Johns Hopkins experts in global public health, infectious disease, and emergency preparedness have been at the forefront of the international response to COVID-19.
This website is a resource to help advance the understanding of the virus, inform the public, and brief policymakers in order to guide ...a response, improve care, and save lives.
Daily interactive map
Interactive Map
You’ve probably noticed that the map has been evolving along with the virus. Now, it sports new layers of data—including a close-up section on the US, with details on testing, hospitalizations, and country-level demographic data.
The map provides “more nuance on what’s h...appening to support decision-making.
For example, the new details can help prepare hospitals to better anticipate staffing and resource shortages
To help improve understanding of an emerging outbreak’s complex dynamics, GHN has reached out to some of the world’s most respected global health experts for their quick "reality checks" on key issues related to the outbreak.
The authors review some common myths circulating about the vaccine and clear up confusion with reliable facts.
The arrival of safe, effective COVID-19 vaccines is a major development in the coronavirus pandemic. An effective COVID-19 vaccine will help protect people who come in contact with the virus from becoming sick. As more people are vaccinated, families and communities will be able to gradually return a more normal routine.
An Overview of Current Evidence with Recommendations for Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs to Accelerate Progress in Achieving the Health-related Millennium Development Goals
This I-Kit provides essential information and tools for responding to an outbreak using an SBCC approach. It presents a series of nine units, each accompanied by exercise worksheets to help link the SBCC theory to practice.
The worksheets in each section are typically followed by a completed exam...ple. The completed examples will likely include information about an emergency that, during an actual event, might not be immediately available. This was done to illustrate the full range of information to inform a strategic communication response.
2nd Asia Pacific AIDS & Co-infections Conference (APACC)
Hong Kong, June 1, 2017
Planning and preparedness are the keys to dealing effectively with threats that include infectious diseases caused by SARS and the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS, novel influenza viruses like H1N1, and Ebola. During outbreaks or epidemics of these emerging infectious diseases, healthcare f...acilities must carefully monitor the global situation as it evolves and conduct robust planning to promptly identify and safely manage a patient who may be infected and prevent further transmission. This module focuses on preparedness considerations for Ebola and how to engage a multi-disciplinary team to prepare your institution. Planning, preparedness, and practice will protect patients, visitors, and staff.
This video is part of a series of short, animated videos that make up the Interpersonal Communication for Immunization Package. The videos illustrate interpersonal communication-based challenges and solutions to improving immunization coverage and are intended to be used as job aids to support front...line health workers as they address barriers to immunization in their communities.
The series is brought to you by UNICEF in partnership with BMGF, CDC, Emory University, GAVI, IPA, USAID/MCSP, University of Alberta-Canada, and WHO
The immediate objective of the country visit to Senegal was to build upon the public health preparedness already in place and to ensure that systems are available to investigate and report potential EVD cases and to mount an effective response to prevent a larger outbreak. The joint team for strengt...hening preparedness for EVD was composed of representatives of Senegal’s Ministry of Health, WHO, CDC, the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the European Centres for Disease Prevention and Control, the Erasmus Medical Centre, Netherlands, and John Hopkins University, USA.
This toolkit has been developed by the ZAZI campaign for use by peer educators, community outreach workers, faith-based organisations, and traditional health practitioners to help facilitate participatory discussions on sexual and reproductive health with women aged between 20 and 49 years of age. T...he toolkit is divided in 10 content sections
A Training Curriculum for Providers
2nd edition. Essential guideline for humanitarian assistance
The International Council of Nurses (ICN) Code of Ethics ([1], p. 5) specifies the nurse’s role of promoting “an environment in which the human rights, values, customs and spiritual beliefs of the individual, family and community are respected”. The Malta Code of Ethics supports this for nurse...s and midwives [2], stating that the nurse is to “recognize and respect the uniqueness of every patient/client’s biological, psychological, social and spiritual status and needs”. Since patients are attended by different members of the multi-disciplinary team, these codes of ethics also address the holistic care of health care professionals that contribute towards patients’ safety. Examples of some heroes in nursing are given, whereby, their being in care generated signs of spirituality in their attempts to address patients’ needs, while their caring attitude instilled hope and healing.
This article deals with the burning issue of moral decision-making by major church assemblies, such as regional and general synods. Moral decisions by church assemblies have created many conflicts in churches in the past and at times did an injustice to the prophetic testimony of in society. The question arises as follows: To what extent should church assemblies be involved in moral decision-making? The central theoretical argument of this study is that although the notion of a ‘biblical ethic’ is valid, synods and council of churches should be extremely cautious and even hesitant to formulate moral decisions because of differences in hermeneutical approaches and the principle that the church is primarily the ‘local congregation of believers’. The church is not in the first instance a national, general or international social structure that should pass conclusive resolutions and that testifies by way of moderators or elected church leaders. To unfurl this central theoretical argument, the researcher refers to the current hermeneutical discourses and proposes certain ideas regarding the possible role of the church with respect to moral decision-making. In view of the information provided, a point of view is advocated regarding the way in which churches could be involved in moral decision-making today.
The GHS Index is intended to be a key resource in the face of increasing risks of high-consequence and globally catastrophic biological events and in light of major gaps in international financing for preparedness. These risks are magnified by a rapidly changing and interconnected world; increasing ...political instability; urbanization; climate change; and rapid technology advances that make it easier, cheaper, and faster to create and engineer pathogens.
Key findings from the study of 195 countries:
• Out of a possible 100 points, the average GHS Index score across 195 countries was 40.2.
• The majority of high- and middle-income countries do not score above 50.
• Action is urgently needed to improve countries’ readiness for high-consequence infectious disease outbreaks.