Pledges at Global Fund Sixth Replenishment Conference. 9-10 October 2019 | Lyon, France
In 2019, the Global Fund’s 6th Replenishment raised more than $USD14 billion to fight HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Just two years later, the world has changed significantly. Put simply: COVID-19 devastated prevention and treatment programs. For the first time since the Global Fund’s founding, 2020 the world lost ground in the fight against HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
The Global Fund moved quickly to support countries to respond to COVID-19 and its impact on the three diseases, repurposing and leveraging additional funding to support urgent needs and adapt programs. Despite those efforts, the need for action to resume progress in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria has never been greater.
The world faces a choice.
Global fund to end Tuberculosis
The Global Fund’s Board meeting on 14-16 November 2023 was its 50th; and among the many issues for
information was on resource mobilization. The Board document provided an update on the status of the
conversion of pledges and the signing of donor agreements. In addition, it presented the results... of the
lessons learned from the Seventh Replenishment and sought feedback on the proposed actions leading up to the Eighth Replenishment. It also discussed ongoing resource mobilization, advocacy and communication efforts, as well as actions to mitigate funding and reputational risks.
Joint actions by the Global Fund and UNAIDS are guided by a strong alignment of strategies, goals and targets. UNAIDS has worked with all stakeholders to set a common agenda and targets within the Global AIDS Strategy 2021–2026, and the United Nations General Assembly confirmed this strategy and i...ts ambitious targets within its 2021 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: Ending Inequalities and Getting on Track to End AIDS by 2030.
Global health funding has increased in recent years. This has been accompanied by a proliferation in the number of global health actors and initiatives. This paper describes the state of global heath finance, taking into account government and private sources of finance, and raises and discusses a n...umber of policy issues related to global health governance. A schematic describing the different actors and three global health finance functions is used to organize the data presented, most of which are secondary data from the published literature and annual reports of relevant actors.
Background: The last decade has seen a dramatic increase in international and domestic funding for malaria control, coupled with important declines in malaria incidence and mortality in some regions of the world. As the ongoing climate of financial uncertainty places strains on investment in global, there is an increasing need to audit the origin, recipients and geographical distribution of funding for malaria control relative to populations at risk of the disease. Methods: A comprehensive review of malaria control funding from international donors, bilateral sources and national governments was undertaken to reconstruct total funding by country for each year 2006 to 2010. Regions at risk from Plasmodium falciparum and/or Plasmodium vivax transmission were identified using global risk maps for 2010 and funding was assessed relative to populations at risk. Those nations with unequal funding relative to a regional average were identified and potential explanations highlighted, such as differences in national policies, government inaction or donor neglect.
COVID-19 is having a catastrophic impact on the most vulnerable communities around the world and is threatening decades of progress in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria. The Global Fund works with partners, countries and communities to fight COVID-19, adapt lifesaving HIV, TB and malaria program...s, and reinforce fragile systems for health. Through our COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM ), the Global Fund is now the primary channel for providing grant support to low- and middle-income countries for COVID-19 tests, treatments (including medical oxygen), personal protective equipment (PPE) and critical elements of health system strengthening.
In 2017, $37.4 billion of development assistance was provided to low- and middleincome countries to maintain or improve health. This amount is down slightly compared to 2016, and since 2010, development assistance for health (DAH) has grown at an annualized rate of 1.0%. While global development ass...istance for health has seemingly leveled off, global health spending continues to climb, outpacing economic growth in many countries. Total health spending for 2015, the most recent year for which data are available, was estimated to be $9.7 trillion (95% uncertainty interval: 9.7–9.8)*, up 4.7% (3.9–5.6) from the prior year, and accounted for 10% of the world’s total economy. With some sources of health spending growing and other types remaining steady, and with major variations in spending from country to country, it is more important than ever to understand where resources for health come from, where they go, and how they align with health needs. This information is critical for planning and is a necessary catalyst for change as we aim to close the gap on the unfinished agenda of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and move forward toward universal health coverage (UHC) in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) era.
Financing Global Health 2014 is the sixth edition of this annually produced report on global health financing. As in previous years, this report captures trends in development assistance for health (DAH) and government health expenditure (GHE). Health financing is one of IHME’s core research areas..., and the aim of the series is to provide much-needed information to global health stakeholders. Updated GHE and DAH estimates allow decision-makers to pinpoint funding gaps and investment opportunities vital to improving population health. This year, IHME made a number of improvements to the data collection and methods implemented to produce Financing Global Health estimates. Both government health expenditure and development assistance for health estimates were updated and enhanced in 2013.
Efforts driving universal coverage have recently been strengthened through implementation of the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP) where cost estimates for immunization support were developed totaling US$40 billion of donor assistance by 2020. In addition to resource mobilization, there has been an ...increasing focus on improving both vaccine access and delivery systems. We track donor assistance for immunization by funding objective and channel from 1990 to 2016, and illustrate projections through 2020 to inform progress of the GVAP.
How has funding to developing countries for health improvement changed in the wake of the global financial crisis? The question is vital for policy making, planning, and advocacy purposes in donor and recipient countries alike. We measured the total amount of financial and in-kind assistance that fl...owed from both public and private channels to improve health in developing countries during the period 1990–2011
Rationale for including this intervention in the proposal
The report identifies major global gaps in WASH services: one third of health care facilities do not have what is needed to clean hands where care is provided; one in four facilities have no water services, and 10% have no sanitation services. This means that 1.8 billion people use facilities that l...ack basic water services and 800 million use facilities with no toilets. Across the world’s 47 least-developed countries, the problem is even greater: half of health care facilities lack basic water services. Furthermore, the extent of the problem remains hidden because major gaps in data persist, especially on environmental cleaning.
This report also describes the global and national responses to the 2019 World Health Assembly resolution on WASH in health care facilities. More than 70% of countries have conducted related situation analyses, 86% have updated and are implementing standards and 60% are working to incrementally improve infrastructure and operation and maintenance of WASH services. Case studies from 30 countries demonstrate that progress is being propelled by strong national leadership and coordination, use of data to direct resources and action, and the mutual benefits of empowering health workers and communities to develop solutions together.
Supplement to the Healthcare Waste Management Toolkit for Global Fund
Practitioners and Policy Makers