Отчет по теме "производства опия в Афганистане в 2011 году".
Данное исследование направлено на изучение чрезвычайно важного аспекта незаконного оборота наркотиков: огромной прибыли от торговли наркотиками, которая попада...т в руки преступников и их сети. Юго-Восточная Европа, через так называемый “Балканский маршрут”, является одним из основных путей поставки опиатов из Афганистана в Западную и Центральную Европу.
This 88 page book is designed to help primary care workers understand mental health problems and how they can be treated. Mental health problems from childhood to old age are examined. The book focuses primarily on the Afghan culture but is also relevant to a wider community
Презентация по вопросу лечения туберкулеза - Новые горизонты: инновации и доступ
The Strong Families Programme was developed and piloted in Afghanistan thanks to the generous support of the US-INL. To date, this programme has further been piloted in Central America, Central and West Asia, East and West Africa thanks to the support of Sweden, France and the US
31 October 2018 Issue n° 8
ISSN: 2406-5625
Draft May 2011
The first ever nursing and midwifery services policy document in the history of MoPH was developed with the following aims:
1. Create a positive environment for Nursing and Midwifery Policy and Practice
2. Promote education, training and career development for nurses an...d midwives.
3. Contribute to the strengthening of health systems and services
4. Monitor the development of nursing and midwifery professions and ensure their quality
5. Streamline Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Management
6. Develop Partnerships for Nursing and Midwifery Services
USAID/Afghanistan’s $443 million investment in the Afghan Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation (SWSS) activity is one of the Agency’s largest single investments in sustainable rural water supply delivery. The project installed about 2,123 wells with hand pumps across Afghanistan from 2009–2...012. This report presents findings from a retrospective evaluation of a random selection of wells with hand pumps installed under the SWSS project.
This evaluation’s key purpose is to identify factors that support and hinder sustainable water service delivery in different contexts.
ثیوبری هی 19 ّبی يفًَی ًهیز وٍَیذ تَاًٌذ هختل وٌٌذُ هحیف ّبیی ثبضٌذ وِ وَدوبى در آًْب رضذ هی وٌٌذ. اختلال ّبیی وِ در ایي ضزایف در خبًَادُ، رٍاثف دٍستبًِ، فًبلیت ّبی رٍ...سهزُ ٍ در سكحی ٍسیى تز در اجتوبو ایجبد هی هی، ضَد تَاًذ پیبهذّبی هٌفی ثز ثْشیستی، رضذ، تَسًِ ٍ حوبیت اس وَدوبى اًجبم هی 19 داضتِ ثبضذ. يلاٍُ ثز آى الذاهبتی وِ ثِ هٌهَر پیطگیزی ٍ وٌتزل ضیَو ٍیزٍس وٍَیذ ضَد ًیش هی تَاًذ هخبقزاتی را در سهیٌِ حوبیت اس وَدوبى ثِ ّوزاُ داضتِ ثبضذ .ثِ يٌَاى ًوًَِ لزًكیٌِ خبًگی، لزًكیٌِ هجتٌی ثز هزاوش یب ًَاحی یب ایشٍلِ ضذى در یه هحیف هحذٍد اس جولِ هَاردی ّستٌذ وِ هی ذ تبحیزات هٌفی ثز وَدوبى ٍ خبًَادُ ٌ تَاً 2 ّبیطبى ثگذارد. ّذف اس هختػزی وِ در اداهِ هی آیذ پطتیجبًی اس وسبًی است وِ در سهیٌِ حوبیت اس وَدوبى فًبلیت هی وٌٌذ تب ثتَاًٌذ پبسخگَیی ثْتزی ًسجت ثِ هخبقزات حوبیت اس وَدوبى در سهبى ّوِ گیزی ٍیزٍس وزًٍب داضتِ ثبضٌذ. در ثخص اٍل ثِ خكزات ثبلمَُ ی حوبیت اس وَدوبى در دٍرُ ّوِ گیزی ٍیزٍس پزداختِ ضذُ ٍ در ثخص دٍم ثزًبهِ19وٍَیذ حوبیت اس ٍ )2019 ّبی پیطٌْبدی ثز اسبس حذالل استبًذاردّبی حوبیت اس وَدوبى در الذاهبت ثطزدٍستبًِ(
وَدوبى در سهبى ضیَو ثیوبری ّبی يفًَی آهذُ است.
Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition National Guidelines
During the reporting period, 5,068 people were identified as being displaced by conflict and in need of humanitarian aid. In addition, 434 people who were affected by conflict received humanitarian assistance across the north.