ERJ Open Res 2017; 3: 00002-2017
Western Pac Surveill Response J. 2014 Oct-Dec; 5(4): 34–46.
Published online 2014 Dec 18. doi: [10.5365/WPSAR.2014.5.4.007]
Strategy for Increasing the use of Modern Contraceptives in Nigeria
Further Analysis of the 2000, 2005, and 2011 Demographic and Health Surveys. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 83
Further Analysis of the 2000, 2005, and 2011 Demographic and Health Surveys. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 79
Summary of key informant interviews with representatives of organizations providing, funding, or supporting WASH services to refugee populations
RDP conducted a water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) needs assessment in three areas (Bani Ahmed, Al-Aqiba, Al-Ahmol) located in Far Al Udayn district, Ibb Governorate (December 23th , 2017 to January 7th, 2018).
The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2018-2022 sets out the UN partnership aiming to support Nepal as it carves out its development agenda over the next five years. At the core of this new UNDAF are the SDGs, the Government of Nepal’s Fourteenth Plan, and international commi...tments and norms to which Nepal is a party. Leaping off from the lessons learned from the previous UNDAF (2013-2017), this new framework builds upon successes, incorporates emerging issues and agreements, and serves to address Nepal’s larger economic, social, and environmental objectives.
The Global Sexual and Reproductive Health Service Package for Men and Adolescent Boys has been developed to support providers of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to increase the range and quality of services to meet the specific and diverse needs of men and adolescent boys. This package... focuses specifically on the provision of such services integrated
within clinical and non-clinical contexts and follows a gender-transformative approach. It covers men and adolescent boys in all their diversity and takes a positive approach to SRH, seeing this not just as the absence of disease, but the positive expression of one’s gender, sex and sexuality. In doing so, this service package contributes to efforts to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) as prioritized in the Sustainable Development Goals. This package is in no way intended to detract from the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and adolescent girls, nor to divert resources, funding or attention from much-needed SRH services and programmes for women and adolescent girls.
Application for Program Design in the Europe and Eurasia Region
Education of children with disabilities in India and Pakistan: An analysis of developments since 2000 | Background paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2015 | Education for All 2000-2015: achievements and challenges