The Japan Committee for UNICEF (JCU) has for years endeavored to disseminate important information about children in developing countries and UNICEF’s various assistance programmes there, as well as to fundraise to support those programmes. Unprecedented damage caused by the East Japan Earthquake,... however, forced us to ask ourselves what we could do to help, and we wasted no time in contacting UNICEF Headquarters in New York.
March 2020
ブリーフィング・ノート(暫定版) - 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID19)流行時の こころのケア
緊急時のメンタルヘルスと心理社会的サポート (MHPSS)に関する機関間常設委員会(IASC) リファレンス・グルー...プ
Japan has been implementing projects of global extension of medical technologies under an official development assistance policy to improve public health and medicine by promoting Japanese medical technologies worldwide. The current work examines the impact and goals of implementing this new scheme.... The scheme has involved dozens of projects that sent Japanese experts to partner countries and that invited their counterparts to Japan to showcase Japanese medical technologies. Approximately 50 projects have been implemented in 24 countries over 5 years, and 19,638 individuals have been trained. As a result, the introduced technology was adopted in national guidelines in 4 projects and the introduced equipment was procured in the partner country in 17 projects. In total, 912,334 individuals have benefitted from the introduction of these medical technologies. The concept of "creating shared value" (CSV) could help promote project success by both creating economic value and encouraging social progress. However, the sustainability of that business model remains in question in terms of the internationalization of CSV. Several successful projects improved medical care and led to new business opportunities.
: Development assistance for health (DAH) is one of the most important means for Japan to promote
diplomacy with developing countries and contribute to the international community. This study, for the first time,
estimated the gross disbursement of Japan’s DAH from 2012 to 2016 and clarified its... flows, including source, aid
type, channel, target region, and target health focus area
This paper examines Japan’s ODA to the Philippines from a historical perspective. It traces the evolution of
aid institutions and policy framework over time; the disbursement patterns and strategic priorities of Japanese
assistance to the Philippines and the evolving and deepening aid relations ...of the two nations. In doing so, the
research highlights the role of initial aid priorities and practices and their persistence over time. Japan’s ODA
to the Philippines came in four waves which were shaped by critical historical juncture. The case of the
Philippines demonstrates that the interests of the donor and Philippine leaders crucially shape the aid priorities
and programs.
Accessed 18 February 2015
Following publication of the original article, the authors reported a conversion error that concerned the estimated amounts of development assistance for health (DAH) for 2012–2015; when the authors converted the current prices of 2012–2015 to the constant prices of 2016 using the gross domestic... product (GDP) deflator, they erroneously multiplied the current prices by the GDP deflator instead of dividing them.
Purpose of these Guidelines
These guidelines are designed to help members of the public to provide first aid to someone who is at risk of suicide. The role of the first aider is to assist the person until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves.
Development of these Guidel...ines
The following guidelines are based on the expert opinions of a panel of mental health professionals from Japan about how to help someone who may be at risk of suicide.
Contents Summary Glycemic Index Individual foods Mixed meal or diet Glycemic Load Disease Prevention Type 2 diabetes mellitus Cardiovascular disease Cancer Gallbladder disease
Somali version of How to use a Partograph
Jaantuska fooshu waa aalad muhiim ah marka lala kala wareegayo macluumaad labada xilli ee shaqada. Wuxuu kuu samaynayaa sawir kaas oo u muujinaya dhaqtarka in bukaankan aanu ladnayn una baahan tahay doc wareen.
Filimkan waxaynu ku sharixi doonaa goorta... iyo sida loo isticmaalo Jaantuska Foosha iyo sida uu uga jawaabo macluumaadka la galiyo.
Translation thanks to Aidarus Khalif and Fouzia Ismail and Adbirahman Dahir Aden at the Somaliland Nursing and Midwifery Association (SLNMA).
Accessed: 14.04.2020
Protecting Yourself from Coronavirus
COVID-19 has now spread around most parts of the world. This animation addresses best practices to protect against Coronavirus through recommended preventative measures.
Language: Bamanankan
Country: Mali
This project aimed to reduce the risk of vector-borne infection with Chagas disease by
controlling triatomine bugs, the vectors transmitting the parasite of Chagas disease, and
establishing an epidemiological surveillance system with community participation.
(7th Version)
20, March 2020
The Catholic Church maintains that the Imago Dei is the ground for human dignity. The secular world, too, endorses human dignity as the foundation for human rights without referring to Imago Dei. The Catholic Church and the secular world both agree on the importance of human dignity, ev...en though they differ on their views about the source of human dignity. In this paper, we shall examine if human dignity can be the basis of a fruitful dialogue between the Catholic Church and the secular world in order to make our world a better place to live. The primary resources for our study are the Church documents on human dignity, and the opinions of distinguished thinkers on the need to promote a culture of dialogue between religions and secular world.