The International Conference on Population and Development in 1994 set targets for donor funding to support family planning programmes, and recent initiatives such as FP2020 have renewed focus on the need for adequate funding to rights-based family planning. Disbursements supporting family planning ...disaggregated by donor, recipient country and year are not available for recent years. We estimate international donor funding for family planning in 2003–13, the period covering the introduction of reproductive health targets to the Millennium Development Goals and up to the beginning of FP2020, and compare funding to unmet need for family planning in recipient countries. We used the dataset of donor disbursements to support reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health developed by the Countdown to 2015 based on the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Creditor Reporting System.
The Open AIDS Journal, 2012, 6, 245-258
Protocol for strategic implementation of mental health in COVID-19 emergencies ( Version 2)
This Tuberculosis guide has been developed jointly by Médecins Sans Frontières and Partners In Health. It aims at providing useful information to the clinicians and health staff for the comprehensive management of tuberculosis. Forms of susceptible and resistant tuberculosis, tuberculosis in, and HIV co-infection are all fully addressed.
Humanitarian emergencies result in a breakdown of critical health-care services and often make vulnerable communities dependent on external agencies for care. In resource-constrained settings, this may occur against a backdrop of extreme poverty, malnutrition, insecurity, low literacy and poor infra...structure. Under these circumstances, providing food, water and shelter and limiting communicable disease outbreaks become primary concerns. Where effective and safe vaccines are available to mitigate the risk of disease outbreaks, their potential deployment is a key consideration in meeting emergency health needs. Ethical considerations are crucial when deciding on vaccine deployment. Allocation of vaccines in short supply, target groups, delivery strategies, surveillance and research during acute humanitarian emergencies all involve ethical considerations that often arise from the tension between individual and common good. The authors lay out the ethical issues that policy-makers need to bear in mind when considering the deployment of mass vaccination during humanitarian emergencies, including beneficence (duty of care and the rule of rescue), non-maleficence, autonomy and consent, and distributive and procedural justice
San Salvador, 11 de abril de 2020
En una situación de crisis como la que estamos viviendo es muy probable que los profesionales de salud que atiendan a pacientes con COVID-19 avanzado, enfrenten situaciones nuevas y complejas en que se noten con limitaciones en el actuar e incapaces para toma de... decisiones difíciles.
Además, los sistemas de salud pueden verse desbordados en capacidad de atención: los servicios de emergencia, las instalaciones de hospitalización y los servicios de medicina intensiva e intermedia. La limitación de instrumental de trabajo, medicamentos, equipos de protección puede llevar a tomar medidas no compasivas ni equitativas.
Extreme heat events (EHEs) are a leading cause of weather-related injury and death in the United States, and under a changing climate, these meteorological episodes are predicted to increase in both frequency and intensity. Prolonged heat exposure from EHEs places an increased strain on the heart an...d may lead to heat-related illness if the cardiovascular system fails to properly thermoregulate internal body temperature. Every individual is susceptible to heat-related illness, however, those with reduced cardiovascular function and pre-existing cardiovascular diseases are at a greater risk for morbidity and mortality during EHEs. This document gives an overview of our current understanding of heat exposure and its impact on cardiovascular health outcomes, an overview of the medications that may exacerbate heat-related cardiovascular illness, and asummary of the interaction between extreme heat and air pollutants, and their collective impact on cardiovascular health. Additionally, this document summarizes epidemiologic evidence and identifies gaps in the extant peer-reviewed literature on the effectiveness of strategies and interventions to protect against heat-related cardiovascular disease and death. This information is intended to aid health departments and other health professionals in understanding and responding to the impacts of heat exposure on cardiovascular health.
La néphrologie pédiatrique (NP) a connu ces dernières années des progrès impressionnants en matière de soins. Cependant, le plus grand défi dans notre continent africain est de fournir aux enfants atteints de maladie rénale l’accès à une prise en
charge spécialisée par des né pédiatriques ayant une bonne formation, ainsi que la possibilité d’avoir un accès abordable aux techniques modernes, aux médicaments efficaces et à des stratégies de prévention. En Afrique, le développement de la NP a été très lent et sans collaboration réelle entre les pays concernés, ce qui a renforcé ma conviction sur la nécessité d’amener les néphrologues pédiatres africains à œuvrer ensemble, par le biais d’un ouvrage commun, à mettre en lumière les données spécifiques de notre continent dans ce domaine.
ECDC Technical Report
In line with ECDC’s recommendations provided in the ’Risk Assessment of HTLV-1/2 transmission by tissue/cell transplantation’ dated 14 March 2012, this Directive replaces the term ‘incidence’ with ‘prevalence’ in the description of endemic areas of HTLV-1/2 i...nfection. According to the new requirements ‘HTLV-1 antibody testing must be performed for donors living in, or originating from high-prevalence areas or with sexual partners originating from those areas or where the donor’s parents originate from those areas’ and this applies to both donors of non-reproductive tissues and cells and reproductive cells.
ECDC contracted experts from the Institut Pasteur in Paris to systematically review the published evidence on the distribution of HTLV-1 infection prevalence throughout the world and to identify high-prevalence countries and areas.
An attempt has been made to map the incidence of uni-dimensional and multi-dimensional poverty simultaneously arguably for the first time in Pakistan. While multi-dimensional poverty map is calculated using PSLM 2010-11; small area estimation technique is utilized to map uni-dimensional poverty usin...g both nationally representative HIES (Household Integrated Economic Survey) and district-level representative PSLM (Pakistan Standard of Living Measurement) for the same year of 2010-11. The result indicates the existence of spatial distribution of poverty pockets in each of the four provinces of Pakistan. Furthermore, it is also observed that these pockets of poverty are more concentrated in the desert and mountains regions of the country.
International Journal for Equity in Health 2014, 13:24
O relatório Situação das Crianças em Moçambique 2014 tem como objectivo analisar, de uma forma objectiva, a actual situação das mais de 12 milhões de crianças no país, assim como o progresso
alcançado na realização de seus direitos ao longo dos últimos anos.
Este documento traz recomendações para a implementação de planos operacionais em redes de serviços de saúde, tanto na atenção primária (incluindo assistência domiciliar) quanto em hospitais, para reorganizar a entrega dos serviços e ganhar eficiência na gestão e expansão da oferta de l...eitos, considerando a complexidade crescente dos casos. Essas recomendações concentram-se na gestão dos serviços de saúde para reorganizar e expandir a resposta desses serviços de acordo com a evolução da epidemia. Este documento de trabalho será atualizado na medida em que novos conhecimentos e evidências em relação ao SAR-Cov2 forem disponibilizados, e as recomendações fornecidas devem ser adaptadas para a realidade de cada país, considerando-se as características do respectivo sistema de saúde.
This Tuberculosis guide has been developed jointly by Médecins Sans Frontières and Partners In Health. It aims at providing useful information to the clinicians and health staff for the comprehensive management of tuberculosis. Forms of susceptible and resistant tuberculosis, tuberculosis in, and HIV co-infection are all fully addressed.
El Comité Permanente entre Organismos (IASC) ha elaborado esta Guía para posibilitar que quienes participan en acciones de ayuda humanitaria planifiquen, establezcan y coordinen un conjunto mínimo de respuestas multisectoriales para proteger y mejorar la salud mental y el bienestar psicosocial de... las personas que atraviesan por situaciones de catástrofe. Las poblaciones afectadas por situaciones de emergencia humanitaria suelen padecer enormes sufrimientos.
Mapping "Pro Poor" Policy in Aceh Province 2007-2011