BackgroundClimate change is one of the great challenges of our time. The consequences of climate change on exposed biological subjects, as well as on vulnerable societies, are a concern for the entire scientific community. Rising temperatures, heat waves, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts,, loss of forest, and glaciers, along with disappearance of rivers and desertification, can directly and indirectly cause human pathologies that are physical and mental.
ПРактИЧеское РукоВодстВо для соВместных меРоПРИятИй.
This report is the first of its kind. It brings together various data sets to present the current status of hand hygiene, highlight lagging progress, and call governments and supporting agencies to action, offering numerous inspiring examples of change.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hand hygiene ...received unprecedented attention and became a central pillar in national COVID prevention strategies. However, concern with hand hygiene should not only be as temporary public health measure in times of crisis, but as a vital everyday behaviour that contributes to health and economic resilience. Hand hygiene is a highly cost-effective investment, providing outsized health benefits for relatively little cost.
Despite efforts to promote hand hygiene, the rates of access to hand hygiene facilities remain stubbornly low. If current rates of progress continue, by the end of the SDG era in 2030, 1.9 billion people will still lack facilities to wash their hands at home.
This report presents a compelling case for investment in five key ‘accelerators’ as a pathway towards achieving hand hygiene for all – governance, financing, capacity development, data and information, and innovation. These accelerators are identified under the UN-Water SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework.
As a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the people of Ukraine, especially the most vulnerable, are paying an enormous price. Lives and livelihoods are being lost, with more than ten million people forced from their homes— and their country—in search of safety. The war has unleashed catast...rophic damage to the country’s economy and threatens lasting increases in poverty and societal upheaval. The scale of the war and the devastation it has caused have jeopardized Ukraine’s hard-fought development gains, through destruction of production and property, disruption of trade, diminished investment due to amplified uncertainty, and erosion of human capita
El objetivo fue determinar cuáles son las percepciones de distintos actores del sistema de salud
colombiano sobre los problemas del sistema que están detrás de la crisis. Se realizó un estudio
cualitativo a partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas y en profundidad con cuarenta agentes del
sect...or salud, en Bogotá, Cali, Ibagué, Espinal y Calima-Darién. Los resultados mostraron que la
corrupción, el incumplimiento de normas y los conflictos entre los intereses de diversos actores
del sistema debilitan la legitimidad de este último, atomizan la cooperación y cohesión de los
actores y fortalecen el interés particular.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization;
Reproductive health needs are particularly acute in countries affected by armed conflict. Reliable information
on aid investment for reproductive health in these countries is essential for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of
aid. The purpose of this study was to analyse official developm...ent assistance (ODA) for reproductive health activities in
conflict-affected countries from 2003 to 2006.
Methods and Findings: The Creditor Reporting Syst
Yemen’s war has become one of the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophes . In September 2014, the Ansarallah (Houthi) movement allied with former President Ali Abdullah Saleh to seize control over the capital city Sana’a and renegotiate Yemen’s fragile power-sharing agreement, and then seve...ral months later pursued President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi south to Aden . In March 2015, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates launched a military intervention, ostensibly to restore Hadi to power . More than 1,000 days later, that war has settled into a brutal stalemate . Officially, the Houthis remain in control of Sana’a and much of the north, while the Saudi-UAE coalition controls much of the south . A comprehensive Saudi-UAE blockade and air campaign has caused incipient famine conditions, the spread of communicable diseases such as cholera and diphtheria, and a wave of internal displacement .
In 2019, the Global Fund’s 6th Replenishment raised more than $USD14 billion to fight HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Just two years later, the world has changed significantly. Put simply: COVID-19 devastated prevention and treatment programs. For the first time since the Global Fund’s founding, 2020 the world lost ground in the fight against HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
The Global Fund moved quickly to support countries to respond to COVID-19 and its impact on the three diseases, repurposing and leveraging additional funding to support urgent needs and adapt programs. Despite those efforts, the need for action to resume progress in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria has never been greater.
The world faces a choice.
The COVID-19 pandemic’s immediate costs, measured in lives lost and damaged, have been appalling and continue to rise. In addition, its effects on individuals’ livelihoods and economies around the world have been deep and are likely to be long lasting. While saving lives was the near-exclusive f...ocus during the first phase of the crisis, governments are now trying to strike a delicate balance between preventing further economic damage by reopening parts of their economies, while managing the obvious health risks of doing so.
In the international mobility and migration arenas—policy areas enormously affected by the health and economic effects of the pandemic—this reflection considers both how these fields have fared thus far and the challenges that lay ahead
Guide pratique pour bien prescrire les médicaments - On y voit comment la prescription d’un médicament s’inscrit dans un processus participant de maintes considérations, quels principes président au choix d’un médicament, et comment constituer progressivement une liste de médicaments de... prédilection - des produits avec l’emploi desquels on s’est pleinement familiarisé en vue de les utiliser dans la pratique quotidienne. Des exemples illustrent la façon de choisir et de prescrire les médicaments, de s’assurer de l’observance du traitement et de communiquer véritablement avec les patients. Enfin, on examine les différentes sources d’information pharmaceutique en en décrivant les qualités et les défauts.
Giving Myanmar's displaced their land back
The Norwegian Refugee Council and Displacement Solutions have produced the report "Addressing Myanmar's Unsettled Restitution Gap" to advocate and help find ways for displaced people in Myanmar to be able to return home and recover their property and pos...sessions.
The 2023 meeting of the WHO Clinical Consortium on Healthy Ageing (CCHA) was the group’s ninth gathering and took place in Geneva 5–7 December 2023. The meeting was structured around seven panels, with a series of technical presentations, plenary discussions and group work, and a final session o...utlining the work programme for 2024.
Sound periodic programme reviews provide opportunities for countries to objectively assess progress and take corrective action to sustain or get back on track towards achieving their medium and long-term programme goals. It reflects people’s diverse needs, enables efficient use of health system re...sources and improves the predictability, sustainability and transparency of the programmes.
This publication provides guidance to countries on how to perform programme reviews for HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections in this dynamic health sector context. The guidance encourages integrated reviews across health programmes for more efficient use of health system resources. The welfare of populations to be served must be at the centre of health programme reviews, with the overarching resolve to protect and promote health as a human right.
This guidance is intended for use by all national partners, including health ministries, related ministries, civil society, affected communities and other stakeholders, for participatory and evidence-informed programme reviews.
This report brings attention to achieving gender equality in the context of women, girls, and the HIV response. This six-month consultation in 2016 with adolescent women and young girls found that #WhatWomenWant is: collaboration and joint action by all to invest in women's HIV and Sexual and Reprod...uctive Health and Rights (SRHR), to be leaders and articulate the priorities of women and girls in all their diversity, and to speak to the new Political Declaration on AIDS and the SDG framework as a tool for civil society to meet their agenda to achieve gender equality in the HIV and SRHR response.
As part of the new strategy preparation, USAID/Senegal requested assistance with a gender assessment. This study was conducted from March 20 to April 11, 2010. It was supported jointly by the Women in Development Indefinite Quantity Contract (WID IQC) Task Order 1 ShortTerm Technical Assistance and ...Training (STTA&T) and the USAID/Senegal mission. In addition to conducting a literature review, the team made site visits in the cities and towns of Dakar, Thiès, Kaolack, and Tambacounda and villages near each of them. These offered examples of key gender issues in Senegal, including gender disparities in access to education, unequal allocation of land and other productive resources, and gender-based violence (such as domestic violence, female genital cutting [FGC], and rape), as well as examples of USAID/Senegal‟s programming to address these problems.