This document aims to encourage countries to develop and implement policies to maintain and strengthen IPC programmes and measures in health care facilities in the context of the current ongoing transmission of the SARS-CoV-2, with recognition that epidemiological trends may vary and the risk of tra...nsmission of other pathogens.
WHO invites Member States, health facilities and other entities to participate in the global effort to collect anonymized clinical data relating to suspected or confirmed cases of monkeypox and contribute data to the WHO Global Clinical Platform.
WHO has developed a clinical characterization case forms (CRF) to standardize data collection of clinical features of monkeypox among outpatient and hospitalized cases.
For onboarding to the WHO Global Clinical Platform for monkeypox, please contact:
Minimizing risk of developing antibiotic resistance and aquatic ecotoxicity in the environment resulting from the manufacturing of human antibiotic.
The Standard, facilitated by BSI Standards Limited (BSI), provides clear guidance to manufacturers in the global antibiotic supply chain to ensure t...hat their antibiotics are made responsibly, helping to minimize the risk of AMR in the environment.
Kenya Quality Model for Health - Level 2 Facilities
Kenya Quality Model for Health - Health Facilities
Kenya Quality Model for Health - Hospitals
This technical note summarizes the consolidated guidelines and adapts them to the context of Latin America and the Caribbean, in order to adequately monitor the number of people on ART. For this purpose, guidance is presented on the indicators and the methodology to know more precisely the number of... people who are in ART.
В этом документе представлены технические подробности и методологические пояснения по структуре инструмента ВОЗ
для прогнозирования запасов основных материало...в для работы с COVID-19 (ESFT). Документ предназначен для
предоставления информации, которая позволит пользователям a) отслеживать и понимать расчеты, допущения и
ограничения ESFT; и b) изменять эти допущения для различных условий или вариантов использования.
Таблица Excel см. ESFT
Available in Englisch, French and Portuguese
Most shelters in the Caribbean are community centers, schools, or churches that are limited in size. The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) distancing requirements subsequently reduced the number of persons a shelter can accommodate during the hurricane season. This document reinforces some to follow per international emergency shelter protocols factoring in conditions for spacing between beds/cots, recreation areas and ventilation according to The Sphere Handbook, FEMA, and Australian Red Cross. Physical distancing and hygienic standards were modified highlighting that ideal requirements are not always feasible; therefore, we may choose realistic recommendations for practical purposes and suspected cases of COVID-19.
This document is developed using technical input from the Interim Guidance on Scaling-up COVID-19 Outbreak in Readiness and Response Operations in Camps and Camp-like Settings and Key Considerations for Selecting Health Infrastructure for the Response to COVID 19 in addition to other tec...hnical guidance documents developed by WHO and referenced accordingly.
This document sets out the preparedness and response plan of the Nigerian Primary Health Care System for COVID-19 Acute Respiratory Disease. It outlines the planning scenarios, key areas of work and priority activities required for the Primary Health Care Sector to quickly scale up its core capacity... to prevent, quickly detect, characterize and efficiently respond, in a coordinated manner to the COVID-19 pandemic. These include guidelines for the setup and operationalization of COVID-19 response platforms at the national and state levels, guidelines for the provision of PHC services during the pandemic to minimize transmission in PHCs as well as guidelines for preparedness and response of PHC Centres and communities for COVID-19 case detection and response.
BMC Public Health (2019) 19:1608