Practical guide intended for physicians, pharmacists, nurses and medical auxiliaries. This guide is not a dictionary of pharmacological agents. It is a practical manual intended for health professionals, physicians, pharmacists, nurses and health auxiliaries invoved in curative care and drug managem...ent. We have tried to provide simple, practical solutions to the questions and problems faced by field medical staff, using the accumulated field experience of Médecins Sans Frontières, the recommendations of reference organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and specialized documentation in each field. Also available in French, Spanish and Arabic
Weekly epidemiological record Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire 27 MARCH 2015, 90th YEAR / 27 MARS 2015, 90e ANNÉE No. 13, 2015, 90, 121–132
An IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems
As more frequent droughts and floods threaten the global food supply, humans are increasing their demands on water and land,... The New York Times reports.
Data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report:
• 500 million people are living in areas that are becoming desert.
• Soil is depleted at 10X-100X the rate it’s being formed.
• More than 10% of the global population is undernourished.
Major threats include the risk of “multi-breadbasket failure”—simultaneous food crises on several continents—and migration triggered by food shortages.
Good News/Bad News: Catastrophe can be avoided, but it would require massive changes to agriculture, food systems and behavior.
A Key Action: Eat less meat. Cattle production is driving deforestation, consuming huge amounts of water, generating methane and causing other impacts, notes Nature.
At least half of the world’s population does not have full coverage of essential health services. Health expenses push more than 100 million people into extreme poverty each and every year, forcing them into terrible choices that no one should ever have to make: Buy medicine or food? Education or care? These stark statistics make the case for universal health coverage compelling.
The project was developed by the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), in line with the Federation’s statement “a world in which students are equipped with knowledge, skills and value to take on health leadership roles locally and globally so to... shape a sustainable future”. This was supported by an ongoing and vital engagement from the World Health Organization (WHO) and their work the United Nations Alliance on Climate Change Education, Training and Public Awareness. The overall objective was to create a “all in one” type of resource to bring together climate change, health and youth advocacy.
The purpose of this pocketbook is to provide clear guidance on current best management practices for VHF across health-care facilities
Updated to Reflect the 2009 Medical Eligibility Criteria of the World Health Organization
Almaty, 2016
Authors: Ganina L.Yu., head of epidemiology department, Republican AIDS Center (RAC), Yelizaryeva A. V., epidemiologist, RAC, Kaspirova А. А., head of epidemiology department, Aktobe Oblast AIDS center, IvakinV.Yu., deputy regional director for strategic information, ICA...P, KryukovaV.А., Strategic Information Specialist for Kazakhstan, ICAP, Abishev A. T., acting director general, RAC.
Edited by Saparbekov M. K., Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Hygiene Faculty of Medicine – GSPH KazNU n.a. Al-Farabi, Almaty c.