This interim guidance has been updated with advice on safe and appropriate home care for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and on the public health measures related to the management of their contacts.
A new global Police Handbook aims to address some of the most difficult challenges that survivors of violence face when accessing police and justice sector services around the world.
Policy Research Working Paper 6100 | Impact Evaluation Series No. 60 | This study examines the effect of performance incentives for health care providers to provide more and higher quality care in Rwanda on child health outcomes. The authors find that the incentives had a large and significant effec...t on the weight-for-age of children 0–11 months and on the height-for-age of children 24–49 months. They attribute this improvement to increases in the use and quality of prenatal and postnatal care. Consistent with theory, They find larger effects of incentives on services where monetary rewards and the marginal return to effort are higher. The also find that incentives reduced the gap between provider knowledge and practice of appropriate clinical procedures by 20 percent, implying a large gain in efficiency. Finally, they find evidence of a strong complementarity between performance incentives and provider skill .
21 августа 2020 г.
В этом документе представлены рекомендации для лиц, принимающих решения, работников общественного
здравоохранения и специалистов в области педиа...рии, касающиеся использования детских масок в условиях пандемии
Insights from a debate on how to increase funding for health and spend existing funds more effectively.
Catalyst Dialogue participants:
Christoph Benn, Director for Global Health Diplomacy, Joep Lange Institute • Jayati Ghosh, Professor of Economics, Univer...sity of Massachusetts at Amherst • Tom Hart, Research Fellow, ODI • Lesley-Anne Long, President & CEO, Global Business Coalition for Health • Riaz Tanoli, CEO, Social Health Protection Initiative, Health Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
World Health Organization Country profiles 2016
World Health Organization Country profiles 2017
Les notes d’orientation décrivent les mesures essentielles que les décideurs aux niveaux national et infranational peuvent mettre en place concernant les aspects suivants : les tests de diagnostic de la COVID19, la prise en charge clinique de la COVID-19, la réalisation des cibles en matière vaccination contre la
COVID-19, le maintien des mesures de lutte anti-infectieuse liées à la COVID-19 dans les établissements de soins de santé, les efforts visant à instaurer la confiance par la communication sur les risques et la participation communautaire ainsi que la gestion de l’infodémie liée à la COVID-19. La présente note d’orientation est axée sur la communication sur les risques et la participation communautaire dans le
contexte de la COVID-19.
An international field study by African and German theologicans and health workers.
Case management is an approach at the core of social work. Case management is the process required for improving the quality of life for vulnerable children in need of care and protection. This manual is intended to support social workers in their case management role and reduce overall workload by ...ensuring case management processes are conducted efficiently with best outcomes for children.
About six to seven million people worldwide, mostly in Latin America, are estimated to be infected with
Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas disease (WHO data from 2021). Chagas disease is
found mainly in endemic areas of 21 Latin American countries. Chagas disease was once entirely
confined to rural areas but in the last decades, due to population movements, most infected people live
in urban settings and the disease has spread to other continents. The burden of disease is due to its
chronic progression with people still suffering years later after initial infection.
Working Paper Series: No. 26
Burkina Faso has approximately 10.5 million inhabitants and is divided into 30 provinces. The study took place in the districts of Tougan, Nouna, and Solenzo, in provinces Sourou and Kossi, in north-west Burkina Faso. There is one medical centre in every district capital and 6 to 14 health centres i...n the surrounding villages. Each health centre covers a population of 10 000 to 15 000. The staff of one health centre generally consists of one nurse, a nurse aid and a midwife as well as one drug vendor for the nearby village pharmacy. The health personnel are trained and paid by the state.
7 April 2021
The holy month of Ramadan (mid-April to mid-May 2021) is marked by social and religious gatherings. Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative to observe the holiday with caution and care. This document provides up-to-date public health advice that can be applied across... different national contexts to make Ramadan-related activities safer.