Бывают события, которые выбивают нас из колеи,
но мы все равно с ними справляемся. Но иногда
случаются такие страшные вещи, которые еще
долго преследуют нас и прив...дят к психическим
недугам. Так, например, может развиться посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство (сокращенно ПТСР). Это психическое заболевание
возникает в любом возрасте. Ниже мы расскажем
о его проявлениях у взрослых, а также о способах
лечения болезни.
The report provides an overview of the disaster risk reduction and management in Nepal, a country under threat of multiple natural hazards: earthquakes, floods, landslides, fires, storms, the epidemics, and others. It presents background information on the country, its disaster profile, its legal an...d institutional framework, the country's achievements in regards to the Hyogo Framework for Action, and looks at the challenges and future steps in the area of disaster management in Nepal.
Care of the Mother and Baby through Home Visits. Facilitator Modul for Clinical Practice
Imported and local rice prices increased modestly in March. A recovery in economic activity is leading to an improvement in unskilled wage rates (up 7 percent compared to February).
The households who are depending the most on negative coping strategies are in the districts of Kailahun, Kon...o, Bombali, Tonkolili and Koinadugu.
March data continues to show that negative coping strategies are most frequently used by the poorest households, by those living in Ebola-affected rural areas and by households headed by women.
Schizophr Bull. 2014 Jan;40(1):192-213. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbs150. Epub 2012 Dec 17.
Antibiotic resistance is no longer a concern for the distant future but is a pressing issue, both globally and in Nepal. As part of global effort to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotics, the Global Antibiotic Resistance Partnership (GARP)-Nepal was established to doc...ument the current state of antibiotic access, use and resistance in the country, and to identify policies and actions that could set a course for antibiotic sustainability.
Current Tropical Medicine Reports (2018) 5:247–256 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40475-018-0166-2 .Purpose of the Review Buruli ulcer (BU) is a necrotizing and disabling cutaneous disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, one of the skin-related neglected tropical diseases (skin NTDs). This article aim...s to review the current knowledge of this disease and challenges ahead.