Save the Children in Albania is establishing and strengthening structures and mechanisms which monitor and advocate for children’s rights, promote ways to protect children from all forms of exploitation and violence and also empower and support children and their representatives to meaningfully ad...vocate for implementation of their rights and influence decisions that bring about changes in their future lives.
Disabled children: a legal handbook is an authoritative yet accessible guide to the legal rights of disabled children and their families in England and Wales. The handbook aims to empower disabled children and their families through a greater understanding of their rights and entitlements. It is es...sential reading for the families of disabled children, their advocates and lawyers, voluntary and statutory sector advisers, commissioners, managers and lawyers working for public authorities, education, social and health care professionals, students and academics.
Each chapter has been adapted into a PDF for you to download for free
A finalidade deste documento é apresentar orientações
provisórias para intervenções destinadas a reduzir o risco
de infecção pelo vírus Zika e para tratar potenciais complicações durante a gravidez. Estas orienta ções baseiam-se nas melhores evidências disponíveis da investigação... e abrange áreas priorizadas por um grupo
internacional e multidisciplinar de profissionais de saúde e outras partes interessadas. Especificamente, apresenta: orientações para evitar a infecção pelo vírus Zika; cuidados pré-natais e tratamento dasmulherescom infecção;e cuidados durante a gravidez atodas as mulheres grávidas que vivam nas zonas afectadas, com o objectivo de
optimizar os resultados da saúde nas mães e nos recém-nascidos.
Conseils pour les parents de jeunes de 11 à 16 ans
5e édition remaniée, novembre 2016
PlosOne; Food production is a major driver of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water and land use, and dietary risk factors are contributors to non-communicable diseases. Shifts in dietary patterns can therefore potentially provide benefits for both the en...vironment and health. However, there is uncertainty about the magnitude of these impacts, and the dietary changes necessary to achieve them.
This manual for developing national action plans to address antimicrobial resistance has been developed at the request of the World Health Assembly to assist countries in the initial phase of developing new, or refining existing national action plans in line with the
strategic objectives of the Glo...bal Action Plan. It proposes an incremental approach that countries can adapt to the specific needs, circumstances and available resources of each individual country. Details of actions to be taken will vary according to national contexts.
The International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and
Allied Professions (IACAPAP) aims to promote the mental health and
development of children and adolescents worldwide. It seeks to achieve
this by contributing to the training and professional development of the
child and adole...scent mental health professionals by disseminating up-todate
and high-quality information through its publications, organization
of biennial international congresses, and study groups. IACAPAP has a
long tradition of publishing monographs released to coincide with the
congresses, with the first one published in 1970.
Catalogage à la source : Bibliothèque de l’OMS Rapport mondial sur le vieillissement et la santé.
1.Vieillissement. 2.Espérance de vie. 3.Sujet âgé. 4.Services de santé pour personnes âgées. 5.Santé mondiale. 6.Dynamique des populations. 7.Prestations des soins de santé. I.Organisation... mondiale de la Santé.
ISBN 978 92 4 256504 1 (Classification NLM : WT 104) ISBN 978 92 4 069482 8 (ePub)
ISBN 978 92 4 069483 5 (Daisy)
ISBN 978 92 4 069484 2 (PDF)