Principles and Target Product Criteria. Roadmap January 12, 2015
информационный листок о курении табака через кальян и последствиях для здоровья
The document contains 2 decision trees, the first short one is to act fast and the second is to design better interventions
Eur Respir J. 2014 April ; 43(4): 1132–1141. doi:10.1183/09031936.00203613.
Glob Health Sci Pract February 1, 2014 vol. 2 no. 1 p. 103-116
PLoS ONE 9(1): e87262. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0087262
Child friendly spaces (CFS) are safe spaces where
communities create nurturing environments in which
children can access free and structured play and
learning activities. CFS, also commonly referred to
as Child Centred Spaces or Safe Spaces for Children,
may provide educational and psychosocial... support
and other activities that restore a sense of normality
and continuity for children whose lives have been
disrupted by war, natural disaster or other emergency
Induced abortion is permitted in Burkina Faso only to save the life and protect the health of a
pregnant woman, or in cases of rape, incest, and severe fetal impairment. As a result, the vast
majority of women who end unintended pregnancies do so in secrecy, out of fear of prosecution
and to avoi...d the social stigma that surrounds this practice. Most clandestine abortions are carried
out in unsafe conditions that jeopardize women’s health and sometimes their lives. This report
presents estimates of the number and rate of induced abortions that occurred in Burkina Faso in
2008 and 2012; reports levels of unintended pregnancy (the major reason that women seek
abortions in the first place); and describes some of the adverse consequences of unsafe abortion
for women, their families and society.