Swahili version of Prevention and Management of Primary Postpartum Haemorrhage-PPH. Translation and voice over thanks to Alex Mureithi and Zawadi Machibya and their colleagues at the BBC Swahili Service.
PPH, or excessive bleeding after delivery, accounts for a third of all maternal deaths in sub-S...aharan Africa, although it is widely preventable and treatable.
Swahili Language version of Management of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH): Low Resource Setting. It is a film showing how to manage postpartum haemorrhage in a low resource setting by an unskilled birth attendant.
Translation thanks to Yussuf Hamad & Ritva Niemi
This film is the Bemba version of our English film: Food for Life - What Pregnant Women Need to Eat
Children in Kabwe are especially at risk because they are more likely to ingest lead dust when playing in the soil, their brains and bodies are still developing, and they absorb four to five times as much lead as adults. The consequences for children who are exposed to high levels of lead and are no...t treated include reading and learning barriers or disabilities; behavioral problems; impaired growth; anemia; brain, liver, kidney, nerve, and stomach damage; coma and convulsions; and death. After prolonged exposure, the effects are irreversible. Lead also increases the risk of miscarriage and can be transmitted through both the placenta and breastmilk.
This technical report presents the results of a cross-sectional survey conducted in Banja Luka, the Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, between July and August 2017, as part of the FEEDcities Project (Food Environment Description in cities – eastern Europe and central Asia). The aim of the r...eport is to describe the city’s local street food and takeaway food environment, exploring the characteristics of food vending sites, the industrially produced and homemade foods they typically offer, and the nutritional composition of these foods. Finally, the report provides guidance on how to address its findings through policy action.
Despite progress in improving antiretroviral therapy (ART) for people with HIV in Malawi, the burden of HIV infections and HIV treatment outcomes among key populations is suboptimal. Client-centered differentiated service delivery approaches may facilitate addressing HIV prevention and treatment nee...ds of key populations in Malawi.
De-identified program data routinely collected as part of the LINKAGES project–Malawi were assembled from October 2017 to September 2019. HIV case finding was compared across different testing modalities for each population. Poisson regression was used to estimate the association between testing modalities and ART initiation.
Of the 18 397 people included in analyses, 10 627 (58%) were female sex workers (FSWs), 2219 (12%) were men who have sex with men (MSM), and 4970 (27%) were clients of FSWs. HIV case finding varied by modality and population, with index testing and enhanced peer outreach demonstrating high yield despite reaching relatively few individuals. FSWs who tested positive through risk network referral testing were more likely to initiate ART within 30 days compared with those who tested positive through clinic-based testing (adjusted risk ratio [aRR], 1.50; 95% CI, 1.23–1.82). For MSM, index testing (aRR, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.06–2.00) and testing through a drop-in center (aRR, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.19–2.78) were associated with 30-day ART initiation.
These data suggest that differentiated HIV testing and outreach approaches tailored to the needs of different key populations may facilitate improved ART initiation in Malawi. Achieving 0 new infections by 2030 suggests the need to adapt treatment strategies given individual and structural barriers to treatment for key populations with HIV in high-prevalence settings.
BMJ Global Health2020;5:e002786. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002786
People with disabilities experience significant health inequalities. In Malawi, where most individuals live in low-income rural settings, many of these inequalities are exacerbated by restricted access to health care services. This qualitative study explores the barriers to health care access experi...enced by individuals with a mobility or sensory impairment, or both, living in rural villages in Dowa district, central Malawi. In addition, the impact of a chronic lung condition, alongside a mobility or sensory impairment, on health care accessibility is explored.
Accessed: 14.04.2020
Protecting Yourself from Coronavirus
COVID-19 has now spread around most parts of the world. This animation addresses best practices to protect against Coronavirus through recommended preventative measures.
Language: Bamanankan
Country: Mali
O Fórum de Monitoria do Orçamento - FMO, em colaboração com o Ministério da Economia e Finanças (MEF) e o Fundo das Nações Unidas para a Infância (UNICEF), decidiu elaborar a presente Brochura sobre o Orçamento do Estado em Moçambique usando uma linguagem simples, de fácil compreensão p...ara todos.
This guide supports the low-dose, high-frequency practice of scenerios needed to maintain competency in prevention and management of postpartum hemorrhage. The document is learner centered and is directly linked to service delivery standards. It is part of the Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding After ...Birth training package.
Comment les enfants peuvent aider à vaincre le virus - La bande dessinée informe les enfants et les jeunes de 10 à 14 ans sur le virus corona.
O que as crianças devem saber sobre a esquistossomose - Banda desenhada
AGRADECIMENTO: Este documento foi produzido com o apoio financeiro da Merck Alemanha. Em 2007, a Merck estabeleceu uma parceria com a Organização Mundial da Saúde para combater a esquistossomose entre os estudantes no con...tinente africano. Inicialmente, a Merck fará uma doação de 250 milhões de comprimidos de Cesol 600, que contém o princípio ativo praziquantel. A Merck pretende dar continuidade a esse compromisso para que essa enfermidade seja eliminada na África.
Mosala na biso eza po na matangisi ya bokólogónu ya mwana. Likasa oyo likolo ya Ebola na mayebisi 20 esalamaki na bato oyo ba salaki na bana na ekolo ya Sierra Leone na tango ya kokoso ya Ebola na 2014. CfH azali na mayebisi mosusu 100 po na kotanga pe
pona bana bapanza likolo ya mayebisi 10 po n...a bokólóngónu
REMERCIEMENTS: Ce document a été réalisé grâce au soutien financier de Merck Allemagne. En 2007, Merck a conclu un partenariat avec l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé pour lutter contre la schistosomiase chez les écoliers sur le continent africain. Dans un premier temps, Merck va faire un...e donation de 250 millions de comprimés de Cesol 600 qui contient le principe actif, praziquantel. Merck vise à maintenir cet engagement afin que cette maladie soit éliminée en Afrique.
Regional Network for Equity in Health in east and southern Africa (EQUINET): Disussion Paper 111
The health services delivery system in Zambia is pyramid in structure, with primary healthcare (PHC) services at community level, at the base, followed by first and second level hospitals at distric...t and provincial levels, respectively, and third level (tertiary) services at national level. Notably, primary health services are free in Zambia and health service providers are either governmentowned or not-for-profit facilities.
Over the years, resource constraints have affected the quality and extent of healthcare services at all levels, requiring the mobilisation of additional resources for the sector. In doing so, prioritisation was high on the agenda of health sector reform. The EHB, therefore, prioritises interventions with the highest impact on the population, enabling policy makers to revisit priority diseases and conditions and to cost the services provided at each level of facility. Other key issues in developing the EHB in Zambia have included the need to have cost-effective services and cost per capita of services for more systematic budgeting, to rank interventions and to validate and cost the health benefit package as a whole.
Suchtmedizinische Reihe
Band 5
Accessed: 14.03.2019
Suchtmedizinische Reihe
Band 4
Accessed: 14.03.2019