Developmental disorders
Chapter C.5
In the course of implementing a recently funded network of hubs for building capacities in mental health service development, training, and research (RedeAmericas), the peer support workers are being introduced into the mental health workforce in three Latin American countries for the very first tim...e. They will be part of a team, along with community mental health workers, that provides a modified Critical Time Intervention to individuals with severe psychiatric disorders living in the community. This article reviewed the background of this increasingly widespread development, and discussed its merits, as well as potential obstacles within local contexts.
Dissertationsubmitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Brunel University
Guiding Principles and Recommendations
Chapter A.13
IACAPAP Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Child psychiatry & pediatrics
Chapter I.1
Somatoform disorders
Recognition, Assessment and Treatment
National Clinical Guideline Number 159
NICE guideline
Published: 23 May 2017
The Georgetown Undergraduate Journal of Health Services (2), 2012.
For those passionate about advancing public health education in their medical schools
Research Paper, Accessed April 10,2019
This report explores community-focused change initiatives in the financing, organization, and delivery of mental health services in Peru from 2013 to 2016. It examines the national dimension of reforms but focuses above all on implementation and results in the economically fragile district of Caraba...yllo, in northern Lima.
Q13: Are strategies aimed at improving community attitudes towards mental, neurological and substance use conditions (e.g. anti-stigma campaigns) feasible and effective?
Представлены данные о факторах риска, которые способствуют развитию суицидального поведения. На развитие суицидального поведения влияет целый ряд факторов: пол, ...озраст, место проживания, профессия, семейное положение, состояние здоровья и т.д. Отмечается влияние экономических и социальных факторов на уровень суицидальной активности населения. Наблюдаются взаимосвязи между психическими расстройствами, наркологическими заболеваниями (особенно алкоголизм) и суицидом. При наличии многочисленных исследований в области суицидологии целый ряд проблем остаётся неразрешенным. Необходимо их дальнейшее изучение. Особо следует отметить значимость «региональных» факторов риска, которые оказывают наибольшее влияние на формирование суицидального поведения в отдельно взятом регионе.
Challenges in achieving the MDG for maternal mortality. In-depth analysis of the EDHS 2000-2011