Now entering its sixth year, the conflict in Syria continues to take a drastic toll on the lives of the Syrian people and to drive an unprecedented humanitarian and protection crisis: some 13.5 million people are now in need of humanitarian assistance and protection, including 6 million children. Ha...lf of the country’s pre-crisis population has been forced from their homes, with around one third of the remaining population now displaced within Syria and over 4.8 seeking refuge in neighbouring countries and beyond.
Children with disabilities in South Africa: The hidden reality is part of a multiple-country study conducted by ACPF. The study seeks to analyse how cultural, social, physical and other societal barriers prevent children with disabilities from enjoying their constitutional rights to equality, freedo...m and human dignity. It also seeks to establish opportunities and practices that could be used to address these barriers to enhance disabled children’s participation in society.
The report surveyed 9 leading bilateral and multilateral education donors in respect of their approach to disability-inclusive education.
Ces recommandations donnent aux personnes et aux familles vivant dans les zones touchées par le virus Ebola l'essentiel des conduites à tenir pour se protéger d'une maladie mortelle
Cette affiche sur Ebola ainsi que ces 20 messages étaient developpés par les personnes qui ont travaillé avec les enfants a Sierra Leone pendant la crise d´Ebola en 2014. CfH a 100 autres messages pour apprentissage et partage par les enfants a travers 10 sujets de Santé
March - December 2018
The Government of Bangladesh has kept its borders open to Rohingya refugees and leads the humanitarian response. The people of Bangladesh continue to show tremendous generosity and hospitality in the face of a massive influx. In keeping with its policies, the Government of Ban...gladesh refers to the Rohingya as “Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals”, in the present context. The UN system refers to this population as refugees, in line with the applicable international framework for protection and solutions, and the resulting accountabilities for the country of origin and asylum as well as the international community as a whole. In support of these efforts, the humanitarian community has rapidly scaled up its operations as well. Over a two-month period, the refugee population in Cox’s Bazar more than quadrupled.
Руководство ВОЗ по политике и практике информирования о рисках при чрезвычайных ситуациях (ИРЧС)
L’Enquête sur la Prestation des services de Santé du Rwanda de 2007 (EPSR) décrit comment le secteur formel de la santé du Rwanda fournit les servicesde planification familiale, de santé maternelle et infantile, de paludisme, de VIH/sida et d’autres maladies transmissibles.