Ensuring mental health and well-being has become a worldwide imperative and an important target of the Sustainable Development Goals. But in all countries around the world, our response has been woefully insufficient, and we have made
little progress to advance mental health as a fundamental human ...right.
One in ten people are affected by a mental health condition, up to 200 million people have an intellectual disability and an estimated 50 million people have dementia. Many persons with mental health conditions, or psychosocial, intellectual, or cognitive disabilities lack access to quality mental health services that respond to their needs and respect their rights and dignity.
Навчальні та методичні модулі ініціативи ВООЗ QualityRights було розроблено з метою покращення знань, навичок та розуміння ключових зацікавлених сторін про те, як сприя...и дотриманню прав людини осіб з інвалідністю внаслідок психосоціальних, інтелектуальних та когнітивних порушень, а також задля підви¬щення якості послуг і видів підтримки, які надаються в охороні психічного здоров’я та пов’язаних сферах, у відповідності з міжнародними стандартами прав людини та, зокрема, з Конвенцією про права осіб з інвалідністю та підходом, орієнтованим на відновлення.
El pediatra es el médico de cabecera de los niños pequeños y es el primero en ser consultado por las familias. Los padres esperan que el pediatra no solo sea un experto en atender al niño durante una enfermedad, sino que también lo sea en temas
vinculados al desarrollo. Las alteraciones del d...esarrollo son motivo frecuente de consulta en el ámbito pediátrico. La identificación temprana, el diagnóstico y el seguimiento de estos pacientes constituyen un verdadero desafío para los
médicos pediatras.Esta guía ofrece recomendaciones para la vigilancia del desarrollo, la pesquisa, la evaluación y el seguimiento de pacientes con
retrasos y discapacidades del desarrollo.
Tools and practical guidance for achieving high uptake
Durante muchos años, la enfermedad de Chagas ha sido una entidad olvidada en nuestro medio, pese a que Colombia posee las condiciones apropiadas para que esta infección se desarrolle y se perpetúe en el tiempo.
Esto se refleja en el poco conocimiento de la enfermedad y en la existencia de muchos... individuos que sufren una pérdida significativa de su calidad y esperanza de vida, así como en costos importantes para el sistema de salud.
Свод методических рекомендаций состоит из нескольких тематически связанных и удобных для пользователя модулей для решения широкого спектра задач и приоритетных ...проблем, возникающих при формировании политики и планировании услуг в области психического здоровья. Тематика каждого модуля представляет собой один из ключевых аспектов охраны психического здоровья.
2nd revised edition. Accessed Apri. 17, 2019
Prevention strategies based on scientific evidence working with families, schools, and communities can ensure that children and youth, especially the most marginalized and poor, grow and stay healthy and safe into adulthood and old age. For every dollar ...spent on prevention, at least ten can be saved in future health, social and crime costs.
Свод методических рекомендаций по вопросам политики и оказания услуг в области психического здоровья. Свод методических рекомендаций состоит из нескольких темат...ически связанных и удобных для пользователя модулей для решения широкого спектра задач и приоритетных проблем, возникающих при формировании политики и планировании услуг в области психического здоровья. Тематика каждого модуля представляет собой один из ключевых аспектов охраны психического здоровья. В вводном модуле под названием «Контекст психического здоровья» дается описание глобального контекста психического здоровья и краткое содержание всех остальных модулей. ´
Цель данного доклада – стать ресурсом, позволяющим руководителям и другим заинтересованным сторонам рассматри-вать предупреждение самоубийств как императив. То...ько в этом случае страны смогут предпринять своевременные и эффективные меры на национальном уровне и, таким образом, избавить граждан, семьи, местные сообществаи общество в целом от бремени страданий, вызываемых самоубийствами и суицидальными попытками.
Making the Case for Alcohol as a Public Health Threat in the Region. The purpose of this document is to explain the need for making alcohol a top public health priority in the region and the need for national and regional action. Current evidence-based research shows that alcohol consumption and dri...nking patterns in the Americas are at damaging levels, with the region surpassing global averages for many alcohol related problems.
There has been important progress for the rights of adolescent girls and women in recent decades, yet millions still struggle to
access the nutritious diets, essential nutrition services and nutrition and care practices they need to prevent malnutrition.
Undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies ...and anaemia amplify gender inequalities by lowering learning potential, wages and life opportunities for adolescent girls and women, weakening their immunity to infections, and increasing their risk of lifethreatening complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
This publication is a compendium of 49 country examples highlighting efforts in improving refugees’ and migrants’ health following the adoption of the WHO Global Action Plan on Promoting the health of refugees and migrants at the seventy-second World Health Assembly, in May 2019.
Children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable in humanitarian settings, yet they are often not able to access the services and protection they need. While multiple factors create these barriers, a major cause is how data about children with disabilities is collected and mapped. Data collect...ion processes often exclude or underrepresent the views of children with disabilities and thier caretakers. When the experiences of children with disabilities and their caretakers are not defined and collected, they become excluded from mainstreamed protective services, which are meant to serve all children. Children with disabilities also do not get the specialised interventions they need.
This guidance note explores how to use qualitative methods to create more robust assessment processes to ensure more effective programming and services for children with disabilities. This note provides promising practices for engaging with children with disabilities and includes sample tools that can be tailored to fit the needs of a particular assessment process. The note also explores the importance of thoughtful cross-sectoral responses so that children with disabilities, and their families, are carefully considered in areas like water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), education, health, and nutrition, and therefore receive the holistic support they need and deserve.
This note is intended for a broad audience of relevant child protection actors, including practitioners, coordination groups, researchers, and donors. The information is not limited to one type of humanitarian setting, geographic region, or culture. As a result, the practices and guidance should be adapted to each specific context, ideally in partnership with well-informed local actors, such as representatives from local organisations for persons with disabilities.
El presente informe incluye análisis de consultas informales en cinco de las regiones de la OMS: la Región de África, la Región de las Américas (donde se realizaron consultas separadas para el Caribe y América del Norte, y para América Latina), la Región de Asia Sudoriental, la Región de Eu...ropa y la Región del Mediterráneo Oriental, junto con tres foros en la Región del Pacífico Occidental. Se analizan las similitudes generales, los matices regionales y las prioridades planteadas en las seis regiones de la OMS para la participación significativa de las personas con experiencias vividas.
El presente informe es la segunda publicación de la serie «De la intención a la acción», un conjunto de recursos destinados a mejorar la limitada base de evidencia sobre el impacto de la participación significativa y abordar la falta de enfoques normalizados sobre cómo hacer operativa esta participación. La serie «De la intención a la acción» pretende llevar esto a cabo proporcionando una plataforma desde la que las personas con experiencias vividas, y los defensores de organizaciones e instituciones, puedan compartir soluciones, retos y prácticas prometedoras relacionadas con esta agenda transversal. La serie «De la intención a la acción» también tiene como objetivo proporcionar poderosas historias, inspiración y evidencia para la 4.ª Reunión de Alto Nivel de las Naciones Unidas sobre las ENT que se celebrará en 2025 y la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas para 2030.
This report includes analysis from informal regional consultations in the African Region, the Caribbean and North America, Latin America, South-East Asia Region, European Region, Eastern Mediterranean Region, alongside three forums in the Western Pacific Region. It analyses the overarching similarit...ies, regional nuances and priorities raised across the six WHO regions for the meaningful engagement of individuals with lived experience.
It is the second publication in the WHO Intention to action series, which aims to enhance the limited evidence base on the impact of meaningful engagement and address the lack of standardized approaches on how to operationalise meaningful engagement. The Intention to action series aims to do this by providing a platform from which individuals with lived experience, and organizational and institutional champions, can share solutions, challenges and promising practices related to this cross-cutting agenda. The Intention to action series also aims to provide powerful narratives, inspiration and evidence towards the Fourth United Nations High Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025 and achieving the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This report presents further analysis of the 2015 Nepal Health Facility Survey. Data analysis is based on the Donabedian framework for assessing quality of care in health services, which divides the indicators into three groups: structure, process, and outcome. The World Health Organization Service ...Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) indicator guideline was used to assess facility service readiness, service quality and client satisfaction with maternal health services. The study performed both bivariate and multivariate regression analysis to examine the association of maternal health service readiness and quality indicators with client satisfaction.
Advice on physical activity should be encouraged as part of treatment for adults with depressive episode/disorder with inactive lifestyles. In moderate and severe depression, this intervention should be considered as adjunct to antidepressants or brief structured psychological treatments.
As part of the Mental Health Gap Action Programme, WHO has developed training manuals (Training of trainers and supervisors training manual and Training of health-care providers training manual) to support implementation of the mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use (MNS...) disorders in non-specialized health settings, version 2.0. These manuals can be used to build capacity among non-specialist health-care providers in the assessment and management of people with priority MNS conditions in low resource settings.
This literature review summarizes the link between psychological well-being and entrepreneurial outcomes for small and medium-size enterprises in fragile, conflict, and violence–affected contexts. It identifies potentially promising, scalable psychosocial training interventions, based on cognitive...-behavioral therapy approaches, that can be adapted and implemented to improve psychological health at the individual level, that could lead to better business performance at the firm level.
This report explores community-focused change initiatives in the financing, organization, and delivery of mental health services in Peru from 2013 to 2016. It examines the national dimension of reforms but focuses above all on implementation and results in the economically fragile district of Caraba...yllo, in northern Lima.