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Text search: European Interagency Security Forum (EISF)
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European Interagency Security Forum (EISF)
Persaud, C.
Christina Wille & Larissa Fast
European Interagency Security Forum
Max Glaser, European Interagency Security Forum (EISF)
Pete Buth, European Interagency Security Forum (EISF)
Adele Harmer and Abby Stoddard, Humanitarian Outcomes
Advanced Training Program on Humanitarian Action ATHA
and L. Reilly
Armstrong, J.
Davis, J.
European Interagency Security Forum (EISF) and InterAction
Finucane, C.
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
Hodgson, L. et al.
Humanitarian Practice Network
Insecurity Insight
International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces
Jan Egeland, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
Max Glaser, European Interagency Security Forum (EISF)
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Singh, Iesha
VENRO Verband Entwicklungspolitik und Humanitäre Hilfe
Publication Years
Women & Child Health
Public Health
Key Resources
Capacity Building
Mental Health

Security to go: a risk management toolkit for humanitarian aid agencies

Davis, J.; and L. Reilly European Interagency Security Forum (EISF) (2015) C1

NGO Safety and Security Training Project: How to Create Effective Security Training for NGOs

Persaud, C. European Interagency Security Forum (EISF) and InterAction (2014) C2
The NGO Safety and Security Training Report provides a narrative of the research findings, an updated curriculum, and guidance tools for training. It is based on extensive research and interviews with members of the NGO community. The report draws upon existing training materials, community consulta... more
Corrections and updates to EISF Briefing Paper Engaging Private Security Providers. Engaging Private Security Providers: A Guideline for Non-Governmental Organisations was first published in December 2011. While this is not an exhaustive update, this document intends to reflect the most important de... more
Humanitarian NGOs have made increased use of Private Security Providers (PSPs) over the last decade. There is a gap between the ways that NGOs actually use PSPs and the regulation of this engagement. These guidelines aim to assist humanitarian NGOs in reaching an informed decision about when, how an... more
Au cours des dix dernières années, les ONG humanitaires ont fait de plus en plus fréquemment appel aux Entreprises de sécurité privées (ESP). On observe l’existence d’un écart entre la manière dont les ONG utilisent les ESP dans la réalité et la régulation d’une telle relation. Ces ... more
This EISF report provides an analysis of the issues surrounding the relationship between NGO’s and their local partners. It includes a section on the topic and its background, responsabilities towards the partner organisation and particularly in terms of security, how to enable and help the partne... more
Gender and security is a complex issue, and this research found that there are different levels of comprehension of what it means in humanitarian and development assistance practice. The aims of the paper are twofold: to raise general awareness about gender and how it relates to security risk manage... more
The Cost of Security Risk Management for NGOs explores the costs related to safety and security management for aid programmes. It aims to assist all aid practitioners to determine their risk management expenditure more accurately, and demonstrate an evidence-based approach when presenting this infor... more
Security Risk Management and Religion: Faith and secularism in humanitarian assistance examines the impact that religion has on security risk management for humanitarian agencies, and considers whether a better understanding of religion can improve the security of organisations and individuals in th... more
Genre et Sécurité : Orientations pour l’intégration du genre à la gestion des risques de sécurité propose aux ONG des lignes directrices complémentaires pour intégrer la dimension genre à la gestion des risques de sécurité, afin de combler un vide dans les publications existantes et d... more
The transformation of the humanitarian landscape has already made a significant impact on the operational security of INGOs and other humanitarian actors. This report serves to inform strategic policy priorities and approaches to security planning and coordination, and addresses three main questions... more
Abduction of aid workers has risen sharply in particular contexts in the past decade. Abduction is a “unique form of critical incident”, characterised by its ongoing, “live” nature, often extended duration, the pressure of decision-making and uncertainty. This EISF Briefing Paper explores ... more
This EISF Briefing Paper seeks to outline the requirements of crisis management structures, providing a general guideline of crisis management planning, Crisis Management Teams (CMTs) and post-crisis follow-up. It is followed by the May 2010 EISF Briefing Paper, Abduction Management, that will focu... more
Según esta investigación, existen muchos y diferentes niveles de comprensión sobre qué significa el género en la práctica de la seguridad, dentro de la amplia esfera de la ayuda humanitaria, del desarrollo y en los entornos operacionales. Los objetivos del presente documento son de generar co... more
Managing Sexual Violence against Aid Workers aims to support aid agencies in preventing, being prepared for and responding to incidents of sexual violence against their staff. It is intended as a good practice guide to help strengthen existing processes and support organisations as they set up their... more
Managing Sexual Violence against Aid Workers aims to support aid agencies in preventing, being prepared for and responding to incidents of sexual violence against their staff. It is intended as a good practice guide to help strengthen existing processes and support organisations as they set up their... more
How do security events affecting humanitarian agencies differ between urban and rural environments?
Do men and women experience different types of security events? Are there differences in the attitudes within humanitarian agencies towards the same type of events affecting men or women? In this paper, using the Security in Numbers Database (SiND), the differences and similarities in men’s and wo... more
Good Practice Review