SDG target 3.3: by 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, waterborne diseases and other communicable diseases.
HIV drug resistance , Users Manual
December 2017
Evaluation Report
Evaluation Office
В борьбе с туберкулезом достигнуты значительные прорывы, среди которых ускоренные и более точные методы диагностики и первые новые лекарственные средства за 50 л...т, однако сохраняется губительное отставание во внедрении этих нововведений в практику и обеспечения доступа к ним для уязвимых и социально ущемленных групп населения, в том числе заключенных, людей, живущих с ВИЧ, внутренних и внешних мигранты и наркопотребителей
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0172392 February 16, 2017
JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF NURSES IN AIDS CARE, Vol. 28, No. 2, March/April 2017, 186-198
PLOS ONE | October 30, 2017
National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Conrol Programme
Guidelines for treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosisand patient care
2017 Update
Direct acting antivirals (DAAs) have revolutionized treatment for hepatitis C. Combi-
nations of DAAs can cure infection with HCV in 12 weeks, are highly effective and
have limited side-effects. Affordability of DAAs has improved significantly, but access remains lim-
i...ted. Initially, due to their high prices, affordability of DAAs was limited in high-, middle- and low-
income countries alike. Now there is a divide between those countries where, because of intellectual
property barriers, prices have remained (very) high and other countries where generics are, or can be,
available at much lower prices. The result is a dual market