This technical report presents the results of a cross-sectional survey conducted in Banja Luka, the Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, between July and August 2017, as part of the FEEDcities Project (Food Environment Description in cities – eastern Europe and central Asia). The aim of the r...eport is to describe the city’s local street food and takeaway food environment, exploring the characteristics of food vending sites, the industrially produced and homemade foods they typically offer, and the nutritional composition of these foods. Finally, the report provides guidance on how to address its findings through policy action.
Community health worker teams are potential game-changers in ensuring access to care in vulnerable communities. Who are they? What do they actually do? Can they help South Africa realize universal health coverage? As the proactive arm of the health services, community health workers teams provide ho...usehold and community education, early screening, tracing and referrals for a range of health and social services. There is little local or global evidence on the household services provided by such teams, beyond specific disease-oriented activities such as for HIV and TB. This paper seeks to address this gap.
Some observers have described the coronavirus pandemic as an 'Anthropocene disease,' thereby highlighting its connection with this new ecological era that is characterised by the considerable pressure human activities are exerting on ecosystems and the consequences on public health, society and the ...environment. This article focuses on the recent emergence of the 'Planetary Health' paradigm. Launched by the Rockefeller Foundation and the medical journal The Lancet, Planetary Health is one of the most ambitious attempts in recent years to systematize global health in the Anthropocene. While recognising the interest and necessity of reflecting on human health and the health of the planet, this article aims to show, however, that the Planetary Health paradigm is problematic and aporetic for two reasons. First, because it is based on a scientistic and depoliticised conception of the Anthropocene, which obscures capitalism's responsibility for the contemporary global and, especially, ecological crisis. Second, because this conception leads to a promotion of solutions that are essentially based on the financialization and technoscientific management of the living world - precisely the underlying cause of the degradation of ecosystems and living conditions that created the Anthropocene in the first place. A different kind of 'planetary health' remains possible and desirable.
Estas directrices sustituyen a los anteriores documentos de política de la OMS sobre el manejo de la ILTB en las personas con la infección por el VIH, los contactos del hogar de personas con TB y otros grupos de riesgo. Las Directrices unificadas de la OMS sobre la tuberculosis: Tratamiento preven...tivo de la tuberculosis se elaboraron conforme a los requisitos del Comité de Examen de Directrices. El grupo de elaboración de las directrices (GDG, por su sigla en inglés) examinó la calidad de la evidencia más reciente disponible sobre la efectividad y los posibles perjuicios, así como la certeza de la evidencia, los valores y las preferencias, además de cuestiones de equidad, utilización de recursos, aceptabilidad y viabilidad de la aplicación al actualizar o formular nuevas recomendaciones y determinar su fuerza.
La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de generar información que permita conocer los efectos que la pandemia por COVID-19 producen sobre el estado de salud mental y cambios en el comportamiento de niñas, niños y adolescentes, y presentar recomendaciones que orienten las acciones diferentes actores relevantes, para evitar el sufrimiento y proteger la salud mental de niñas, niños y adolescentes.
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases
This study shows the importance of an integrated entomological and medical surveillance for the evaluation of arboviral disease risk, which is a precondition for designing cost-effective vector control programs.
Gambiense human African trypanosomiasis is a deadly infectious disease affecting West and Central Africa, South Sudan and Uganda, and transmitted between humans by tsetse flies. The disease has caused several major epidemics, the latest one in the 1990s. Thanks to recent innovations such as rapid di...agnostic tests for population screening, a single-dose oral treatment and a highly efficient vector control strategy, interruption of transmission of the causative parasite is now within reach. If indeed gHAT has an exclusively human reservoir, this could even result in eradication of the disease. Even if there were an animal reservoir, on the basis of epidemiological data, it plays a limited role. Maintaining adequate postelimination surveillance in known historic foci, using the newly developed tools, should be sufficient to prevent any future resurgence.
The purpose of this guide is to provide practical advice for health staff undertaking infectious disease preparedness and response activities to ensure that access to safe abortion care (SAC) is maintained when an infectious disease outbreak occurs. It is an operational guide which can serve to supp...ort health actors to maintain SAC services during outbreaks and ensure that necessary SAC considerations are integrated within outbreak responses; it is not a clinical guide. The locational focus of this document is humanitarian and fragile settings; however, recommendations may apply to infectious disease outbreaks in all low-resource populations. This guide is intended to complement Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights During Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Operational Guidance for Humanitarian and Fragile Settings.
El objetivo de esta guía es brindar recomendaciones prácticas al personal de salud que se hace cargo de las actividades de preparación y respuesta a las enfermedades contagiosas para asegurar que se mantenga el acceso a servicios de aborto seguro (SAS) cuando surja un brote de enfermedades contag...iosas. Es una guía operativa que puede servir para apoyar a los actores de la salud para que los SAS se mantengan durante los brotes y asegurar que las consideraciones necesarias de SAS se integren dentro de la respuesta al brote; no es una guía clínica. El enfoque centrado en la ubicación de este documento se dirige a los asentamientos frágiles y de ayuda humanitaria; sin embargo, las recomendaciones pueden aplicarse a brotes de enfermedades contagiosas a cualquier población con escasez de recursos. Esta guía busca complementar el trabajo llamado La salud sexual y reproductiva y los derechos durante los brotes de enfermedades contagiosas: Guía operativa para escenarios frágiles y de ayuda humanitaria.
Ce guide a pour objectif de fournir des conseils pratiques à destination du personnel de santé entreprenant des activités de préparation et de réponse aux maladies infectieuses afin de maintenir l’accès à des Soins d’Avortement sans Risque (SAR) durant une épidémie de maladie infectieus...e. Il s’agit d’un guide pratique destiné à aider les acteurs du secteur de la santé à garantir le maintien des services de Soins d’Avortement sans Risque (SAR) pendant les épidémies et à veiller à ce que les considérations nécessaires en matière de Soins d’Avortement sans Risque soient intégrées à la riposte à l’épidémie; il ne s’agit pas d’un guide clinique. Ce document se concentre sur les situations de crise humanitaire et les contextes fragiles, toutefois les recommandations peuvent s’appliquer aux épidémies de maladies infectieuses auprès des populations à faibles ressources. Ce guide est prévu en complément du document: Santé et droits en matière de sexualité et de procréation durant les épidémies de maladies infectieuses: orientations de mise en oeuvre pour les situations de crise humanitaire et les contextes fragiles.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a global epidemic with significant morbidity. Diabetic
retinopathy (DR) is the specific microvascular complication of DM and affects 1 in 3 persons with DM. DR remains a leading cause of vision loss in working adult populations. Patients with severe levels of DR are report...ed to have poorer quality of life and reduced levels of physical, emotional, and social well-being, and they utilize more health care resources.
Epidemiological studies and clinical trials have shown that optimal control of blood glucose, blood pressure, and blood lipids can reduce the risk of developing retinopathy and slow its progression. Timely treatment with laser photocoagulation, and increasingly, the appropriate use of intraocular administration of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors can prevent visual loss in vision- threatening retinopathy, particularly diabetic macular edema (DME). Since visual loss may not be present in the earlier stages of retinopathy, regular screening of persons with diabetes is essential to enable early intervention.
In 2014, the World Heart Federation (WHF) launched
an initiative to develop a series of Roadmaps [1e6]. Their
aim is to identify potential roadblocks on the pathway to
effective prevention, detection, and management of cardiovascular disease (CVD), along with evidence-based
solutions to overcome... them. The resulting documents
provide a framework to translate strategic intent into action
on integrating epidemiology, population, and cardiovascular outcome trial data into national plans for optimal
CVD management.
Diabetes is a major public health problem. The rising incidence of Diabetes Type 2 is related to the effects of urbanization and unhealthy lifestyles. Research studies show that healthy eating and regular physical activity can prevent or delay the onset of Diabetes Type 2, even in high-risk individu...als.
Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common noncommunicable diseases worldwide. In the Eastern Mediterranean Region there has been a rapid increase in the incidence of diabetes mellitus and it is now the fourth leading cause of death. The increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus, the emergence of ...diabetes complications as a cause of early morbidity and mortality, and the enormous and mounting burden on health care systems make diabetes a priority health concern. These guidelines provide up-to-date, reliable and balanced information for the prevention and care of diabetes mellitus in the Region. The information is evidence-based and clearly stated to facilitate the use of the guidelines in daily practice. They are intended to benefit physicians at primary, secondary and tertiary level, general practitioners, internists and family medicine specialists, clinical dieticians and nurses as well as policy-makers at ministries of health. They provide the information necessary for decision-making by health care providers and patients themselves about disease management in the most commonly encountered situations.
Diabetes mellitus, also called diabetes, is a chronic metabolic condition in which the hormone insulin is not produced by the
pancreas in sufficient quantities or is not utilized effectively by the body to control blood glucose levels. As a result, blood
glucose levels are abnormally high (hypergl...ycaemia). Chronic uncontrolled hyperglycemia leads to long-term target organ damage, such as: retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy (microvascular complications); stroke, coronary heart disease
and peripheral arterial disease (macrovascular complications).
This review of the IFRC support to the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society response to the 2012 cholera outbreak provides ideas and concepts to promote a more coherent and evidence based rationale on how to make more effective use of IFRC global assets to stop, control, mitigate and respond to cholera ep...idemics. No fit and healthy person should die from cholera – that should be the indicator of success.
El fenómeno mundial de la Resistencia a los Antimicrobianos (RAM), es actualmente la principal amenaza para la salud pública en el siglo XXI, alcanzando proporciones preocupantes en todas las regiones del mundo. A su vez está poniendo en riesgo la sostenibilidad de los sistemas agroalimentarios y... con ello, la seguridad alimentaria y el comercio de alimentos
interim Guidance 1 December 2020. Updated version
This document provides updated guidance on mask use in health care and community settings, and during home care for COVID-19 cases. It is intended for policy makers, public health and infection prevention and control professionals, health care manag...ers and health workers.
The Annex provides advice on how to manufacture non-medical masks. It is intended for those making non-medical masks at home and for mask manufacturers
Guía para el Equipo de Salud del Primer Nivel de Atención.
En esta guía presentamos los conceptos fundamentales sobre la importancia de la participación
comunitaria y el rol del equipo de salud en la prevención y control de la tuberculosis, así como también
los pasos orientadores para real...izar un proyecto comunitario para ser aplicado en tuberculosis como
en cualquier otra problemática u oportunidad sanitaria local.
Programa Nacional de Control de la Tuberculosis
Le trouble anxiété de séparation (TAS) représente environ la moitié de l’ensemble des troubles anxieux
(Cartwright-Harton et al, 2006). La plupart des troubles anxieux pédiatriques
présentent les mêmes critères diagnostics que chez l’adulte à l’exception du TAS,
actuellement class...é dans le DSM et la CIM au sein des troubles habituellement
diagnostiqués dans la prime enfance, l’enfance ou l’adolescence (Krain et al, 2007).