, 2018
To test for ethnic discrimination in access to outpatient health care services, we carry out
an email-correspondence study in Germany. We approach 3,224 physician offices in the 79
largest cities in Germany with fictitious appointment requests and randomized patients’
characteristics. We find t...hat patients’ ethnicity, as signaled by distinct Turkish versus Ger-
man names, does not affect whether they receive an appointment or wait time. In contrast,
patients with private insurance are 31 percent more likely to receive an appointment. Hold-
ing a private insurance also increases the likelihood of receiving a response and reduces the
wait time. This suggests that physicians use leeway to prioritize privately insured patients
to enhance their earnings, but they do not discriminate persons of Turkish origin based
on taste. Still, their behavior creates means-based barriers for economically disadvantaged
BMC Family Practice201415:165, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2296-15-165
Open Access
The report examines how people with mental health conditions are often shackled by families in their own homes or in overcrowded and unsanitary institutions, against their will, due to widespread stigma and a lack of mental health services.
Many are forced to eat, sleep, urinate, and defecate in t...he same tiny area. In state-run or private institutions, as well as traditional or religious healing centers, they are often forced to fast, take medications or herbal concoctions, and face physical and sexual violence. The report includes field research and testimonies from Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Palestine, the self-declared independent state of Somaliland, South Sudan, and Yemen.
Guidelines for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Women in Indonesia
Demenz ist eine Krankheit, die Persönlichkeit und Verhalten eines Menschen grundlegend verändert. Angehörige von Demenzkranken fühlen sich oft alleine gelassen. Migrantinnen und Migranten kann diese Erkrankung in einem noch stärkeren Ausmass treffen, wenn sie mit dem schweizerischen Gesundheits...system wenig vertraut sind und wenn Fachpersonen ihre Bedürfnisse zu wenig erkennen und darauf eingehen – sie werden dann «doppelt fremd».
Otros Trastornos
Capítulo H.1
Edición 2016
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Revisión: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle & Jasna Raventós
Contact No 175 - October December 2001
Q7. SCOPING QUESTION: In adults with moderate-severe depressive disorder, what is the effectiveness and safety of antidepressant medication (ADM) in comparison with psychological treatment?
The WHO mhGAP programme’s existing guidelines recommend that either structured brief psychological treatm...ents (e.g., interpersonal psychotherapy or cognitive behavioural therapy, including behavioural activation) or antidepressant medication (e.g., SSRIsi and tricyclic antidepressants) be considered in adults with moderate-severe depression. Health care workers need to know whether these treatments have different effects, including side-effects, in treating depressive disorder in the short and long term, in order to improve clinical decision-making.
Recommandations pour une Approche de Santé publique.
Juin 2013.
DHS Working Papers No. 110 | Zimbabwe Working Papers No. 11
The goal of this Global Action Plan is to articulate synergistic actions that will be required to prevent HIVDR from undermining efforts to achieve global targets on health and HIV, and to provide the most effective treatment to all people living with HIV including adults, key populations, pregnant ...and breastfeeding women, children and adolescents. The Global Action Plan has five strategic objectives: 1) prevention and response; 2) monitoring and surveillance; 3) research and innovation; 4) laboratory capacity; and 5) governance and enabling mechanisms.
Supplement Article J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018
To evaluate the epidemiological evolution of patients with HIV (PtHIV), between 2002 and 2012, in a day-hospital that became an HIV reference centre for south-west Burkina Faso.
This was a retrospective study of PtHIV followed in the Bobo Dioulasso university hospital since 2002. The study was ba...sed on clinical data recorded using ESOPE software and analysed using Excel and SAS.
Severe bacterial infections are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among people with advanced HIV disease, after tuberculosis and cryptococcal disease. For countries to reach the end-AIDS targets for 2030, there is a need to establish a roadmap for managing severe bacterial infections and re...duce mortality. The purpose of the meeting was to
Review the current research and implementation data on the use of prophylactic antibiotics (specifically azithromycin/macrolides) as part of the AHD package of care; To review options for preventing SBIs that are in line with goals of reducing AMR; Present the current evidence on diagnostics for SBI; Discuss research gaps and implementation challenges.