The new WHO guidelines recommend that people living with HIV be started on antiretrovirals (ARVs) as soon as possible after being diagnosed. Currently, many people living with the virus globally must wait until their CD4 counts fall to 500 to start treatment. According to the WHO, the move to early ...treatment –or what some have dubbed the “test and treat” model –is backed by the latest research.
An evaluation of the prescribing patterns for under-five patients at a Tertiary Paediatric Hospital in Sierra Leone. J Basic Clin Pharma 2015;6:109-14.
It provides guidance on care for use in resource-limited settings or in settings where families with sick young infants do not accept or cannot access referral care, but can be managed in outpatient settings by an appropriately trained health worker. The guideline seeks to provide programmatic guida...nce on the role of CHWs and home visits in identifying signs of serious infections in neonates and young infants.
Voices from Eastern Aleppo. A Compilation of Testimonies Illustrating the Hardships of Daily Life in Eastern Aleppo under Barrel Bombings, through the Eyes of Local Residents
Q12. SCOPING QUESTION: In people with psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, are recovery-oriented strategies enhancing vocational and economic inclusion (such as supported employment) feasible and effective?
O PEN IV reune informação de inquéritos, estudos epidemiológicos e comportamentais, tendo como objetivo estabelecer os objetivos e metas no combate à epidemia do HIV/SIDA em Moçambique através de uma abordagem que reforça e dinamiza o envolvimento de todos os setores do Estado, Sociedade... Civil e Sector Privado.
Kit de ferramentas de avaliação e melhoria da qualidade e dos direitos humanos em serviços de saúde mental e de assistência social.
Kit de ferramentas de avaliação e melhoria da qualidade e dos direitos humanos em serviços
de saúde mental e de assistência social
Ciudad de México, México - 26 al 28 de mayo del 2014
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2014,3 :31
Final Report: Women in War
« Programme Renforcement et Décentralisation de la Prévention et de
la prise en charge des PVVIH en RCA »