BMJ 2020; 371 doi:
Using infectious diseases sensitive to climate as indicators of climate change helps stimulate and inform public health responses
This study was aimed to ascertain the clinical profile and management of patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) and/or peripheral artery disease (PAD). In this observational and cross-sectional study developed in 80 hospitals throughout Spain, consecutive adults with stable IHD and/or PAD were i...ncluded. A total of 1089 patients were analyzed, of whom 65.3% had only IHD, 17.8% PAD and 16.9% both. A total of 80.6% were taking only one antiplatelet agent, and 18.2% were on dual antiplatelet therapy (mainly aspirin/clopidogrel). Almost all patients were taking ≥1 lipid lowering drug, mainly moderate-to-high intensity statins. IHD patients took ezetimibe more commonly than PAD (43.9% vs. 12.9%; p < 0.001). There were more patients with IHD that achieved blood pressure targets compared to PAD (<140/90 mmHg: 67.9% vs. 43.0%; p < 0.001; <130/80 mmHg: 34.1% vs. 15.7%; p < 0.001), LDL-cholesterol (<70 mg/dL: 53.1% vs. 41.5%; p = 0.033; <55 mg/dL: 26.5% vs. 16.0%; p = 0.025), and diabetes (HbA1c < 7%, with SGLT2i/GLP1-RA: 21.7% vs. 8.8%; p = 0.032). Modifications of antihypertensive agents and lipid-lowering therapy were performed in 69.0% and 82.3% of patients, respectively, without significant differences between groups. The use of SGLT2i/GLP1-RA was low. In conclusion, cardiovascular risk factors control remains poor among patients with IHD, PAD, or both. A higher use of combined therapy is warranted.
At the global, national, and regional levels, there are several guidelines and guides regarding the preparedness, prevention, surveillance, and control of diseases caused by respiratory viruses; most initiatives focus on specific virus events or cases. During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ...pandemic, it has been found that even when there are strategies designed and planned for pandemics, it is necessary to strengthen and improve them. Planning for imminent threats, including those posed by respiratory viruses, contributes to strengthening the core capacities of the International Health Regulations (IHR [2005])
Lancet Planet Health 2021; 5: e542–52
Capítulo J.1
Editores: Matías Irarrázaval, Andres Martin & Laura Borredá
Traductores: Laura Álvarez Bravos, Elena Guillot de Mergelina, Álvaro Doña & Beatriz Ortega
Capítulo J.5
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Fernanda Prieto-Tagle, María Irene Rodríguez
Otros desórdenes
Capítulo H.6
Editor: Laura Revert Marín, Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Silvia Rodriguez Portillo, Alfonso Pastor Romero y Paula Cox
Infectious diseases continue to impose unpredictable burdens on global health and economies, a subject that requires constant research and updates. In this sense, the objective of the present article was to review studies on the role of wild animals as reservoirs and/or dispersers of etiological age...nts of human infectious diseases in order to compile data on the main wild animals and etiological agents involved in zoonotic outbreaks.
6a edición clínica. Nuevo: 4. Vacunas (26 de abril); Nuevo: 5. Pruebas y procedimientos de diagnóstico (7 de abril); Nuevo: 7. COVID-19 persistente (7 de abril)
Guidelines for diagnosis, acute care and post-COVID-19 follow-up for children and adolescents
Trastornos de ansiedad
Capítulo F.2
Versión en español:
Editor: Cesar Soutullo
Traductores: Andrea Candelas-Muñoz, Cecilia Hernández-González, Ana Mena
To understand the mental health treatment gap in the Region of the Americas by examining the prevalence of mental health disorders, use of mental health services, and the global burden of disease.
El pediatra es el médico de cabecera de los niños pequeños y es el primero en ser consultado por las familias. Los padres esperan que el pediatra no solo sea un experto en atender al niño durante una enfermedad, sino que también lo sea en temas
vinculados al desarrollo. Las alteraciones del d...esarrollo son motivo frecuente de consulta en el ámbito pediátrico. La identificación temprana, el diagnóstico y el seguimiento de estos pacientes constituyen un verdadero desafío para los
médicos pediatras.Esta guía ofrece recomendaciones para la vigilancia del desarrollo, la pesquisa, la evaluación y el seguimiento de pacientes con
retrasos y discapacidades del desarrollo.
Trastornos de ánimo
Capítulo E.3
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Fernanda Prieto Tagle, Irma Isasa
Front Chem. 2021; 9: 622286.
Published online 2021 Mar 12. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2021.622286
Peru celebrates 200 years of independence in 2021. Over this period of independent life, and despite the turbulent socio-political scenarios, from internal armed conflict to economic crisis to political instability over the last 40 years, Peru has experienced major changes on its epidemiological and... population health profile. Major advancements in maternal and child health as well as in communicable diseases have been achieved in recent decades, and today
Peru faces an increasing burden of non-communicable diseases including mental health conditions. In terms of the configuration of the public health system, Peru has also strived to secure country-wide optimal health care, struggling in particular to improve primary health care and intercultural services.
Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2019;27:e3086 DOI: 10.1590/1518-8345.2608.3086