Childhood cancer is curable for the vast majority of children when essential diagnostic, therapeutic and supportive care services are accessible. However, profound inequalities in outcomes exist within and between countries with as few as 20% or 30% of children living in low- and middle-income count...ries surviving.
The Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer Overview document presents the CureAll approach to support governments, partners and communities achieve the best possible cancer care for all children. This approach, summarized as four pillars of action supported by three enablers, will improve the care for children with cancer around the world.
Infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, can have a significant impact on children’s and their caregivers’
wellbeing beyond the disease itself. In terms of child protection, there are three main potential
secondary impacts:
- Neglect and lack of parental care.
- Mental health and Psychosocia...l distress.
- Increased exposure to violence, including sexual violence, physical and emotional abuse.
Comme les informations sur COVID-19 évoluent rapidement, il peut être difficile de naviguer et de synthétiser toutes les informations. L'objectif de ce document est de fournir une référence synthétisée et indexée d'informations COVID-19 précises et normalisées provenant de sources fiables.... Les informations sont présentées dans un langage simple et clair afin de soutenir l'élaboration des messages et du matériel nécessaires aux interventions de changement social et comportemental.
This guidance will assist the transportation sector, including transport authorities, companies, independent or informal drivers, and passengers, in addressing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) for different outbreak phases as defined in the Africa CDC Stepwise Response.
This guidance complements... the Africa CDC Guidance for Community Physical Distancing, which includes further details on how to engage communities, implement physical distancing, and support organisations, and the Africa CDC Guidance for Community Use of Face Masks.
Dans ce rapport, le Partnership for Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19 (PERC), un consortium d’organisations mondiales de santé publique et d’entreprises privées, fait la synthèse des résultats d’une enquête conduite du 29 mars au 17 avril 2020 dans 28 villes des États Membres de l’UA.... Ce rapport présente également les mesures épidémiologiques en matière de transmission de la maladie ainsi que les indicateurs relatives aux déplacements des populations et aux troubles civils. Dans l’ensemble, ces données donnent un aperçu unique des conditions initiales en Afrique pendant cette pandémie en évolution rapide.
Throughout the gestational period, it is important for obstetric health care facilities to strengthen health counselling, screening, and follow-ups for pregnant women, while incorporating screening, hand hygiene practice, good respiratory etiquette and infection prevention control precautions. These... screening procedures will help determine individualised precautions necessary, such as the wearing of face masks during consultations.
COVID-19 epidemic in Yemen
COVID-19 is thought to be widespread although the actual situation is unclear due to limited reporting and a fear, in Houthi-controlled areas, of seeking medical help. At least 50 people displaying COVID-like symptoms are dying each day. The probability of a high number... of cases, on top of a seasonal rise in endemic diseases, overwhelming the struggling health services, and high mortality has increased to high/very high. Only around three hospitals in each governorate are accepting COVID-19 cases.
This guidance note aims to ensure continuity of case management service provision as well as appropriate response to cases associated with the disease during the COVID-19 crisis in Myanmar. Outlined below are priority areas that Child Protection Case Management agencies should focus on
Reusing a legacy interactive audio instruction (IAI) program to provide education in a humanitarian crisis is a quick solution and a smart use of previous investments (“Learning in the Time of Ebola”). This article highlights and advises on the issues that relate to adapting and updating previou...sly developed IAI programs, including how to orient current audiences to listen and learn in new ways.
Les points qui suivent ont pour objectif de donner quelques éléments pour faciliter la continuité des activités de la réponse humanitaire en WASH au Burkina Faso.
After Corona was declared as a pandemic by WHO, multiple government agencies, development agencies, and departments needed technically accurate materials for their relevant contexts. Department for Labor and Human Resource, Government of Punjab needed something immediate for industrial workers in la...rge scale manufacturing settings particularly the textile sector which alone employs millions of workers.
Supply of essential medicines and health technologies (6 April 2020)
This paper is one of a set of technical guidance papers developed by the WHO Regional Office for Europe to provide practical information and resources for decision-makers on measures to strengthen the health system response to C...OVID-19.
The purpose of this paper is to provide WHO Regional Office for Europe Country Offices and Member States with guidance on how to maintain supplies of medicines and health technologies, including devices, diagnostics and blood products, during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Constraints, Technologies, Policies and Processes
Issue #6| 23 March– 05 April 2020
In view of the evolving situation of COVID-19 across the world and in India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has issued travel advisories from time to time. The issued travel advisories are consolidated as under:
Indian citizens are advised to refrain from travel to China, Iran, Republic of ...Korea, Italy & Japan and advised to avoid non-essential travel to other COVID-19 affected countries.