Accessed: 02.05.2020
These consolidated guidelines provide recommendations for comprehensive prevention and case management strategies in Kenya
Scope of the Guidelines: Infection prevention and control Patient triage Emergency Medical Services Case management Laboratory testing algorithm
Target... Audience: Health care workers taking care of patients suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19
These guidelines combine both preventive and clinical management of the disease in Kenyan context. The protocol borrows various international recommendations including the World Health Organization, from experience of other countries such as China that has struggled with the outbreak for a longer time and from principles of virology and infectious disease management.
The Global Fund’s product and delivery outlook shows the overall impact of COVID-19 on health product supply chains for Global Fund grants has increased from "low to moderate" to "moderate."
The following is a breakdown of key considerations to guide planning and resource allocation for COVID-19 preparedness and response to support UNHCR regional and country operations in Public Health, WASH, Shelter and Settlements programmes. While some of the activities are more relevant in camps or ...settlements it is important to assess the availability of all services outlined. These are based on the Strategic preparedness and Response Plan for COVID 19 and UNHCR guidance for operations and, where relevant, operation or site level outbreak preparedness and response plans.
This document provides guidance to African Union Member States based on a specific request from Member States for a checklist/guidance of the required personal protective equipment (PPE) needed by healthcare workers and care givers for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This document ...has been synthesised from currently available evidence (1-6), with consideration to the African context, and as such, can be adapted to the country context.
Updated 2022. This guide addresses the care pathway from presentation of the patient to a health facility to patient discharge. It considers different levels of disease severity, from asymptomatic individuals to critically ill patients. Accounting for variations in the benefits and harms of chest im...aging in different situations, remarks are provided to describe the circumstances under which each recommendation would benefit patients. The guide also includes implementation considerations for different settings, provides suggestions for impact monitoring and evaluation and identifies knowledge gaps meriting further research.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) represent a range of physical, mental, and behavioral disabilities caused by alcohol use during pregnancy, or prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). FASDs are considered to be one of the leading preventable causes of developmental disability. Despite its high preval...ence, FASD is often misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed, making interventions more challenging or delayed.
his publication was initially developed for use in Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas and is intended to serve as a training workbook for providers of various disciplines to learn about the fundamentals of diagnosing FASD and to apply them to several case scenarios. It also discusses ethical implications of diagnosing FASD to the mother and child. Target audiences include physicians, psychologists, allied health professionals, social workers, and other providers that may encounter individuals affected by FASD. It is ideally used as a supplement for in-person training by experts in the fields of dysmorphology, epidemiology, and neuropsychology.
Ce document d'orientation est destiné aux cliniciens qui s'occupent de patients atteints de COVID-19 à toutes les phases de leur maladie (c'est-à-dire du dépistage à la sortie de l'hôpital). Cette mise à jour a été étendue pour répondre aux besoins des cliniciens de première ligne et fa...vorise une approche multidisciplinaire des soins aux patients atteints de COVID-19, y compris ceux qui présentent une maladie légère, modérée, grave et critique. Les sections suivantes sont entièrement nouvelles : parcours de soins COVID-19, traitement des infections aiguës et chroniques, gestion des manifestations neurologiques et mentales, maladies non transmissibles, réadaptation, soins palliatifs, principes éthiques et déclaration du décès ; les chapitres précédents ont également été considérablement étoffés.
The Russian Federation continues to be a major destination country for Central Asianlabour migrants. There were nearly million Central Asians living in the Russian Federation in 2019, mainly coming from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan in order to seek employment opportunities. Men continue to... make up the majority of Central Asian migrants in Russia, but the number of women is increasing